Discussion: Introducing--the New NetSquare!

I have a question to all who have participated in this hunt as vigilantes.

What of the theft? The Sharo group did not recover any Battle Chips. We know of the battle in the NetSquare, and believe that the HeelNavis we fought were a distraction.

It was believed that the chip data was in the posession of the HeelNavis serving as said distraction, but as mentioned before, defeating them yielded no such thing.

If any group has information on the situation, please notify my operator, Kazuhiro Ishihara, via e-mail or a phone call, or by posting here. Our group is in a debate as to whether to join the battle in the NetSquare or search for data. One of our group has already abandoned us.

Many thanks,
Yeah, my group at SciLabs didn't recover any chips as well.
This is odd, maybe there were no Sunshine chips to begin with.
Maybe it was all a ruse.
-Fujiwara Shin
Looking through the Chip Database... There is indeed a chip named "Sunshine." But I'm not quite sure if that's the same kind of "Sunshine" everyone seems to be talking about.
Man, I wish Gunner and I could have come in time. I hate not knowing these things.
<Swift and Gunner.EXE>