Rock Band

Quote (tpsp1101)

dude rock band is so amazing that I would have sold MY SOUL to buy it.

GameSpot said back at E3 '07 that Rock Band was THE best game they saw there.

GameSpot = cult?

I'm not GameSpot, and neither is RE:RN.


Quote (tpsp1101)

are you saying that you DON'T LIKE rock band?

No, it's fun, but there are better games.

This thread bores me...

I see it as kinda pointless for you to play because you ACTUALLY play guitar and bass...
...I don't play drums...

and the mic is a good training tool to tighten up the screws of my singing.

I play Guitar Hero and Rock Band for the sense of rocking out and being able to pretend to go crazy on stage with the lightweight guitars (you can't do much with a 9 lb. actual Les Paul unless you're like Jimmy Page...
Through The Fire And Flames on Extreme mode!

WoooooooOOOoooOooooOOOooooOoooOOo- *kicked*
through the fire and flames is Guitar Hero 3, not Rock Band.

And it's called expert mode, not extreme.
: D

Yay! Plastic guitars!

Though, Sly 3 at the same time is hardcore.

Scissor Kart!
sly is the one franchise I'm going to miss the most, considering it's a sony exclusive and I don't have a PS3.
I thought it ended.

Welp. Back to KOTOR for me.

Quote (tpsp1101)

through the fire and flames is Guitar Hero 3, not Rock Band.

And it's called expert mode, not extreme.

(Dude, you can't take a joke...?)

Oh, and I quoted that a bit ago, Lego, it was epic.
*Air guitars*

*Decides that air guitar is better than plastic*