After a few moments, her expression changed, as if she had concluded something from her thoughts. "Oh yeah, judging from the name, you're an Electopian, right? If so, which part of it are you from? My dad's working at SciLab on an exchange and such, so it kinda clicked into my head."
Meanwhile, barely having escaped the death pit that had just opened up before them, the four subsystems were set to synchronize themselves further from the battle, thanks to Tem's spearheading. Unfortunately, Rass's charisma checks weren't quite on par for the moment, and received a rebuke from his fellow subsystem. On said subsystem's end, Ishamel's quick processing allowed Argo's body to warp directly into range of the PogoJack, bisecting it with the ElecSword before it could do anything to attack him. From where he had left the Drixol, the conical virus vanished into a portal, and reappeared back--into the space that he had just left, thus drilling into empty air.
On Rass's side, his body was still reeling from the effects of the Magneaker's EMP bomb. Being unable to move for the moment, the Magneakers appeared to take notice quickly, and charged up their thrusters to rocket down from atop their pillars towards him. Unfortunately for the opportunistic viruses, the Tuby virus's last swan song caused them to get their bearings very much crossed, and they ended up charging into each other for rather minimal damage, but at that point, any bit of relief from damage was good. Even more appropriately, Rass summoned up a WindBox virus to assist him in preventing the Magneakers from reaching him, which caused them to collide into each other directly above the gaping empty space that he had just escaped. The two insectoid viruses dropped into the abyss, leaving the last Twisty to fend for itself.
The Twisty was unaffected by the gale of wind that the WindBox was putting out with its remotely controlled flying drone, though it still wasn't easy to navigate said drone through the high winds. The crack of lightning that struck down from the Twisty's remote bit finally landed, but it fell just short of his position, thanks to the Tuby's song throwing off its targeting. The ground that was struck started to crack, before flashing white and returning to its original pink color. Retaliating back, Rass fired a charged blast from his palm, destroying the Twisty and clearing out his end of all hostiles.
Back on Argo's end, Ishamel's long calculations caused Argo no end of impatience, but the rocky GolemHit fist finally came down from the skies onto the unwitting Drixol virus, clearing the last of the viruses for good.
Quote (Argo Side)
Anaconda-EAnaconda-E (Anaconda-E)
This virus is only encountered after battle 5. Limit 1 per battle. Each Anaconda is divided into 3 disconnected parts: the head, and two spiked tail sections: each of which takes up one entire panel. The head is the only part of the virus that can take damage, while the body segments are invincible. The virus is able to defend against attacks from up to two directions at a time by positioning the 3 parts of its body in various formations. Any Non-AoE or Non-Phasing attack that hits a body segment is completely stopped, and has no effect whatsoever. Attacks with area effect can still hit the head even if they strike the body first, and phasing attacks pass right through the body as if it were made of objects. An Anaconda's own attacks can always phase through its own body.
Area: NAXA
HP: 200
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 50 Elec + Homing + Stun
Primary Attack Accuracy: C
Primary Attack Description: Spits out a homing thunderball.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 50 Elec + Phasing
Secondary Attack Accuracy: E
Secondary Attack Description: Spawns a 20 HP snake that moves randomly.
Element: Elec
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): CobraEgg1, Zenny
Special: Its body may be used to block frontal attacks. Piercing, Beam, Phasing, Splash, Spread, Blast, and Nova may bypass it. Break does not.: DELETED
Drixol EXDrixol EX (Drixol)
Area: Electown, Kotobuki Town, Hades Isle
HP: 130
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 40 Null + Break + Piercing
Primary Attack Accuracy: C
Primary Attack Description: Flies at a line of enemies, drilling through all in its path.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: (Teleport) + 40 Null + Break + Piercing)
Secondary Attack Accuracy: B
Secondary Attack Description: After the initial flying drill attack, this virus teleports through a hole in space, and makes a second pass at the chosen enemy target from a new direction.
Element: Null
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): DrillArm1, Zenny
Special: Omnishoes when attacking.
Special: This virus will never execute its secondary attack without using its primary attack first, and always in immediate succession. Any other actions it takes must occur outside of this sequence. If anything causes an interruption between its primary attack action and secondary attack action, they revert to starting their primary attack again.: DELETED
PogoJackPogoJack (PogoJack)
A virus that looks like a green/blue/pink/red/orange/yellow/black jackhammer and moves across the net cracking the earth with its ever-activated pile-driver. Two arms with gloves hands extend up from the sides and hold its own handle. A silly face adorns the front with an angry scowl.
