Base Name of Virus: PumpKrawler

Element: Wood

Virus Versions:

Version 1: PumpKrawler
Version 2: PumpKreeper
Version 3: PumpKraken

Virus Description: A pumpkin virus that has the mouth and eyes of an average scary pumpkin cut-out. It's eyes glow with a green glow color that are eerie in dark places of the net. It's preferable type of movement is on it's overgrown vines giving it an arachnid kind of motion up and down on a single column of panels even though they're not like spiders, they have that quality in the their movement as they uncurl their vines from under their base to stick them into the panels to move up and down, but the version's speeds make their movement vary. Although it seems creepy, it's attack is predictable giving others a good chance to dodge every once and a while, but to be warned they are continuous. It's version vary on multitude of attacks and damage just like their chips that are used. To attack they simply whip their vines three squares ahead to strike an enemy.

Chip Description: The navi's hands chages into a long green thorny vine that is capable fo striking enemies and bruising. It's an attack that cracks a whip and strikes three zones forward and then retracts after it's usage. It can hit all enemies in those zones using this wood-based attack.

PumpKrawler - HP: 110
Element: Wood

The basic pumpkin virii. It's original pumpkin body color is orange and it's eyes are the green glow. It's top with the trimmed green spout is also there and it's curled vines it moves on are green. It moves up and down at a rather track able speed for the average navi, and when it stops, it holds it's curled vines delayed for a second or maybe two at best and then whips it's vine three squares forward to strike an enemy and then quickly moves to the panel that the opponent escapes to in attempt to follow as it whips out again for another chance to strike, and if it connects, it returns to it's base panel halting for a minute and making it's mischievous laugh.. After so, it repeats it's usual behavior pattern and it's attack repeats in a long period of time.

Dmg - 40
Element: Wood

Chip Dropped:

Vine Whip1 - The user's arm changes it's hand to crack a grass whip three squares forward to strike targets.

Dmg - 50
Element: Wood

PumpKreeper - HP: 160
Element: Wood

The Version two virii. It's pumpkin body is a yellow color with glowing sea green eyes with a vines and the top stem to match. This attacker usually found in later grass infest areas of the net and bare the same characteristics as it's base navi, PumpKrawler. It's name Kreeper is probably because of it's faster movement speed and it's ability to attack three times in a row with it's vine whip. It's speed is a bit faster as it moves up and down panels at a medium speed rate and it's time is less ¼ less delayed than it's primary form. It follows to whip it's vine three squares ahead try to strike the user, but if it misses, it moves quickly to strike a second time, and then a third if it misses again, it would make it's same gruesome and mischievous laugh if it strikes just like it's ancestor version one. It returns to it's normal behavior afterwards, but considering it's speed as it moves across panels, this action repeats in a rather medium range of time.

Dmg - 60
Element: Wood

Chip Dropped:

Vine Whip2 - The user's arm changes it's hand to crack a grass whip three squares forward to strike targets.

Dmg - 70
Element : Wood

Pump Kraken - HP: 210
Element: Wood

Just as the name implies, this Pumpkin virii is the strongest form bearing the name Kraken. It's color is also a different gruesome as it's pumpkin hull is dark blue and it's eyes are a dark red color. It's vine colors are also a red color like that of blood which makes it something to fear. It's movement across the panels is much faster than that of it's base as it's vines even creep faster as they squirm and curl under it's base. It's attack causes it to quickly strike quadruple times, shortly giving it's enemy recover time to dodge and move across the panels just as it has. It misses it's fourth shot and returns to it's base panel pausing a bit as it makes it's gruesome laugh after it strikes it's target. It then moves again and attacks within under even half the delay time that the version one would give you. Even though it's pattern is repetitive, it's speed is quicker so be aware of it's actions and time for it to strike or you will be a victim of it's terrible attack, and even it's sinister laugh.

Dmg - 90
Element: Wood

Chip Dropped:

Vine Whip3 - The user's arm changes it's hand to crack a grass whip three squares forward to strike targets.

Dmg - 100
Element: Wood