Swat didn't give him much of a choice. The tall, black-armored woman ushered Durandal and his SP along quickly, just as she had before. "I liked your performance out there. I wish I'd gotten a shot at this event too, but Showbizz said 'the audience won't really relate to a swat team operative, and besides, they don't use swords.' A baton is plenty effective. I wouldn't have minded trying it out against you,"[b][/b] she bantered, giving a disarming smile at the end that contrasted with the militant look of her suit and helmet.
"Hey Swat, get off of our King Arthur's mystical Excalibur and go escort that Vandal guy out of his match, okay? I don't want him messing with the other competitors any more. Especially not with how buzzed he's looking after knocking that gladiator guy's block off... We're lucky the gladiator was a douchebag too, or that would have been a ratings nightmare," the host barked, calling Swat away from Durandal. The enforcer navi disappeared through another of the warp gates.
Just as she did, a small female ninja garbed in an eccentric outfit, featuring black and yellow with a thunderbolt pattern woven in. The navi's brown hair bobbed as she glanced up towards Durandal. "Static Elec-Energy Navi Ninja, Shocking Kunoichi Vee," she spoke suddenly, pulling down the cloth that covered her mouth to make her voice heard. "Looks like our fight is next."
Durandal noticed that the big monitor in the waiting room had been updated, giving a new readout of upcoming matches:
Quote (Brackets)
Round 1:
Left bracket Top:Fencervs. Samurai
Left bracket Bottom: Vandal vs.Gladiator
Right bracket Top: Ninja vs.Martial Artist
Right bracket Bottom: Knight vs.Pirate
Round 2:
Left bracket: Samurai vs. Vandal
Right bracket: Ninja vs. Knight