Area: Electown, Kotobuki Town, Netopia, NetVegas
HP: 80
Attack Damage/Effect: 10 x 2 Drop Attack + Break + Impact + Movement
Attack Accuracy: C
Attack Description: PogoJack jumps a short distance into the air and then comes down on a target, hammering them with its piledriver.
Element: Normal
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): PileDriver1, Zenny
Special: Whenever this virus moves, the next panel it lands on becomes cracked. This virus does not break cracked panels it lands on, but breaks them when it moves away. A: DELETED
PogoJackPogoJack (PogoJack)
A virus that looks like a green/blue/pink/red/orange/yellow/black jackhammer and moves across the net cracking the earth with its ever-activated pile-driver. Two arms with gloves hands extend up from the sides and hold its own handle. A silly face adorns the front with an angry scowl.
Area: Electown, Kotobuki Town, Netopia, NetVegas
HP: 80
Attack Damage/Effect: 10 x 2 Drop Attack + Break + Impact + Movement
Attack Accuracy: C
Attack Description: PogoJack jumps a short distance into the air and then comes down on a target, hammering them with its piledriver.
Element: Normal
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): PileDriver1, Zenny
Special: Whenever this virus moves, the next panel it lands on becomes cracked. This virus does not break cracked panels it lands on, but breaks them when it moves away. B: DELETED
PogoJackPogoJack (PogoJack)
A virus that looks like a green/blue/pink/red/orange/yellow/black jackhammer and moves across the net cracking the earth with its ever-activated pile-driver. Two arms with gloves hands extend up from the sides and hold its own handle. A silly face adorns the front with an angry scowl.
Area: Electown, Kotobuki Town, Netopia, NetVegas
HP: 80
Attack Damage/Effect: 10 x 2 Drop Attack + Break + Impact + Movement
Attack Accuracy: C
Attack Description: PogoJack jumps a short distance into the air and then comes down on a target, hammering them with its piledriver.
Element: Normal
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): PileDriver1, Zenny
Special: Whenever this virus moves, the next panel it lands on becomes cracked. This virus does not break cracked panels it lands on, but breaks them when it moves away. C: DELETED
Red Data Pillar: 150 HP
Blue Data Pillar: 150 HP
Green Data Pillar: DESTROYED
Pink Data Pillar: 150 HP
Argo.EXE: 50 HP (Red)
Terrain: 41% Red, 11% Blue, 32% Pink, 16% Missing
(Special: Terrain is permanent and non-changeable)
Quote (Rass Side)
Twisty EXTwisty EX (Twisty)
Area: SciLab, Electown
HP: 120
Attack: 40 Elec + Panel Break + Drop Attack
Attack Accuracy: C
Attack Description: Summons a RemoteBit to rain down lightning and break panels.
Element: Elec
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): RemoteBit1, Zenny
Special: Immobile. RemoteBit is invulnerable to all attacks and effects. Can use Blinder once.: DELETED
MagneakerMagneaker (Magneaker)
Magneaker viruses move and dodge slowly. Magneakers attack by launching MagBombs by default. When there is a stunned enemy on the field, however, they will instead charge at the stunned opponent with surprising speed. They are quick to react to the presence of stunned enemies, and execute this attack with very little delay. The DashAttack counts as a dodge against opponents attacking from any angle except dead-on or from directly behind the Magneaker. Magneakers do not charge at un-stunned enemies, unless there is a stunned target in-line with them. Magneakers have Omnishoes while executing a charge attack.
Area: Electown, Dentech, SciLab
HP: 70
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 15 Elec + Stun 1 + Blast 2
Primary Attack Accuracy: D
Primary Attack Description: Fires an EMP bomb that stuns the enemy.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 10 Elec + Impact + Piercing + Stopped by Object
Secondary Attack Accuracy: B
Secondary Attack Description: When an enemy on the field is stunned, this virus will spin around to face them, and immediately fly at them at high speed for an opportunistic body-slam attack.
