The font is actually from MMBN, just quite enlarged. But yeah I'll look into other font, or create my own. Or modify that one somehow.
Anyway, I have a few ideas for the back of the background. I could change it to where its a colored streak across, something simular to what was just said but with distortion to it like a weird bloom effect. or a white space kind of look, where its bascially white with shading that looks like it meats a horrizon... I wish I had uploaded some images of it right now.. but its on my home computer so I cant really do that at work... I have other ideas to mess with but those are some of the ideas.
And thanks for the offer Reap, I was actually thinking of asking you and the owners' of the Navi's about it later on
Sora-Chan's Graphic Overload
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Ok got some samples for you guys to look at. I did change the font, though I'll still looking to see if I can find a better one. Also if I stick with the two fonts I used... I'll probably switch them so they are using the other set's instead.
I mentioned WhiteSpace in my previous post, so heres what I ment

I tried messing around with a few settings, and the following is what you get, though the first one might be too subtle for anyone to notice whats in the back background. I can see them perfectly clear on my screen, but apparently my monitor has so much gamma power built into it I can while others may not.

after I did those I thought I may have been trying too hard with the background, so I tried two more, simple graidents on the top and bottom

and the obligated just blackness

The last one has a appeal to it in its own, and may end up being best for sprites, but as it currently is it feels like its missing something.
Anyway, I would like to know what version other people liked. Also keep in mind, dont worry about what color I used, I can alter the colors if wanted.
Also you may have noticed that in the last two that I had the text behind the bits (fragmented data BITs possibly?) as I tried something, which it looks good though may need to readjust the text for Rogue Network to not be so covered where you cant make out the U in Rogue.
I mentioned WhiteSpace in my previous post, so heres what I ment

I tried messing around with a few settings, and the following is what you get, though the first one might be too subtle for anyone to notice whats in the back background. I can see them perfectly clear on my screen, but apparently my monitor has so much gamma power built into it I can while others may not.

after I did those I thought I may have been trying too hard with the background, so I tried two more, simple graidents on the top and bottom

and the obligated just blackness

The last one has a appeal to it in its own, and may end up being best for sprites, but as it currently is it feels like its missing something.
Anyway, I would like to know what version other people liked. Also keep in mind, dont worry about what color I used, I can alter the colors if wanted.
Also you may have noticed that in the last two that I had the text behind the bits (fragmented data BITs possibly?) as I tried something, which it looks good though may need to readjust the text for Rogue Network to not be so covered where you cant make out the U in Rogue.
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Ok I found some fonts, and I want your guys' opinions on them

the last two are the same font, just the second I went in and manually spaced the letters since it was doing what it was doing in the previous number, but included the original just cause it has its own appeal for being messed up, no?
so whatcha think guys?
also I probably wont be using the same font for both Rockman.EXE and Rogue Network. So tell me which font fits "Rockman.EXE" and "Rogue Network"

the last two are the same font, just the second I went in and manually spaced the letters since it was doing what it was doing in the previous number, but included the original just cause it has its own appeal for being messed up, no?
so whatcha think guys?
also I probably wont be using the same font for both Rockman.EXE and Rogue Network. So tell me which font fits "Rockman.EXE" and "Rogue Network"
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Ok once again i've moved to another project (I'll get back to the banner project later on).
This time I'm creating new Navi Emblems for Juri for future plans. Basically I have Elec, Fire, and Wood scetched out and I'm in the process of manual Digitalization. (Meaning Manually redo them in photoshop). You may be wondering why I am doing all 5 elements when there are only 2 navi expansions avalible. My answer: I cant decide between the elements, plus if I do it could end up being a good idea to have extra incase that ever changes.
Anyhoo, I got Elec done. Though I havnt quite decided on a few things, the first version left a 'this needs something' feel to it, the second feels better but i'm not quite sure.
First Version

Second Version

And while messing with some blending options I came across this, which screamed "INFECTION!" to me, though while looking at it right now I am reminded how better my images appear on my home monitor since it practially brightens up everything... (Also I forgot to cut off some excess 'out of the lines' leakage, didnt have time this morning to fix it before heading to work.)

