Seraphim total sig reca- rehaul

Action Skill:Sunder:

Sunder is an unsubtle attack. It does not need much explanation. It is Seraphim swinging a giant mechanized sword at his opponent with great force to break defences as it activates a multitude of devices in order to maul the opponent. The beneficial part (and most definitely not for the foe) is that the miniature alternator provides a small burst of energy to charge Seraphim's systems in case he decides to deploy a charged attack, which is probably why this is utilized and then followed up. Not advised to be used against explosives.


[1:] Spectral Shot with Slashing, Impact, and Break. it also provides Buster Charge. Melee Type.

[1:] Slows Seraphim for one turn as he wields the oversized weapon.

Turn Cooldown
5 Turn Cooldown


Action Skill:Restoration:

Restoration is what Seraphim would refer to as 'White magic'. It cleanses him of some 'status effects' while simultaneously restoring the field to a pristine and undamaged layout (to be possibly destroyed again at a later date. Which may or may not be in a few seconds.) This process is similar to Seraphim's Lay on Hands skill and his Auto-Cure, which both work along the same lines. This not only 'cures' Seraphim of the most imminent threat to his system by rejecting it from his system, Seraphim extends his sphere of influence out to the actual terrain by injecting his code all along it, 'channeling' the 'white magic' into the ground. It then proceeds to read and destroy/remove all things it perceives to be an abnormality, thus making the terrain 'normal.' Not 'beneficial', so to speak, but a large improvement over terrain made up of lava or poison.


[1:] Stage change to Normal and a Status Cure.

Turn Cooldown
3 Turn Cooldown


Action Skill:Lay on Hands:

Lay on Hands is a manifestation of using energy overspill by channeling energy through the latent systems of Seraphim's buster engine and allowing its efficiency to power him while taking the extra and fine-tuning it to other uses. While Seraphim does not have fine control over patching other navis, partially due to his preconception of healing 'magic' working in a way differing than 'patching' the erased or lost code in other navis and creating links/substitute coding to avoid loops in data created by viruses. Seraphim channels energy along with bits of loose code into the other navi that scrubs their systems created by his desires. The energy lets them create patching code to their own specifications and apply it to the wounded areas. When Seraphim performs this skill, it is, however, a bit explosive in its application, as he has not learned to control the burst of energy. This is fortunate in a manner, as it allows him to create a feedback that heals himself as well as the other navi and possibly even several navis in very close proximity. The ability itself is a coincidence very similar to that of the healing abilities that rely on touch in many table-top games/turn-based role-playing games.


[1:] Creates a Blast1 Healing of 75 points along with a status cure, hitting anyone in the very close proximity. This is usually deployed by Seraphim simply channeling energy and utilizing it at a very close range. It could theoretically be applied to one of his shells and fired from his Gun-mesh-sword, but at this point it explodes before leaving his hands.

Turn Cooldown
4 Turn Cooldown

[130/1140 Points]

Support Skill:Spot Check:

Spot Check is a complex mechanism that Seraphim simplifies as simply using the battle system effectively to 'Analyze' the foe and strip away their weaknesses. In reality, it is a fine-tuned device part of his military hardware that allows for him to use a mix of LIDAR, SONAR, thermal imaging, and a number of other spectrums of detection to pinpoint the location of a foe as well as create a real-time constructed image of them and deploy it to either highlight their location, create an image to imitate their location and movements while compensating for time-lag, or even create an image of them in Seraphim's own HUD while pointing it out for allies. However, creating a real-time image for both allies and Seraphim with the constant information feed is complex and energy draining and not as effective as if he had done it only for himself. In a non-combat based situation, he can use it to highlight items of importance on his HUD in order to find which ones are of importance to mission objectives. A flexible method of spotting methods, but transient. Perhaps in the future it will become stable enough to become a permanent method to the navi's arsenal.


