RERN rebirth means you keep the same operator, your navi just changes in shape/form, like Soundman becoming Wiz.

You can only rebirth if You've GOT that stuff already.
1. I had an old account. Duh.

2. Wasn't I allowed to rebirth with an IC reason?
1. No one's debating that.
2. Yea. But do you have anything to "rebirth"?

I mean, what exactly did you have on RERN? (NOT RECN)

List chips, NaviCust, Upgrades, etc.
Boomerang, ShotgunX2, Vulcan2, Sword, Guard

675 zenny

1.5 upgrade
2.0 upgrade
Alright, then that goes by Rebirth. No Starters. No Legacies.

We clear?

(The only thing is I forgot to add that I also have just the starter NAVIcust.)
Since apparently some confusion, I'll say it again.


I get all the things my last NAVI had, including process upgrades.

And on another note, I would like for my homepage and email have the name Moa changed to Shin appropriatly.
I'll say this to make it clear, you don't get the remaining zenny. Otherwise, one could just take this, leave it blank, and BUY THEMSELVES CHIPS.
Down, Eon.

Approved. All Rebirth items granted. No Zenny granted. No Starter pack granted. Post your profiles.
Uh, ok. I don't get the zenny.

Is that it or am I accepted?