Some quick battles

The Spooky warps just before the attack lands and reappears right in front of Valkerie, who wastes no time cutting it down.

(Formation: Scattered)
Metool A: !DELETED!
Metool B: DELETED!
Metool C: DELETED!
Metool D: !DELETED!
Spooky A: !DELETED!
Spooky B: DELETED!

Valkyrie: 80
Nikko: 85

Rewards: 100z each, Recovery10 to Valkerie and Guard to Nikko
"Whew....not half bad...we now have another chip but.....only an extra 100z."
"Ya...too bad. anyways....been buying chips."
"What useless chips did you get us?"
"Two recover10's for a combined total of 3500z."
"WHAT!? you could have bought a recover30 for that!!"
"Nikko....DON'T make me bring out the collar."
"Hehehe....i'll be good!"

nikko then downloaded the zenny and chip data.
((Nikko got a guard Valkyrie got the recov))

- Well thats a negative record...

- Hurry up with the busting.

Valkyrie downloaded the chip data and the zenny, then searched for another group of virii that she could fight with her new ally.

(i know.)

nikko started walking again behind her new freind, not knowing what to think.
Virus Attack!

CanodumbA: 50
CanodumbB: 50
CanodumbC: 50
BunnyA: 50
BunnyB: 50
BunnyC: 50
SpikeyA: 90
SpikeyB: 90

Valkyrie: 80
Nikko: 85

Battle 2 Start!
"MEOW! d...d...DOGS!" nikko cowered at the sight of the spikeys.
"Nikko! get ahold of yourself!"
"DOGS GONNA DELETE ME!" Nikko said, running around in a panic.
"NIKKO! you can delete them! they only have 90 HP."
"Yes. Rageclaw, guard battle chips in and download."

A large pair of bear claws appeared, replaceing Nikko's paws. Nikko then jumped at MetoolA, trying to slash it a new one, then Nikko jumped twords BunnyA and gave it a large slash as well, trying to delete it as well. Nikko then suddenly stoped and raised a large yellow sheild in front of her, trying to avoid being hit. Nikko then, as soon as the sheild went down, Nikko started running around the area, trying to avoid being hit by the enemys.

RageClawX2---->MetoolA, BunnyA (50 to each)
Guard (??)
- Thats a hefty sum... sending sword

- I'll make quick work of them.

As usual, Valkyrie started the battle attacking the strongest enemy in sight; this time it was the spikey. She charged at the wolf closer to her, arriving shoulder first trying to ram the virii with her armor. Then she spin around with the sword in hand, letting out a quick slash in the direction of the other spikey. Finally, she took a step backwards and activated the guard chip.

1. SigAttack SpikeyA(40)
2. Sword SpikeyB (90)
3. Guard)
The Bunny is flung aside, but in her panic, Nikko attacks something that isn't there and end up face to face with one of the spikeys. Valkerie comes to her rescue, dashing in and finishes the beast. She doesn't waste any time slashes down the other dog, getting rid of the source of her partner's phobia. How sweet. A Bunny attacks Nikko but it reflects sand a Canodumb attacks Valkerie and what do you know, it refelcts too.

CanodumbA: 30
CanodumbB: 50
CanodumbC: 50
BunnyA: 50
BunnyC: 30

Valkyrie: 80
Nikko: 85
- Dogs are taken care of, its time to heal a bit.

- Thats not a bad idea... but I'll take care of this little bunny here first.

That being said, Valkyrie charged at the bunny. She used her claw to to slash forward, trying to take care of the virii in one swipe. Then she activated shield, protecting herself from incoming attacks, so she can use the recovery10 chip undisturbed.

1. RageClaw (50) BunnyA
2. Guard
3. Recovery10]
"Whew....good thing their deleted."
"Here Nikko, recover10 double download."

a small blue light flooded nikko's body, restoreing her to full HP as she then used her signature attack to pounce on CannondumbC, attempting to turn it into nothin but spare parts as her body started running around quickly, trying to avoid being hit by the viruses.

recover10X2 (reover 10HPX2)
cat attack---->CannondumbC (50, stun, rest of actions are dodges)
dodge due to cat attack
Each navi takes a minute to recharge before picking out an enemy and deleting it. The Canodumb blasts the Guard, having it reflect back.

CanodumbA: 30
CanodumbB: 30
CanodumbC: DELETED!
BunnyC: 30

Valkyrie: 90
Nikko: 100
"Heh, time to take the last of them out."

