So some of us were talking (Tom and I mostly...) in the chat. Some of you may have heard of DWARF FORTRESS (yes I will say it in caps because it's frigging awesome) the insanely complex game all about a group of dwarfs who you guide in the act of building a fort worthy of the mighty gods they worship! (Armok in particular)
So for starters I suggest downloading the following link. Download me!
That link contains Dwarf Fortress with Maydays Green's graphics set pre installed (Now the creatures in game have sprites instead of being LETTERS!) this will make play much easier. This lovely package is brought to you by these fine gents! who made a 12 piece insanely detailed guide to DWARF FORTRESS! Other sources to look up include the DWARF FORTRESS wiki.
As mentioned in the chat, Tom and I might be starting a little thing called a continuation game, in these players download DWARF FORTRESS, the first player will build a starting team with the names of a few people wishing to play as well as names of others from the forums (you can request to join as a random fortress dweller here in thread!)
Now each player will play the fort for one year, at the end of the year the current player will pass the world save to the next player. Putting it in the world save folder will allow the next mayor of the fort to take over.
As you play you routinely post in this thread explaining whats been going on, marking invasions, men going to war, thieves robbing the fort and so on, Medic possibly going stark raving mad and killing the woman and children!
Anyhow some extra reading for you all on a game ran by Something
Lets Play Dwarf Fortress! Boatmurdered
and a random quote of advice from the wiki:
Zander J: "Is there a way to stop immigration without setting the population cap?"
Yanlin: "Magma."
It solves everything Zander, EVERYTHING... (I'm looking at you elves...)
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Order of Turns:
1) Twi
2) Miliardo
3) Commondragon
4) Tom
5) Legoroy
Current goals:
- Unknown we'll know after Twi gets done or posts more updates >.>
1) Twi
2) Miliardo
3) Commondragon
4) Tom
5) Legoroy
Current goals:
- Unknown we'll know after Twi gets done or posts more updates >.>
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Ive been playing for a long time, and I've already annoyed everyone with fandom of it.
and I didnt even need to make a topic.
and I didnt even need to make a topic.
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Alright, sounds great. (Wow, feels weird posting after all this time.)
I'm in, of course. And since we've got a few, and I know a few others who might be interested, we might be able to start soon. I figure we take the same rules of Boatmurdered, give each person a week to do their year, then pass it along. And again, since we've got about enough to start up, we might as well do so.
It's simply a matter of who starts the first year. Miliardo, I leave it up to you for that decision. I'm fine on it, but I'm quite alright with you starting us off as well.
I'm in, of course. And since we've got a few, and I know a few others who might be interested, we might be able to start soon. I figure we take the same rules of Boatmurdered, give each person a week to do their year, then pass it along. And again, since we've got about enough to start up, we might as well do so.
It's simply a matter of who starts the first year. Miliardo, I leave it up to you for that decision. I'm fine on it, but I'm quite alright with you starting us off as well.
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To be honest I hate starting, that's whats kept me from getting back into DF till now. I had a few good forts but between re formats and flat out HD replacement I lost all my forts I had.
Rule wise I think we should also have a yearly sacrifice of some sort >.> I always did like those little rules for hilarity.
I also suggest we generate a new world instead of using one of the two saved that comes with the download I sent. As for people not understanding to play, well, losing is fun! We can always start again with a new fort and new rules to begin the game.
And Tom if for some reason you start one right now, I call dibs on being a head miner at the start. Miliardo Doomhammer will carve the halls with sweat and blood!
Rule wise I think we should also have a yearly sacrifice of some sort >.> I always did like those little rules for hilarity.
I also suggest we generate a new world instead of using one of the two saved that comes with the download I sent. As for people not understanding to play, well, losing is fun! We can always start again with a new fort and new rules to begin the game.
And Tom if for some reason you start one right now, I call dibs on being a head miner at the start. Miliardo Doomhammer will carve the halls with sweat and blood!
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Hmm. Very well. I'll start our first fortress off then, year one. Don't expect anything perfect. I like to run a self-sufficient, well-organized fortress, so expect as much, although my starts tend to be chaotic for a while as I try to make as much possible in the shortest amount of time.
I'll name one of the starting guys after you, certainly, although anyone else who wants in, I can simply rename a dorf and toss them in.
Right now I'm considering whether to custom make our party or take the default. Custom made is infinitely superior, but takes effort. And effort is haaaaard.
Anyway, expect updates tomorrow.
I'll name one of the starting guys after you, certainly, although anyone else who wants in, I can simply rename a dorf and toss them in.
Right now I'm considering whether to custom make our party or take the default. Custom made is infinitely superior, but takes effort. And effort is haaaaard.
Anyway, expect updates tomorrow.
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Meh, sign me up for your little succession game. This is the newest version 40d11 right?
The other "new" version is as slow as shit
The other "new" version is as slow as shit
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Now hang on, Tom, I wanted to call dibs on the first year since I'm already in summer. D:
(That and I have a head miner named Miliardo Doomhammer)
(That and I have a head miner named Miliardo Doomhammer)
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Ah. Very well then, awesome. I'll leave that to you Twi. Give us some updates as you go, maybe some screens, I'll be more than satisfied at that. Gives me more time to crank out this UFS stuff, eheh.
And, err, I suppose if I'm to be a dorf... A craftsdorf sounds nice, maybe an accountant. I shall be the one dorf to account them all, ah-hah!
And, err, I suppose if I'm to be a dorf... A craftsdorf sounds nice, maybe an accountant. I shall be the one dorf to account them all, ah-hah!
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I would like to know the embark location....
Temp/aquifers/vegitation/rivers (carp!)/savagry/evilility.
Temp/aquifers/vegitation/rivers (carp!)/savagry/evilility.
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Well, I fear I didn't make it very interesting by doing so, but the embark location is pretty mild. Temperate, pretty calm surroundings, etc.
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You could always generate a new world.
Hell, you might even get a war.
Its a good idea to check for wars with anything when embarking, to know whether or not to piss off humans/elves/goblins.
Just press tab until you get to the neighbors screen, and if you dont see the red WAR sigh then you need to change civs, or sometimes your fresh outta luck.
In your init.txt change everything to ALWAYS in the embark finder if you plan on using an actual mountain, so we can get a good site (Magma + fun stuff (cyan E thingy)+ chasm (grey #)+ underground river/pond)
28-dwarf immigration waves SUCK.
Hell, you might even get a war.
Its a good idea to check for wars with anything when embarking, to know whether or not to piss off humans/elves/goblins.
Just press tab until you get to the neighbors screen, and if you dont see the red WAR sigh then you need to change civs, or sometimes your fresh outta luck.
In your init.txt change everything to ALWAYS in the embark finder if you plan on using an actual mountain, so we can get a good site (Magma + fun stuff (cyan E thingy)+ chasm (grey #)+ underground river/pond)
28-dwarf immigration waves SUCK.
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Quote (commondragon)
You could always generate a new world.
Hell, you might even get a war.
Its a good idea to check for wars with anything when embarking, to know whether or not to piss off humans/elves/goblins.
Just press tab until you get to the neighbors screen, and if you dont see the red WAR sigh then you need to change civs, or sometimes your fresh outta luck.
In your init.txt change everything to ALWAYS in the embark finder if you plan on using an actual mountain, so we can get a good site (Magma + fun stuff (cyan E thingy)+ chasm (grey #)+ underground river/pond)
28-dwarf immigration waves SUCK.
...But then I'd lose all my progress up to now, wouldn't I? D:
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Hey, this is cool. Nice little succession game. And if people don't know what they're doing, all the better! Adds more chaos! If you know the basic concepts of play, you're good enough. So keep 'er goin' Twi.
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Well, I decided to save the old fort for myself, since... well, not much was happening.
Day 1
We've arrived at where we've decided to create the outpost... if only for lack of supplies. After a bit of exploring, I decided where we shall carve out our new homes into the earth. Work begins tomorrow. Tonight, I work on the planning.
Day 2

