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Internet City today has announced that they have recorded their ten-thousandth registered user since their opening two years ago. The NetPolice and NanoPengi have begun an operation to supply all PET users with an account for Internet City as part of a joint-operation to raise awareness of the area and of the importance of technology. The CEO of Internet City released this statement.
"It is a huge honor that we here at Internet City can join with both the NetPolice and NanoPengi to create our Internet Utopia. Security in Internet City is at its finest, and with the help of the NetPolice and NanoPengi, we feel confident that no one will be able to spoil our creation for the thousands of users who log in everyday."
We tried to contact the CEO of the NanoPengi for his comments, but he was unable to be contacted, as the company is busy developing a Link PET version of the popular Navi Customizer program.
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