Blowing off some steam

(I have 5 chips now, that means I'm Lvl 1 right....that's what Majin told me.)

"As expected this fight is done." Polarman says with barely any expression. Suddenly he grins. "On to the next one." He charges into the net looking for another fight.
((That is correct, you have 1 level))
Therefore, more viruses.

CanondumbA: 50
CanondumbB: 50
ShrubbyA: 50
ShrubbyB: 50

Polarman: 70

((Remember to state which battle you're on. ^_^))

-Oh god, viruses-
(Gah got to remember to post more often.)

"Alright, these guys don't look so tough, lets finish them quick. Klin, send me the Rageclaw."

"Gotcha. Download Rageclaw!" Polarman's arm transformed into the mighty claw.

"Ok here we go boyos." Polarman states simply as he charges right into the middle of the enemy.

Heading first for CannondumbA, Polarman puts the Rageclaw in front of him, bringing the tips together to form a spear. He jumps up into the air and brings his "spear" down upon the Cannondumb with great force. Rolling as he hits the ground, he pushes off with his normal hand, launching himself over CannondumbA. Landing on the hand he used to push off, he spins himself, using the spin to add force as he again slashes CannondumbA.

Finishing his spin, he gets himself quickly onto his feet and turns to watch the remaining ememies, keeping his Rageclaw for a second barrage.

1. Rageclaw CannondumbA(40)
2. Rageclaw CannondumbA(40)
3. Dodge
The cannon was taken out swiftly, and the two shrubs shoot out giant logs, and one of them hit you right in the gut.

CanondumbA: dead
CanondumbB: 50
ShrubbyA: 50
ShrubbyB: 50

Polarman: 60