Nikko then jumps at BunnyC and takes one large slash at it with the rage claw, hopeing to delete it this time as she dismissed the rageclaw from her paws. then nikko's claws made an appearance as they glowed brightly with a blue light, as she then jumped into CannondumbA, hopeing to delete it with her charge attack.

rageclaw--->BunnyC (50)
charge attack---->CannondumbA (36)

- That felt good.

Recharged, Valkyrie entered the battlefield once again. She lunged forward, launching a devastating attack on the canodumbs. With the RageClaw on her left and the Sword in her right, she was the reaper of the battlefields personified. She danced around the canodumbs, laughing as she dealt deadly strikes one after another.

1. Rageclaw (50) CanoDumbA
2. Sword (90) CanoDumbB
3. Dodge]
The rest are wiped out by the attacks. As Nikko runs around, concentrating on dodging the viruses, she doesn't pay attention nearly enough on avoiding her partner and crashes into her. As her eyes reopen, she finds herself staring down at Valkerie. Too bad she's wearing a helmet~

CanodumbA: DELETED!
CanodumbB: DELETED!
CanodumbC: DELETED!

Valkyrie: 90
Nikko: 100

Rewards: 325z each
nikko, blushing, jumped off of Valkyrie and started licking her fur to clean herself off from that fight.

"Hehe....sorry about that, seems like you two need to get something called 'stratagy' into your fights."
"*grrr* i would think you should shut up now timmy."
"I SAW you blushing when you crashed into her."
"WOULD you LIKE to piss me off timmy?"
"not like you could do anything to me here in the real world."
" <_< "

nikko started walking off on all fours this time, ready to claw out timmy's eyes.
Dancing around turrets, getting shot with electric beams, fighting with numerous virii, Valkyrie never got knocked down. She had a pride in that; being able to ride the tides of war and newer kneel in front of any enemy...

That was, until now. What dozens of virii couldn't achieve, a cat girl did out of clumsiness. Valkyrie was taken by surprise and the pouncing navi knocked her off her feet. To make matters worse that silly Navi was just on top of her. She felt ashamed.

-Do you mind?- She asked as she was trying to get up from the ground. There was a hint of anger in her voice to say the least. Worst thing is that she could just feel the smile one his operators face...

After getting out of this intriguing position, Valkyrie started to search for some remaining virii. Although she enjoyed the fights, she had just enough of others for today.
Some pretty viruses for the pretty pair~!

MetoolA: 40
MetoolB: 40
MetoolC: 40
ShrubbyA: 50 (behind MetA)
ShrubbyB: 50 (behind MetB)
ShrubbyC: 50 (behind MetC)
SeedbatA: 50
SeedbatB: 50
SeedbatC: 50
SeedbatD: 50

Valkerie: 90
Nikko: 100

Batttle ? Start!
- Maybe a good fight will quell my anger...

-Did you say something?

Valkyrie didn't want to waste her time anymore. She strengthened her grip on the sword, readied her claws and charged into the battle. She quickly closed the gap between the virii and herself. The anger that she felt because of that humiliating situation turned into rage, feeding the power of her strikes. She was a whirlwind of destruction, flinging metools aside with her massive claws and the glowing sword. She will reach those cowardly virii that hide behind the mets soon enough...

1. Rageclaw MetoolA (50)
2. Sword MetoolB (90)
3. Rageclaw MetoolC (50)]
"Not more viruses...."
"I know, i know. rageclaw battle chip in and download."

as Timmy slotted in the chip a large pair of bear claws appeared on Nikko's paws. Nikko then jumped at SeedbatA, trying to bring down her arial foe as she then made another two jumps at SeedbatB and C, trying to take them out just like another of their allys. Nikko then jumped around the area, makeing sure not to jump on top of her ally, Valkyrie, and not piss her off even more as she heard what Valkyrie had said with her large cat ears.

rageclawX3---->SeedbatA-C (50 to each)
jump around like a mad cat (dodge)
Valkerie takes down each met. The shrubbies are now exposed. Nikko strikes down two bats, but one swoops out of the way. A Shubby rolls a log into Valkerie, tripping her. If only she was wearing a skirt, Nikko would be in heaven. The seedbat attacks, blowing around her fur a bit but not hitting.

ShrubbyA: 50 (behind MetA)
ShrubbyB: 50 (behind MetB)
ShrubbyC: 50 (behind MetC)
SeedbatA: DELETED!
SeedbatB: 50
SeedbatC: DELETED!
SeedbatD: 50

Valkerie: 80
Nikko: 100