Digging has begun. Milli and I have been hard at work digging for a while now-- she took a break earlier, or so I had thought, but when she came back she showed me she had found some sapphires not too far from the outpost entrance, and had dug them out. Hopefully we can find some more later. Meanwhile the rest of the team has begun moving supplies from the wagon to just outside the fortress. I've given the order to have it dismantled, but that could take a while. Our fisherdwarf reported sighting some strange, skeletal creatures off to the southwest. I've ordered that any fishing from this point on should be done in the ponds to the northeast, for safety reasons.
Day 3
Work continues. One of our cats apparently wandered off and got killed by... something.

One of the skeletal creatures from before, perhaps? We finally finished work on the largest room of the fortress today-- why we decided to work on that first escapes me, but it is done. This room will be used for stockpiling all our supplies which, up until now, have had to sit outside. I've ordered the remaining stone removed from the room. We also struck Kaolinite. ...In what's to be our main entrance and one of our larger rooms. I decided to scrawl down the results of the general progress we made today before I finish up my mining and go to bed.

...On the hard, cold ground, since we have no beds.
Day 4
It started raining today.

I enjoy the rain, so that works for me, but it's going to be a problem if the food gets waterlogged. It would appear we have some very lazy dwarves, as I'm the only one still working while everyone else eats...
...Or sleeps.
Milli claims to be overjoyed about 'having been adopted by' one of the cats we have lurking around the fortress.

I worry all the mining may have caused some mental damage. It would explain that dent I saw on her helmet the other day... must remember to check if she has a concussion. The weather, by the way, did finally clear up this afternoon.
Day 1
We've arrived at where we've decided to create the outpost... if only for lack of supplies. After a bit of exploring, I decided where we shall carve out our new homes into the earth. Work begins tomorrow. Tonight, I work on the planning.
Day 2

Digging has begun. Milli and I have been hard at work digging for a while now-- she took a break earlier, or so I had thought, but when she came back she showed me she had found some sapphires not too far from the outpost entrance, and had dug them out. Hopefully we can find some more later. Meanwhile the rest of the team has begun moving supplies from the wagon to just outside the fortress. I've given the order to have it dismantled, but that could take a while. Our fisherdwarf reported sighting some strange, skeletal creatures off to the southwest. I've ordered that any fishing from this point on should be done in the ponds to the northeast, for safety reasons.
Day 3
Work continues. One of our cats apparently wandered off and got killed by... something.

One of the skeletal creatures from before, perhaps? We finally finished work on the largest room of the fortress today-- why we decided to work on that first escapes me, but it is done. This room will be used for stockpiling all our supplies which, up until now, have had to sit outside. I've ordered the remaining stone removed from the room. We also struck Kaolinite. ...In what's to be our main entrance and one of our larger rooms. I decided to scrawl down the results of the general progress we made today before I finish up my mining and go to bed.

...On the hard, cold ground, since we have no beds.
Day 4
It started raining today.

I enjoy the rain, so that works for me, but it's going to be a problem if the food gets waterlogged. It would appear we have some very lazy dwarves, as I'm the only one still working while everyone else eats...
...Or sleeps.
Milli claims to be overjoyed about 'having been adopted by' one of the cats we have lurking around the fortress.

I worry all the mining may have caused some mental damage. It would explain that dent I saw on her helmet the other day... must remember to check if she has a concussion. The weather, by the way, did finally clear up this afternoon.