Binary's Badly BS'd BOOMs (#0-4)

Current Pool: 420.

Level 0: External Memory Program (EMP for short)
Type of Sig: Active
Pool used: 60/420.
Pool Remaining: 360
CD: 2 turns
Nerfs: None

Effects: Makes a 'pool' of 60 extra damage points. Any amount of this pool can be added to any attack used in this turn.

After years of upgrading Binary, Chris eventually learned code for code what a Navi Customizer Attack+1 upgrade looked like in data form. After much trials and errors, he successfully made a program that was six times the power of a single Attack+1, could be used on battlechip programs as well as buster programs, and could split the power between multiple attacks at once. However, the program is very unstable, and once used burns out and requires at most a few minutes to cool down.

Level 1: Streamlined...
Type of Sig: Passive
Pool Used: 40/420
Pool remaining: 320
Nerfs: None

Effects: Adds 'Take Aim' to one attack per turn.

As Chris relies on Binary to lighten his monstrous workload at SciLabs, he installed a portable search engine into the Navi. While normally this program is just used to find this URL or that image, once Chris and Binary became a full-fledged Navi/Operator team, Chris modified the search engine to serve a combat purpose. Binary can search a virus' basic lines of code, and use the engine as a sort of makeshift homing device. As the search engine is so incredibly small in filesize, it doesn't burn out like a normal Process Upgrade, and Binary can use it almost constantly without having to worry about it malfunctioning.

Level 2: Substitute File
Type of Sig: Active
Pool used: 60/420 (80 without nerf)
Pool remaining: 260
CD: 2 turns
Nerfs: Sacrifice x1 (-15 HP/use)

Effects: Shadow Status for the turn.

The white liquidlike substance that Binary is composed of can not actually move on it's own. What makes Binary able to move are the black ones and zeroes that float around in his body, keeping him active. Should the digits be removed, Binary would be completely immobile.

However, Chris saw this vital weakness, and saw to it that if for some reason the digits were removed from Binary's body, they would be able to control the white shell from a distance. However, he can't do this for long, as even if used for a while, it creates a tremendous strain on the shell and damages it slightly. Thus, Binary only uses it sparingly, if the damage the strain causes him is less than what a foe would be about to do.

Level 3: Firewall
Type of Sig: Active
Pool used: 60/420
Pool Remaining: 200
CD: 2 turns
Nerfs: None

Effects: Stonebody for the turn.

Knowing that the Shadow Status that Substitute File could be pierced through by some kinds of attacks, Chris wisely created another program that could make Binary ignore to the best of his abilities those specific types of attacks.

The effects of the program are as such. Like when Binary uses his innate Untapped Power, the amount of digits he carries with him is multiplied. However, unlike Untapped Power, instead of the digits appearing on the inside of the white shell, the digits appear on the outside of the shell. Plus, the number of digits is drastically increased, to the point where the entire body is covered in a mass of ones and zeroes in this pattern, only much smaller and more densely compacted. However, like all Stonebodies, Binary has incredibly restricted movement when like this, but at least it serves it's purpose.

Level 4: Data Absorption
Type of Sig: Active
Pool used: 60/420
Pool Remaining: 140
CD: 2 turns
Nerfs: None

Effects: 30 Lifedrain, splittable amongst at most 6 targets

Binary was already capable of morphing any part of his body prior to receiving this upgrade; this just makes use of his abilities. Simply put, Binary morphs his arms into a multitude of tentacles and punctures his target or targets with them. Then, the tentacles in essence become data vaccuums, sucking data out of their targets and transferring it to Binary, who converts it into stamina and HP. However, Binary's systems can only convert so much foreign data, so he has to rest awhile and wait for his systems to refresh.

*wipes brow and waits for opinions*
An awful lot of sigs in one thread, but w/e...

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Level 0: External Memory Program (EMP for short)
Type of Sig: Active
Pool used: 60/420.
Pool Remaining: 360
CD: 2 turns
Nerfs: None

Effects: Makes a 'pool' of 60 extra damage points. Any amount of this pool can be added to any attack used in this turn.


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Level 1: Streamlined...
Type of Sig: Passive
Pool Used: 40/420
Pool remaining: 320
Nerfs: None

Effects: Adds 'Take Aim' to one attack per turn.

Good to go.

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Level 2: Substitute File
Type of Sig: Active
Pool used: 60/420 (80 without nerf)
Pool remaining: 260
CD: 2 turns
Nerfs: Sacrifice x1 (-15 HP/use)

Effects: Shadow Status for the turn.

Go ahead.

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Level 3: Firewall
Type of Sig: Active
Pool used: 60/420
Pool Remaining: 200
CD: 2 turns
Nerfs: None

Effects: Stonebody for the turn.

Ditto...Man, somebody likes to fiddle with self-statuses...

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Level 4: Data Absorption
Type of Sig: Active
Pool used: 60/420
Pool Remaining: 140
CD: 2 turns
Nerfs: None

Effects: 30 Lifedrain, splittable amongst at most 6 targets

Ah, last one...well, here goes.