Tips, please

But no matter what, your post is nothing without it.
Hey, can I get some tips too? I seem to have the problem of writing out my navi's actions. Basically, in trying not o godmode, I find it hard to incorperate detailed descriptins of attacks and moves without godmoding things such as 'hiting it from the side' or 'blasting a hole through it'. Because of this, my RP quality is usualy only average. Can I get some tips on how to spicen my posts up a bit without GMing.
_____ attempted to....
_____ tried to...
_____ aimed a shot at....
And yes, it sounds stupid, but it prevents godmoding.

Quote (Hiko)

_____ attempted to....
_____ tried to...
_____ aimed a shot at....

That's what I do. I even describe the attacks a bit more than that. Here, check out this thread. It shows my posting skills. Any tips based off of that?
Let's see...

Quote (zolem's godmodding)

"You see? t's not so hard now is it? We've wiped the floor with, what, six viri, and it took less than a minute. You have to admit, that's pretty good for sombody who 'can't do this'."

Come ON man. You hadn't even been modded for that yet.
We've wiped the floor with, what, THREE virii?...
Get it??
That MAY be a SMALL problem. XD
Shining example (by which I mean something I stringed together in about two minutes[if that] from within my ass, as it's about a quarter to 3 here. AM.):

Nachahmen let out his left hand as the data around him wound into place, creating before him a frostbitten blade, elegant in its design, bearing a hilt similar to that of a dorsal fin. He grasped the blade firmly as he rushed onward toward the knight-like virus. Reeling his left arm back as he held his front out in preparation for defense, Nac drove his upper body lower to the ground as a precaution, taking into account the opponent's weapon of choice.

"Take this, knave..." Nachahmen uttered as he thrust ahead with his blade, shifting his hips accordingly in an effort to send the blade toward its target with additional force...



And there we have it, a perfectly fine post with some nice details, absence of g-mode, and even a small dialogue slapped onto the attack. Now, if you wanted to go the extra mile *cougheonskycoughcough*, you also could have interjected parts of that bit with some inner thoughts as well, such as 'Can I really take this thing down? Heh, of course I can. I'm going to skewer this poser swordsman. Nac thought to himself, a faint smirk apparent on his face as he ran onward.' or something to that effect. Does that help any?
Oi! Tom back again, with some more helpful hints, hopefully. And I might just have a secret to divulge to you. If you do things right, if you make the right moves, sometimes, sometimes... it's okay to godmode.

Ahah, but, unfortunately, you can only godmode when the mods say so. Hmm. What's the best way I can put this... I've been doing this for some time with no complaints from the mods, but basically, I start an action, with all this 'try', and 'attempts to' stuff. By turn two, the mod says 'Oh, well this attack hits this virus, and this attack hits this virus, and then you dodge'.

That's basically giving you the go ahead to godmode, but only stuff that has already happened. So rather than going ahead with your next attack, you could backtrack a little. That attack that your Navi 'tried', has been given the go ahead to do. So if your Navi fired a cannon shot at an enemy, and it hit, you've got the choice to go ahead and describe just what happened with that attack.

Again, this is all based off of personal experience. Nowhere in the rules does it say you can do this, but I haven'th been told otherwise, yet. Just keep things reasonable. If you slashed a virus with a sword, and you didn't delete it, don't go over the top. But if you annihilated that sucker, type up something crazy. Do that super cool sword attack you saw in a fighting game. Whatever.

But you might ask, what's the point? It's something that's already happened? Well, it's extending your post for one, and in my experience, how much you have in a post is almost as good as having a good post. Granted, if you have a long-ass post full of gramatical errors, improper capitilization, and l33t speak, chances are you're not going to get too many bonus points, but there's always the other hand.

Probably the most important thing about the post-attack godmode, though, is that it allows you to have some fun with your character. If you're like me, you've probably said that your character has used the same attack, or the same chip, over and over and over, and sometimes it gets a little stale. The post-attack godmode let's you have some fun with things. Suddenly, I'm not just shooting a red-hot impaling steel spike at the enemy with a ShotGun attack, I'm actually imapling an enemy with a red-hot steel spike. That explodes. That's more fun.

And fun's what this is all about, after all.
Geez, Tom... how come I never figured that out? That rocks. Now I don't have to resist the urge to GM to make my attacks awesome.
1) Battlechip - Praise3 to Tom
2) Battlechip - NiceJob to Tom
3) Dodge
Tom, that sounds just like what I was looking for. Thanks a bundle.