[1:] Creates a Seeking attack that does no damage but marks an opponent with an illusion that is determined by Seraphim in whether it creates a composite image of the opponent it hits that broadcasts itself or simply creates one on Seraphim's HUD. By creating the obvious image, it improves Seraphim's accuracy, also giving him the equivalent of 3 take aims.

Turn Cooldown
3 Turn Cooldown

[100/1140 Points]

Reaction Skill:Auto-Cure:

Auto-Cure is simpler than most of Seraphim's systems. By keeping a constant stream of antiviral software that loops in Seraphim's body at the subcutaneous level, it reacts to any intrusions by automatically rejecting them without Seraphim having to even consciously know that anything has occurred. He can simply close out the majority of baseline infections and bugs by a classification system that processes the function and decides what gets in and out, something like a semi-sentient firewall. This software constantly updates itself upon the advent of new material and crossreferences its sources with at least ten others to make sure that they are legitimate. It is, however, not immune to brute force attacks, as its main strength relies on rushing immediately to the source of the infection and locking it out before anything can happen. Several simultaneous attacks could slow or annul its functions by simple overkill.


[1:] Passive Status Cure.

Turn Cooldown
-This Signature is Passive, and thus does not have a Cooldown.

[120/1140 Points]

Reaction Skill:Bracers of Armor:

Bracers of Armor is an oscillating detection field projected out at about two meters away from Seraphim through methods of harmonic frequency. Whenever an attack is launched at Seraphim and his field detects it, the Bracers of Armor respond by creating an intense shunting force through oscillating fields that constantly hit the projectile with small amounts of force or refractions of light that cause shunting of the force in the attack. It only takes a small amount of power, but the return rate on this particular item is rather small at the moment. Seraphim perceives it as a simple enchanted item that serves to protect him rather than the complex marvel that it is.


[1:] Passive 20 HP Barrier.

Turn Cooldown
-This Signature is Passive, and thus does not have a Cooldown.

[80/1140 Points]

Reaction Skill:Rune Shroud:

Rune Shroud creates a form of ablative, composite, reactive armor that uses shaped charges as well as stripping itself away in order to deflect threats that would otherwise be hitting Seraphim. In essence, it is disposable armor that regenerates constantly, something that would be invaluable on a real battlefield. For Seraphim, it's a simple thing to upkeep and utilize consistently in order to reduce damage that would otherwise be hitting him. It appears as a faint runed glow around his normal vested armor and his pants, as well as his boots. It also creates a faint trail of runes sloughing off each time it renews itself. Perfect night light.


[1:] Passive 40 HP Casing.

Turn Cooldown
-This Signature is Passive, and thus does not have a Cooldown.

[160/1140 Points]

Movement Skill:Move+2:

The Move sequence boosts Seraphim's tactical options by upgrading his tactical layout of the area while boosting his reaction times, both allowing him to move and assess his environment more quickly. It all goes toward the method of improving his chances in battle, but the 'retro' name apparently comes from an ancient game Erin once played. Because of planned repeated upgrades to this particular format, the '+' denominator will change as the collective upgrade increases in power and efficiency. At the moment, the signatures have been consolidated in power for increased processing, although lowering their maximum output, their efficiency and modular capacities have been increased.


[1:] Seraphim passively gains 2 Movements per round.

Turn Cooldown
-This Signature is Passive, and thus does not have a Cooldown.


Movement Skill:Haste:

Haste is a staple move from most role-playing games and anything involving magic. It speeds up movement, and is generally useful in every area, no matter what the specialty of the recipent. In Seraphim's case, it is a small overclocking of his processing unit that ups his reaction time when attacks are launched in his direction. Due to base speed and agility, this aids him in dodging attacks even quicker. He simply refers to it as a constant passive casting of haste upon himself, and is content to let it go at that.


[1:] Seraphim passively gains 1 instance of Haste per round.

Turn Cooldown
-This Signature is Passive, and thus does not have a Cooldown.

