Jer and Davis

Name:Davis Fersten
Text: David wears a red shirt with blue logo, and "those blue shorts". He has those spiffy yellow runners. The wristband he wears is Blue, and he obviously doesn't carry around a sword (He does have welding skills, he made one at home.) He also has a backpack filled with whatever he has with him, including his Laptop. The backpack is red with blue trim, and I must say, it looks the snazzy. You'd probably want his outfit.((The image is temporary... I'm working on the "real" davis image))
Personality:Rather laid back, David isn't one for making friends. However, those he has he is extremely loyal to. He never picks fights and generally keeps his sense about him. Count on him to help you out when you need it. Being a Lefty, he is very flexible. He fits any post you put him in/on.
PET Modifications: Color Scheme - Yellow on Blue; Lappy connection WIFI (No purpoe except for visualizations, Old Net, whatever)


Element: Elec
Type: Sword
Always looks casual. Blue shirt with Lightning-bolt logo, blue shorts, a small yellow wristband on his right arm. Has smallish blue eyes, blond hair. Yellow running shoes. Blue sword-sheath with his sword in. Almost all articles of clothing have a yellow "Lightning Bolt" motif. The wristband on his right arm expands into the blaster when needed. It stays yellow.
Personality:A lot like David, although a little more temperamental. If he's threatened, he will attack with all force. Don't get on his bad side. On his good side, however, he can be trusted in a pinch. Left handed.
Custom Weapon:THe Sword. Flashy. Cool. Yeah.
Signature Attack:"Yellow and Blue"; Jer's sword sends a blue wave towards an enemy, followed by a yellow flash on himself. Blue wave attacks(60 damage, 3-turn Cooldown, Electric type), Yellow wave makes Jer look cool (Often results in Davis saying "Pretty Colors...")
... I remember this one...

What does he do for Rapid/Charged attacks? XD