Element: Elec
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): MagBomb1, Zenny
Special: Stopped by Object: Attack ceases execution when blocked by an Object. Attacks with this attribute also do not damage objects. A: DELETED
MagneakerMagneaker (Magneaker)
Magneaker viruses move and dodge slowly. Magneakers attack by launching MagBombs by default. When there is a stunned enemy on the field, however, they will instead charge at the stunned opponent with surprising speed. They are quick to react to the presence of stunned enemies, and execute this attack with very little delay. The DashAttack counts as a dodge against opponents attacking from any angle except dead-on or from directly behind the Magneaker. Magneakers do not charge at un-stunned enemies, unless there is a stunned target in-line with them. Magneakers have Omnishoes while executing a charge attack.
Area: Electown, Dentech, SciLab
HP: 70
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 15 Elec + Stun 1 + Blast 2
Primary Attack Accuracy: D
Primary Attack Description: Fires an EMP bomb that stuns the enemy.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 10 Elec + Impact + Piercing + Stopped by Object
Secondary Attack Accuracy: B
Secondary Attack Description: When an enemy on the field is stunned, this virus will spin around to face them, and immediately fly at them at high speed for an opportunistic body-slam attack.
Element: Elec
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): MagBomb1, Zenny
Special: Stopped by Object: Attack ceases execution when blocked by an Object. Attacks with this attribute also do not damage objects. B: DELETED
ChampuChampu (Champy)
Champy viruses teleport when they attack.
Area: ACDC, SciLab, Electown, Kotobuki Town, Hades Isle
HP: 60
Attack Damage/Effect: 10 Fire + Impact x 2 Punches
Attack Accuracy: B
Attack Description: Punches twice with fire.
Element: Fire
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): FireHit1, Zenny A: DELETED
ChampuChampu (Champy)
Champy viruses teleport when they attack.
Area: ACDC, SciLab, Electown, Kotobuki Town, Hades Isle
HP: 60
Attack Damage/Effect: 10 Fire + Impact x 2 Punches
Attack Accuracy: B
Attack Description: Punches twice with fire.
Element: Fire
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): FireHit1, Zenny B: DELETED
ChampuChampu (Champy)
Champy viruses teleport when they attack.
Area: ACDC, SciLab, Electown, Kotobuki Town, Hades Isle
HP: 60
Attack Damage/Effect: 10 Fire + Impact x 2 Punches
Attack Accuracy: B
Attack Description: Punches twice with fire.
Element: Fire
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): FireHit1, Zenny C: DELETED
Red Data Pillar: 150 HP
Blue Data Pillar: 150 HP
Green Data Pillar: DESTROYED
Pink Data Pillar: 150 HP
Rass.EXE: 54 HP (Pink)
Terrain: 32% Red, 21% Blue, 14% Pink, 33% Missing
(Special: Terrain is permanent and non-changeable)

Accuracy: C
Description: A lightning-attuned snake slithers across the field, hunting for an enemy.
Duration: Once
Element: Elec
Trader Rank: D Battlechip (Argo),

Properties: Anchored
Object Damage: 100 + Impact
Damage Method: Telekinesis
Attack Damage: 80 + Panel Break + Drop Attack
Accuracy: B
Description: Summons a Control Tower in your area and a Remote Bit to rain down lightning upon the enemy.
Duration: 3 turns or Until destroyed
Element: Elec
Special: Drop Attack: This attack originates above the battlefield, and falls to the ground. It gains one rank of accuracy against High Altitude targets.
Trader Rank: D Battlechip (Rass), 2700z (Combined)
After the last virus was deleted on Argo's end, a faint shimmer enveloped both environments on either end, and both of their landscapes changed to that of a greyscale rendition of a network crossroads area. The gaping hole that had been in front of them vanished, and restored itself into greyscaled network paneling that seemed to have been damaged in a rough fight, with cracks here and there. The data pillars from earlier also changed shape, appearing to be very badly damaged pathway signs. The fourth that they had just destroyed earlier also returned to normal, completing a set of four signs.
Reading out what remained of the signs, it appeared to be a sector in Sharo Net, though where it was exactly was unclear, as the parts identifying the specific area on the signs had been destroyed. It didn't really matter, though, as three of the paths seemed to be closed off; a blank void encompassed the horizon on those three paths. Only the fourth path seemed to be traversable, going down a slope that they weren't able to see.
The crossroads were otherwise completely empty. At least, until the blank void across the horizon lit up in bright green lights, exclaiming silently in large, repeated lettering across the sky: "SYSTEM RESTARTED SUCCESSFULLY: BEGINNING REPLICATION INTEGRITY SCAN".