The hunt is on.

Aida gave a nod. "Y-you're in the b-battle too?"
"Yeah, I'm the guy operating the navi that looks like a blue dragon." Shin replied. "Name's Fujiwara Shin, your's?"
"A-Aida....Aida Ambridge." She softly replied, "I am the n-netop of Capuch-chin...."
"I see... Well glad to have you on the... team? Aida." Shin said.
Anti looked over at the newcomer. Was this who was operating the monkey? She didn't seem to have any of Capuchin's spirit at all. Anti doubted whether she could stand up for herself in any kind of peril, or even no peril at all.

"Anti," Raiden hinted, "it would be advisable that--"

"All right, fine," she grumbled back. Anti was beginning to get a hang of how Raiden worked while he was running around in the SciLab network. She turned to Aida again.

"I'm Anti, Raiden's Operator. Let's get this done soon and take those chips back to where they belong."
Aida gave a nodd and a soft reply "R....Ri-right...."
"Head back to the Netsquare." Shin said.
"Well gotta go. See you guys around soon." Shin said, and with that, he ran off to Yumland.
Shin had gone, but Aida still remained. Anti's PET found its way back into her coat pocket at record speed, and she graced Aida with a nod before she turned and headed off at a quick step, various things going through her mind.

"Goodbye, Aida," Raiden called from her pocket, his voice monotone again.
Aida took her PET an dgave a sigh. "I s-suppose I should go too." She then made her way onto the metro and back home in ACDC.