Mill and Lilia stepped out of the Metroline station only to find a sea of people, cars, buildings, and lights. It would takes years of training to be able to safely navigate this town's streets. Of course, neither of the siblings had anywhere near that much.

"I really hate this place..." grumbled Mill as he scanned the chaos. He should really still be asleep right now.

"Oh come on, Mill! We need to find my Navi!" moaned Lilia, irritated by her older brother's whining.

"Yeah, yeah..." muttered Mill as he peered into the town for someplace to jack in. "Hmm... Oh, there's a NetCafe. Maybe we could actually get some space in there. Come on, let's go." Mill grabbed Lilia's arm and started forcing their way through the traffic.

After detours, swearing, and one near-fight, the pair finally found their way to the NetCafe. Exasperated, they walked in and went up to the counter. "One computer, two seats." said Mill as he pulled out his wallet. After paying the bill (and nearly emptying his wallet in the process), Mill and Lilia went up to an empty computer and pulled up some seats. Mill pulled his PET out and placed it on the table.

"Alright Magna, go find Lilia's Navi." commanded Mill.

"Acknowledged. Beginning search of Unit Lilia's Navi application." responded the Navi.

"I'm counting on you, Magna! Good luck!" shouted Lilia as Magna warped into the Electown Net.

(Jacking in)