The Road goes ever on and on

"..Down from the door where it began." Sora walked down the streets of ACDC towards the park, looking towards the sky with a smile, her hand on her beret to keep it from falling off

"Now far ahead the Road has gone, And I must follow, if I can" Juri, in her holographic form, was walking right next to Sora, smiling with her

"Pursuing it with eager feet," Sora looked down from the sky and to her companion next to her, who returned the gaze

"Until it joins some larger way" Juri continued on with the poem as they both turned into the Park

"Where many paths and errands meet. And whither then? I cannot say." the two had said in sync as they both sat down on a bench, both sighing happily

"Finally summer vacation" Sora leaned back, her arms dangling behind her and behind the back of the bench

Juri nodded and looked down at her hands and moved then, looking curious at them "Its kinda weird to be able to walk about outside of work for a change"

"mmmmhmmm" Sora just closed her eyes and basked in the sun

Juri moved around a bit and laid back, with her head in Sora's lap, joining Sora in the basking
Can't get much better weather than this. Much nicer than being cooped up in my stuffy office fixing what's been broken and breaking what I've already fixed.

Kurt was lost in his idle thoughts as he crossed the street leisurely strolling towards ACDC park. After taking a few steps through the entrance of the park, he took in a deep breath of fresh air and closed his eyes, letting his head tilt back a little to fully appreciate the sunshine. Exhaling deeply through his nose, he lowered his head, his eyes sweeping across the park for a place to sit and better enjoy the scenery. Blinking heavily, the two nearly identical young ladies caught his eye, one laying in the other's lap, on a nearby park bench. The sight caught him by surprise slightly as he let a thought slip out of his mouth.

"Must've been working in there too long. I'm starting to see double."
Sora looked up and saw the man that had sat down on a near by bench. She smiled towards him. She poked Juri in the shoulder, but Juri only response was shrugging the poke off, not moving off of Sora's lap, looking contently just laying there.

Sora let out a small sigh and continued to poke Juri to get off of her lap.

(Sorry it took a while to reply computer problems yesterday with my home computer caused by a power outage on that prior night.)
Kurt, realizing that his glance had been met with a smile, returned one in favor. But the small grin quickly grew into a much larger one as the amusing scene began to form. He nibbled on his upper lip with a faint quiver in his best attempts to burst out in laughter. It looked like a well-rehearsed comedy routine with one poking the other in feeble attempts to get some attention, while the other was completely oblivious to the situation.

Maybe they're actors working on a scene... Or maybe they're just goofing around. Certainly catching quite a bit of attention, acting like that.

Perhaps I should try and get the lady's attention. Lend a hand before things get even more foolish.

Kurt stood up from the bench and inhaled deeply, doing his best to compose himself. Walking directly over to the two, he spoke, trying in vain not to offend anyone by laughing.

"Excuse me. I don't believe I've seen you two ladies here before. Are you from out of town or did you just move to the area?"
Sora smiled "Actually we've lived here for a few years, just we havnt much time to get out and about cause of work and schooling"

Juri just turned over and curled up a little on the bench, her back facing away from the back of the bench.

Sora blinked a few times ".. youre enjoying this too much arent you?"

Juri smirked and nodded
"I understand that all too well. Get cooped up in the workshop for too long and the light of day feels like a foreign thing. Always best to take a break at those times and get some fresh air."

Kurt folded his arms across his chest and leaned against a nearby lamp post. The laughter that he had been holding in at first had subsided and he was no longer biting his lip shut, but the smile still remained. However this didn't last long as a clattering bell sounded from his PET. He sighed slightly as lifted it up to read the message on the screen.

"However those breaks never seem to last long enough. Terribly sorry to bother you and run like this, but work calls."

Kurt smiled once more quickly, before spinning about on his heel and hurrying back out of the park the way he came in.
Sora frowned at the possible company leaving, she sighed "oh well"

Juri opened one eye "aww... he left...."

Sora flicked Juri's nose "no thanks to you"

"ow! you know I dislike it when you do that my poor nose" Juri started to rub her nose.
After a while, Sora and Juri went back to basking in the sunlight, just trying to enjoy the day. But that soon was interrupted, Juri's eyes shot open "... new news on the fight thats going down from the news networks... it doesn't look good for the netpolice"

Sora sighed, not opening her eyes "its a fight that we aren't involve with.. or atleast not yet.. lets try not to worry about it..."

Juri didnt respond, just closing her eyes "as good as this feels.. I am a little bored..."

"mm......." was all that Sora replied with
After a while, Sora pushed Juri's head out of her lap "Alright I think thats enough.. I'm bored, lets go wander around town for a bit, maybe we'll run into someone."

Juri sat up and shrugged "Alright I guess"

"maybe we'll stop by SciLabs later to see whats going on over there if we can't find anything to do here" Sora brushed herself off as she stood up.

With that Juri got up with Sora and they started to walk out of the park, with no real destination in mind.

(Minor edit)
After a while, after finding nothing to do within ACDC, the two decided to head off towards SciLabs just to poke around the area to see if anything of interest was happening.

(Scene Fade Out to black, cue traveling music)

(Traveled to SciLabs: Zodian Pride)

(Edited to try something new and provide links to and from posts to different threads for ease of following along for those who just read, will be doing this for a few other posts since there arent that many to do.)
(Traveled From SciLabs: Zodian Pride)

Sora and Juri arrived back in ACDC. They walked back to the small house that they've been living in for a while.

Inside, Sora took the new pet beetle of Juri's and put it into a Tupperware container, filled it with some leaves, twigs and a few other foliage from outside, and covered it with a sheet of plastic wrap with a few holes in it.

Sora went and got cleaned up before setting down at her desk, now in shorts and a loose T, comfy ware as she likes to call it, she sat down at her desk.

Juri disappeared, leaving a ghost for a second, but it then faded.

Sora turned to the desk and spoke in a clear voice "Access the wireless I/O Port Protocol and initiate Network Interface with the router."

a holographic screen appeared infront of Sora, hovering over the desk, the hologram was created by the gloves she wore. On the screen it showed statistics, information, a map window, and a First Person View window, that when connected to the net, would show what Juri sees, but at the moment it is blank since they havent connected yet.

"Holographic User Interface and Wireless I/O Port Protocol Initiated, Interfacing with Wireless Network Completed. Connection with ACDC Network Complete, transmission complete." Juri's voice spoke strong and direct.

"Alright Juri, we're gonna run some exercises" Sora looked at the screens, the map viewer and FPViewer became active and displayed video "we're just gonna be testing things out for a bit"

(Network Interfaced To ACDC Net: I/O Protocol Active)