EDIT: I would like to point out that the descriptions of attacks and the viruses themelves differ, they just look similar because they share similarities.


Lancier Family-

Virus Name: Lancier
HP: 160
Description: A heavily armored knight riding a semi-transparent horse which is completely black, no shading or anything. On the orse it stands about 9/10 feet tall. Any attacks aimed at the horse go through it. The knight is holding a large javelin and a shield. It's armor is dull grey, with a visor covering the eyes, with two faint red glows from within. The javelin and shield are made of the same material and are the same color.
---Charge- The virus charges at the Navi being attacked, hitting it with it's javelin.
Damage: 45
Accuracy: A
---Impale- The virus throws its javelin at the enemy Navi, instantly regenerating it.
Damage: 60
Accuracy: B
Element: Null
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Zenny, RPierce Launcher
Special: Shielding- All damage taken by this virus is halved. If an attack with Breaking/Crush hits it, the shield and armor crack, taking full damage and continuing to take full damage until it's next attack.

Virus Name: Lancyr
HP: 250
Description: A heavily armored knight riding a horse-like figure which is solid black, lacking any shadows/details, simply a silhouette. This horse is larger than a Lancier's, as is the knight, making it stand about 11 ½ feet tall. Any attacks aimed at the horse go through it. The knight is holding a large javelin and a shield. Its armor is metallic silver, with a visor covering the eyes, with two red glows from within. The javelin is the same color with golden trim running down it, and the shield has a large golden circle in the middle.
---Charge- The virus charges at the Navi being attacked, hitting it with it's javelin. However, the Navi becomes stuck on the javelin, requiring one action to free itself if it hits.
Damage: 55
Accuracy: A
Special: A Navi hit requires one action to free itself before doing anything else.
---Impale- The virus throws its javelin at the enemy Navi, instantly regenerating it.
Damage: 85
Accuracy: B
---Ram- The virus begins to charge, but immediately after hitting the Navi the javelin disappears and the horse lowers, and the knight slams into the Navi with the shield, knocking him into another.
Damage: 60
Accuracy: A
Special: One other Navi fighting the virus takes 20 damage from having the attacked Navi launched into them (Mod chooses both targets)
Element: Null
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Zenny, SPierce Launcher
Special: Shielding- All damage taken by this virus is halved. If an attack with Breaking/Crush hits it, the shield and armor crack, taking full damage and continuing to take full damage until it's next attack.

FLancier (Fire), ALancier (Aqua), ELancier (Elec), WLancier (Wood)- Identical to Lancier, but they and all their attacks correspond to their element. They will also drop the corresponding elemental Pierce Launcher in addition to the regular RPierce Launcher.

Virus Name: Omega Lancer
HP: 500
Description: A heavily armored knight riding a heavily armored horse with red eyes and smoke billowing from it's nose. This horse is larger than a Lancyr's, as is the knight, making it stand about 15 feet tall. Any attacks aimed at the horse bounce off. The knight is holding a large javelin and a shield. Its armor is chrome colored, and amazingly reflective, with a visor covering the eyes, with two burning, glowing red glows from within. The javelin is the chrome with golden spikes coming out the side, running back towards the knight (like the spikes on some harpoons), and the shield is chrome colored with thin gold lines running throughout..
---Charge- The virus charges at the Navi being attacked, hitting it with it's javelin. However, the Navi becomes stuck on the javelin, requiring two action to free itself if it hits, being careful to not get caught on the spikes along the way. Breaks.
Damage: 75+Breaking
Accuracy: A
Special: A Navi hit requires two actions to free itself before doing anything else.
---Impale- The virus throws its javelin at the enemy Navi, instantly regenerating it.
Damage: 105 +Breaking
Accuracy: B
---Ram- The virus begins to charge, but immediately after hitting the Navi the javelin disappears and the horse lowers, and the knight slams into the Navi with the shield, knocking him into another.
Damage: 120
Accuracy: A
Special: One other Navi fighting the virus takes 50 damage from having the attacked Navi launched into them (Mod chooses both targets)
---Blind- The Knight flashes its shield at all enemies, making them each lose one action to recover from the glare.
Damage: 0
Accuracy: A
Special: All enemies lose one action.
Element: Null
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Zenny, SPierce Launcher, RPierce Launcher, Pierce Magnum
Special: Shielding- All damage taken by this virus is halved. If an attack with Breaking/Crush hits it, the shield and armor crack, taking full damage and continuing to take full damage until it's next attack.


RPierce Launcher (Rapid Pierce Launcher)-
Damage- 30+Breaking, 60
Accuracy: B
Description: Creates a cannon which launches a super sharp javelin at the enemy, breaking their guard, followed by a large burst of solid energy.
Duration: 1 turn, first shot (Breaker) can only be used once.
Element: None
Special: The first time it is used, the Breaker and Cannon can be aimed separately, but fired as a single action.

WPierce Launcher, FPierce Launcher, APierce Launcher, EPierce Launcher- Identical to RPierce Launcher, but with elements.

SPierce Launcher (Solid Pierce Launcher)-
Damage- 100+Breaking
Accuracy: B
Description: Creates a cannon which launches a razor sharp javelin at the enemy at super speeds.
Duration: 1 usage
Element: None

Pierce Magnum-
Damage- 70+Breaking
Accuracy: B
Description: Creates a cannon which launches a large, spiky, super sharp javelin at the enemy, breaking their guard.
Duration: 1 turn.
Element: None