So anyway, any recommendations on what to do with it for the 'shading'?
Also I'm still looking for seggestions for the text font for the banner. And please specify which font is better for "Rockman.EXE" and "Rogue Network", unless theres a font you think fits both at the same time then of which say both.
This time I'm creating new Navi Emblems for Juri for future plans. Basically I have Elec, Fire, and Wood scetched out and I'm in the process of manual Digitalization. (Meaning Manually redo them in photoshop). You may be wondering why I am doing all 5 elements when there are only 2 navi expansions avalible. My answer: I cant decide between the elements, plus if I do it could end up being a good idea to have extra incase that ever changes.
Anyhoo, I got Elec done. Though I havnt quite decided on a few things, the first version left a 'this needs something' feel to it, the second feels better but i'm not quite sure.
First Version

Second Version

And while messing with some blending options I came across this, which screamed "INFECTION!" to me, though while looking at it right now I am reminded how better my images appear on my home monitor since it practially brightens up everything... (Also I forgot to cut off some excess 'out of the lines' leakage, didnt have time this morning to fix it before heading to work.)

So anyway, any recommendations on what to do with it for the 'shading'?
Also I'm still looking for seggestions for the text font for the banner. And please specify which font is better for "Rockman.EXE" and "Rogue Network", unless theres a font you think fits both at the same time then of which say both.
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Got really bored.... Was playing UOSSMUD... Next thing I knew I had paint open and this in it.

FFVI owns.

FFVI owns.
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ok this is something I have been working on for two days.

this is a scaled down version of it. the full version is a wopping 3360x1050
you can view the full sized version at its dA page
Click here to go to it. Click download to view the full size. Dialup Users, Beware.
PS if you see any irregularities in there, those might be the watermark system I've been designing.

this is a scaled down version of it. the full version is a wopping 3360x1050
you can view the full sized version at its dA page
Click here to go to it. Click download to view the full size. Dialup Users, Beware.
PS if you see any irregularities in there, those might be the watermark system I've been designing.
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well I guess its time to show off what I've been working on for a few weeks now. (For the most part most of it was done in 3 days, the rest of the time has been slacking off and trying to figure out other ways to do... Hey look at that.. I ran in a circle.. AROUND the circle. Ask Drakim, he'll confirm it, the running in a circle around the circle part.)
now, you may be wondering where it is, why its down there in my sig! see the big hexagonal image? Click it!
now there is a slight problem with it. A certain command doesnt work unless its the first sig on the page (which wont work otherwise unless Drakim writes up a whole new sig system or something, which I think he's too busy worrying with a different project at the moment). So what you do to see the missing abilities, just scroll up to the first post by me on this page and open my sig, the 4 buttons inside of the sig will now work, too bad they arent able to work in any sigs after my first post on a page.
so go on! click it! (seriously, scroll up to the first post by me and look at that sig instead of the one below this one)
PS. Thanks to My Friend Rorshi for drawing up the new character art. WARNING Rorshi's dA is NSFW material. For the most part its ok, but still its not something you just want to click while youre at school. or what not.
now, you may be wondering where it is, why its down there in my sig! see the big hexagonal image? Click it!
now there is a slight problem with it. A certain command doesnt work unless its the first sig on the page (which wont work otherwise unless Drakim writes up a whole new sig system or something, which I think he's too busy worrying with a different project at the moment). So what you do to see the missing abilities, just scroll up to the first post by me on this page and open my sig, the 4 buttons inside of the sig will now work, too bad they arent able to work in any sigs after my first post on a page.
so go on! click it! (seriously, scroll up to the first post by me and look at that sig instead of the one below this one)
PS. Thanks to My Friend Rorshi for drawing up the new character art. WARNING Rorshi's dA is NSFW material. For the most part its ok, but still its not something you just want to click while youre at school. or what not.