Good harrows to ye lassies!

I received this letter from a very odd friend, I'd wish to share it with all of you guys as a new member...

"I am writing this letter rather reluctantly. I do not wish to begin an incendiary debate about NetPolice's quips. However, NetPolice has recently made a few statements that I find disturbing to such a degree that I cannot remain silent. Let's review the errors in NetPolice's statements in order. First, NetPolice harbors a sense of entitlement and an expectation of success beyond reason.

I hope that NetPolice's announcements were intended as a joke, although they're not very funny if they were. NetPolice makes it sound like it is cunctipotent. That's the rankest sort of pretense I've ever heard. The reality is that exclusionism is dangerous. NetPolice's jackbooted version of it is doubly so.

I can't help but wonder: Why does everyone hate NetPolice? Is it because of its business practices, exclusivity, disloyalty, disrespect, or because NetPolice keeps trying to funnel significant amounts of money to contemptuous, fatuitous slaves to fashion? A complete answer to that question would take more space than I can afford, so I'll have to give you a simplified answer. For starters, its deputies are merely ciphers. NetPolice is the one who decides whether or not to stretch credulity beyond the breaking point. NetPolice is the one who gives out the orders to threaten, degrade, poison, bulldoze, and kill this world of ours. And NetPolice is the one trying to conceal how you should be sure to let me know your ideas about how to deal with it. I am eager to listen to your ideas and I undeniably hope that I can grasp their essentials, evaluate their potential, look for flaws, provide suggestions, absorb feedback, suggest improvements, and then put the ideas into effect. Only then can we create a world in which diabolism, narcissism, and denominationalism are all but forgotten. Now that this letter has come to an end, let me remind you that it was intended to provide an accurate, even-handed, and balanced discussion of NetPolice and its newsgroup postings. Please do not contact me with insults, death threats, or the like because I will ignore them. If you disagree with my arguments or can provide further information about NetPolice, please contact me and I will endeavor to make any necessary corrections to this letter."

I dare say I hope I'll make friends in this establishment...


P.S. Hiiiii Mental! How's it hanging?
Member Name: Mental, lolololol

Its' hangin ike a chihmp-pan-zorro dyed teh deehpest sahde of awesome, dinnar!

-Mental, lolololol
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