
Rock on Theo, missed ya my man.
Right on Wooga.

Right on.
You not decide if you hit...
'cuz Yahiko does cannon-beam-catch (blade catch technique) and sends it right back at you. 'Cuz yahiko is also secretly a ninja and you blew away a Bunshin. PWNED! Oh, and Yahiko castrates Trill again (I don't care if he doesn't have genitals...I'll program him to!)...with a..................sakabato! Yes, he can do that. He's just that skilled. *a sakabato is a katana with the blade backwards - it can only crush, not Yahiko has mad skills.*
Theo! -hugz-
And we're on much better turns now that that IPC mission technically never happened and I can get back to busting. ^ ^

so sorry king...
Savage King? Wait why didn't I see it, it's KING.

Quote (theomegaman009)


so sorry king...

There, there. -patpat-
No, it's fine man. I was just giving you a hard time.
Yeah, just one more thing. My brother was going on the Net at school.

I told him to mod you and give you 3,000 Zenny reward.

Apparently he didn't huh?
Couldn't tell, my computer's dead. It's more or less a moot point now, anyway. ^ ^