Button needed!

Sky, by 'background,' I think he meant a background picture, but it's too busy now anyway, particularly with that one DimensionMan.

I liked the background before.
Ooo! Ooo! Lemme have a go!

Stop! Aura time!
... whoa. The aura looks pretty sick.
What? You like? It's a miracle that!

I just slapped it on a background and it turned out like that.
Yeah, that's actually pretty kickass.
Looked a little plain with a solid background, I must admit.
A border would add that last bit of polish. Nothing big, just black bars a pixel wide.
Still looks good without one, though.

Here, I added a border.
Very minor piece of work, so leave the reward to Fadiel, Sky, and maybe Lego.
I took the border off so that it would fit the button requirements.
I like it. It's cool and the backround adds style and...coolness...
Good button, I say.
*Thumbs up*

So current version. Anyone have any additions/comments?
Huh... Yeah.
For whatever reason, my addition of a border made it a couple shades brighter. I'm hoping it isn't bad JPEG rot, but... Yeah. I'll try and fix whatever it is when I get back from school.
EDIT: Oh yeah, I'll just make it into a PNG next time.
I'll try for King...I hope you don't mind.

JPEG wrecks image....for me
Wonderful. I don't know why my image was lighter... The program I use does weird things sometimes.
For instance, the line tool actually nudges certain parts of the image in a random direction without warning. I wouldn't be surprised if I had invoked this thing's wrath by just using the Pencil tool.
Uh... wow... go team :P.

Looks good to me.
Indeed. I'm calling it awesome and the request fulfilled.


Skyrender, Savage_King, fadielchaos, legoroy2, all take 500 zenny for the help.
