Bloodsong House Rules

Don't worry, us low-charisma people'll stick together!

And I am beating the crap out of Wooga...


Quote (Kazuhiro)

One thing, you guys.

I know that RERN trains you to post walls-of-text, but it really does not add to this RP. I am in no way discouraging long posts, but I am discouraging unneccecarily long posts.

You can talk all you want, and you can describe all you want, but I would greatly prefer if you didn't spend much time with your interior monolouge or other such things that tend to extend your post without getting anything done.

Thank you.

Thank God

As to not be completely outdone and to keep things consistant, I was working on my post in my spare time (have very little). Instead I suppose that I will just write a realisticly long post this time. Right after I wake up and my headache is gone...
I don't have the points to invest in Leadership. ;~;

Blah. Intimidate and Diplomacy will do.

And Swim. Can't forget Swim. XD

Oh, and Aims: I'm carrying over 100 lb as it is. I think I'm the pack-mule right now.

I should've mentioned this earlier, but now is the time to erase something that I hate: Common.

There is no such language as Common. Most educated NPCs will speak the tounge of the Plains, however.

Your automatic language should now change to your choice of a racial language or a language related to your character's homeland. If you already have both your racial language and your home language, then simply trade Common for another bonus language.
Make sure you read the post right before this one!

Also, my dice are here, so I will no longer be relying on someone's manifestation of the RNG. Kudos to RoboTek for finding me a site.
But if there's no common... eh...

Won't that create big problems for parties with over two races? I mean, not being able to read someone else's hand-writing is one thing, but to think that Grakas will be entirely unable to understand any species other than Orcs and one other race seems kind of extreme. I always assumed common was there to allow civilized groups of people, or otherwise non-isolated ones, to speak with each other...
Would it be better if, instead of taking away Common, I gave you another automatic language in its place? After all, there are plenty of Japanese who only speak Japanese. In your unique case, the extra language should be all you need (Hint: Make them regional, not racial languages) and for everyone else, that's what Speak Language is there for.
First post updated with general geographical locations.
If everyone's OK with it, I'd like to snipe an idea from Tom.

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The battle system will also be a tad different from usual. What you as a player do should remain the same. You'll roll for initiative, make attack and move actions, same as normal. What's different is that while there is a definite turn order, there is no limit as to who posts when. The action all resolves itself at the end of the turn, much like with RERN battles. This works rather nicely, as battles are supposed to move rather quickly.
It would matter if we actually had battles...