Jacking in/ the best.

((fine lets try this again))

Raziel downloads a rage claw hip his eyes start to glow red and he yells "Rage claw and starts to attack the bunnyA when all of a sudden he is surronded by a black aura and he screams for everyone to here "DEMON AURA!!!!!!!!!!!!" the aura spreads across the ground and starts to attack bunnys B and C

Battle chip (rage Claw) {40 damage} Bunny A
Sig attack (Demon Aura) { 60 damage} Bunnys B and C

((better? im not very good at this am I?))
(( i just got done reading some and i am going to add more description))

Raziel gazes at the bunnys with great interest and then he raises his sword toward the sky and says "Master Im ready whenever you are."

"Ok RageClaw chip in Download" Sicon says in a cool voice

Raziels sword turns black and his face spreads into an evil grin his eyes turn red and he lunges toward the bunnys. In a fierce rage he slashes at bunnyA with intensity. Then all of a sudden Raziel is surrounded by a black aura, the air around him grows thick and cold,and shadows spread from his aura to attack bunnys B and C.

Battle chip (rage Claw) {40 damage} Bunny A
Sig attack (Demon Aura) { 60 damage} Bunnys B and C

(( better? i added more description))
((Good enough >:3))

Raziel succesfully connected his rageclaw along with his personal attack to lay a heavy damage to the group of virii. The unscratched Bunny courageously spat a ring of electricity and hit Raziel over his torso!!

BunnyA: 10 HP
BunnyD: 50 HP

Raziel: 80 HP
Raziel winced from the shock as his aura dissapated. He became angry and yelled to the bunny who shot him "you will pay for that!!" all the while Sicon was screaming "Raziel calm down" but he ignored his netops orders. so instead of trying to reason with his navi Sicon decided that mabye it would be better if Raziel just finished the battle so Sicon input the battle chip shotgun "Shotgun battlechip in download." Raziels sword glowed blue and he fired off the shotgun at bunny D and A then he loaded the cannon chip took aim and fired at the bunnys.

Battlechip: shotgun(40) BunnyA and BunnyD
Battlechip: Cannon (40) BunnyD
(Shotguns do 50, FYI)

The shotgun takes out both enemies, and the cannon goes on to knock over a passing Mr. Prog.


Raziel: 80 HP

Prize: Zapring1
Raziel let the cannon dissapate then he bent down and stuck a hand out to help mr.Prog up. he smiled at the program and said "sorry about that, I have a bad habit about being clumsy I apologize." Then Raziel sat on the ground cross legged and asked "well......im supposed to be looking for a rouge heel navi the police are looking for but im on a break right now.What is really important to me right now is to become the best navi there isand i was wondering if you could lead me to a teacher or sensei" Raziel stood up and said "well are you going to lead me or not?"
(WOAH! Please, for your sake, bump earlier next time!)

A pickled pack of... no, wait. Wrong story.

SPIKEYS! And Metools, but who cares about them?

SpikeyA: 90 HP
SpikeyB: 90 HP
MetoolA: 40 HP
MetoolB: 40 HP
MetoolC: 40 HP
MetoolD: 40 HP

Raziel: 80 HP

Raziel turned aournd to see the virii. he pushed mr prog behind him to defend the little program man. Raziel stares at the spikeys abd he then thought....{i might be in some trouble } so he starts his sig attack as the black aura surronds him it acted diffrent than it had last time. instead of the aura chasing his foes down it rushed into his sword it then turned black he dashed toward spikeyA and starts slahing. when his aura faded he charhed up his shotgun and fired hoping to romove the last breath of life from the spikeyA and injure spikeyB. and then for his last attack he aimed for Spikey B and used Rage claw to finish it off.

Sig attack:Demon aura: (60 damage) spikeyA
battlechip:shot gun: (50 damage) spikeys A and B
battlechip:rage claw(40 damage) spikey B
(Woah, there. Signature attacks cannot hit multiple enemies, unless they were specifically registered to do so. And even if you somehow got through registration with a 60 damage, can hit two enemies Starting SigAttack, it's got to be changed.
Shotguns CAN hit a second enemy with a single hit.
But no, you cannot use a rageclaw four times in one action. You could throw a single enemy at another for 20 damage each, but 40 damage, 4 times, in one action? No. Just no.

Please, edit your post to consider these things, then post a bump when you have done so.)
(( here you go p.a master i edited it so..... bump))
(Thanks much)

The spikeys are taken out, but due to the lack of dodging, Raziel gets hit by a Metool shockwave.

MetoolA: 40 HP
MetoolB: 40 HP
MetoolC: 40 HP
MetoolD: 40 HP

Raziel: 70 HP
Raziel looks at the little metools with rage in his eyes and said "ouch you little buggers. that really hurt" Raziel kept mr.prog behind him and dashed toward the metools. Sicon enter the battle chip cannon into his pet and instantly Raziel glowed with a blue light and a cannon appers at his side. he fires it off at metoolA. Raziel now looking at the metools using the only chip he has left. he fires the zap ring at metool B. And without a thought in mind starts to dodge the attacks.

battle chip: cannon(40 damage) MetoolA
battle chip: Zapring(20 damage) metoolB
(Here, Zaprings do 40. All the better for you.)

Dodging two attacks from metools, Raziel then deletes two of them.

MetoolC: 40 HP
MetoolD: 40 HP

Raziel: 70 HP
((alright. yes.......oh crap.........out of chips......i have an idea))

Raziel looked at the virii exploded before him. then he turned to the last 2 before him and said "now now. what to do with you." then an idea came to his mind. he linged toward metool C and and raisedhis flaming sword in the air and then brought it down upon the little virus 2 times then started dodging the attaks of the virii.

buster attack. (i have know idea how much the buster attack does....can you tell me.)on metoolA

Buster attack (same) metoolA

((Alright, I assume you have all of your navi cust stuff on... and the fourmla for a normal shot is (Attack*rapid*2) I think, so your shots do 8. Charge is (Attack*charge*8), but take three actions to use. Also, please link your Navi and Netop profile in you Sig... also, isn't MetA aleady dead? So I'm just going to move it to metC))

Raziel attacks hit the met head on, and when it countered attack Raziel was ready to dodge, but when the other one attack, it missed by centimeters.

MetoolC: 24 HP
MetoolD: 40 HP

Raziel: 70 HP
(i dont know how to link but i would if i knew can you help me on that one. and yay its been 2 turns time for another sig)

Raziel jumped away and started thinking of a way to finish this faster then he realized that he could use his sig attack again so he started glowing with a black aura. his eyes bright red as if flames were in his skull then the aura rushed around him into his sword he then dashed toward metoolD slashing away then hus sord returns to its normal flame state and he aims at metool C using his regular buster.

Sigattack: DemonAura (60 damage) MetoolD
buster attack(attack*rapid*2=8)metoolC
Left with a pitiful amount of HP, the last Metool hides beneath its helmet.

MetoolC: 8 HP

Raziel: 70 HP
Raziel looks at the virius and says "soryy little guy but you have to go.
he raises his sword to the sky and brings it down upon the little virus 3 times each time with more aura than the last.

buster attack(8)x3 on metoolC