Free At Last!

Satisfaction was an understatement for the way Feint felt right now. Being stuck in a PET for almost a month causes one to appreciate even something as simple as breathing in the digital air of the cyber world -- it was a luxury she hadn't had in a little while now.

Even such a common network as ACDC was an unfamiliar place to her. She wasted no time in exploring the vast area as soon as her body had been transferred here from Faith's PET.

Hopefully something interesting would be going on today too, because it'd probably be a long time before she had this leisure again.

Looking for something exciting, or even particularly interesting going in in the sleepy ACDC nets was usually something akin to looking for the ride labelled 'Free' at a travelling carnival, but for those just recently escaped from solitary confinement, even the fresh net air was welcome.

For Feint, the nearest thing of any particular interest was probably that thing that looked a bit like an electopian zen garden, over to her right. Several irregularly shaped rock formations lifted up out of the large flat expanse of sand, and a number of aesthetically pleasing patterns had been furrowed intricately in the spaces around them. Appropriately, a couple of garden-variety rakes could be seen lying to either side of the sand area.

What was less zen, was that fact that a pair of bunnies seemed to be racing around the gaps in between the rocks at break-neck speed, apparently being chased by a spooky ghost virus. When one of them caught sight of Feint, however, all this turned out to be a game; the first bunny skidded to a halt, spreading sand everywhere, and was promptly collided with by the second, and then the spooky as well. There was some brief chitterings before the other two turned to look where the first one was, and then the bunnies began to spark and crackle. One launched a very poorly aimed electric ring at the navi, then hopped up onto one of the strangely shaped rocks for a better vantage, while the spooky simply edged forward, waggling its tongue in anticipation. The third bunny ducked behind a rock, out of sight, but there was little doubt that all three of them were intending to follow their most basic instinct, and attack.

-=Zen Garden Enthusiasts=-

BunnyA: 50hp [On a near rock][Normal]
BunnyB: 50hp [Covered, Behind a rock][Sand]
Spooky: 30Hp [Sand]

-=Recently Released=-

Feint.Exe: 150Hp [Normal]


40% Sand [A roughly square Zen garden, dotted with rocks]
60% Normal [Everywhere else]

Notes: even while in the sand area, perching on top of any of the rocks is treated as being on normal terrain instead.


Rock Shapes A-E: 20Hp Each, scattered through the zen garden.

-=Battle 1, Start!=-
"C'mon Sis, let's back off and let them do their thing."

"I'm not your sister."

"Cherish! Come on!"

"And I told you to quit calling me that."

Feint sighed at her Operator and didn't budge as the electric ring flew passed her and missed. Truth be told, the creepy glare and tongue-licking of the ghost seemed more threatening than the thunder bunnies.

"A ballsy rabbit, a perverted ghost, and a coward. You thought I couldn't handle these? I'm offended, Nymphra."

"I didn't say that, I just wanted you to leave them alone. They look like they're just playing with each other."

"Hide-n-go seek is over for these scrubs. Besides, I need to relieve some stress after being locked in a cell for so long."

Faith sighed as she slotted in two battle chips to her PET. Interestingly enough, the chip data appeared as an actual battle chip in Feint's hand: a Shotgun and a Vulcan.

' I'll aim for the hiding one first, then the ghost for creeping me out. The last rabbit's clearly a terrible shot, so if it fires at me again it'll probably miss anyway. I'll take it out last. '

In her mind it sounded like a sound strategy.

Feint loaded the Shotgun Chip into an empty slot on her personal weapon, causing it to glow yellow and load a powerful bullet inside of the otherwise empty chamber of the handgun. She quickly took aim and fired it at the rock that BunnyB was hiding behind, intending for the spread of the blast to hit the primary target.

Not waiting to verify the hit, Feint turned her attentions to the Spooky and loaded the Vulcan Chip into her gun, causing it to shine with the radiant yellow glow again.


Three successive shots (with seemingly no recoil in between) traveled from the tip of the barrel to the virus' location before any of them had time to blink their eyes. She didn't preemptively line it up so that the spread of the shots would be directed at the attacking bunny; it just sort of happened that way.

Feint didn't doubt her own accuracy, but she didn't discredit the possible evasiveness of her targets either. Rather than gunning directly for the last virus, Feint lowered her weapon and waited for reprisal.

She could hit stationary targets all day, but one could never be certain how a particular enemy would react to being fired upon and there were plenty of times she'd failed to hit a target with quick enough reflexes. Rather than risking being caught offguard for the potential evasion of her enemies, she expected the worst case scenario (all of her shots missing) and planned for it accordingly.

Now even if a single shot landed, it was "better than expected" (though certainly not better than hoped).


Action #1 - Shotgun (DMG: 50 ~ ACC: A+ ~ Spread 1) @ Rock && BunnyB

Free Action - Snipe (Add Seeking to the next action as a free action)

Action #2 - Vulcan1 (DMG: 10 x 3 Hits ~ ACC: A+ ~ Spread 1 + Seeking) @ Spooky && BunnyA

Action #3 - Dodge (Prepared to take evasive action)

A brief disagreement between Navi and Operator was quickly resolved into sound offensive action as Feint made laughable work of the first bunny's attempt at cover. Her shotgun blast shredded the aesthetically pleasing rock shape, and riddled the bunny behind with enough shot to reduce it to junk data.

Its friend on the raised rock squeaked indignantly and let loose another ring in retribution, and though its second attempt was notably more on target, Feint was more than ready to avoid this one, and dodged cleanly before raising her Vulcan to the spook. The ghost seemed to have a similar idea, unfortunately, and teleported up to her, dragging its long, slimy tongue up her torso and over her face with great enthusiasm (-10), before the slightly violated navi unloaded her weapon at it point blank.

There was to be absolutely no escape for the spirit virus, at that range, and it was promptly destroyed. The down side was, as close as it was to Feint, there was no way the vulcan's spread could reach anything else, so for now the battle field was reduced to one on one.

-=Zen Garden Enthusiasts=-

BunnyA: 50hp [On a near rock][Normal]

-=Recently Released=-

Feint.Exe: 140Hp [Normal]


40% Sand [A roughly square Zen garden, dotted with rocks]
60% Normal [Everywhere else]

Notes: even while in the sand area, perching on top of any of the rocks is treated as being on normal terrain instead.


Rock Shapes A-D: 20Hp Each, scattered through the zen garden.
Rock Shape E: DELETED

"Cherish, maybe you should take cover too?"

"I'm not a coward, Nymphra!"

Feint wiped off the saliva that was still on her suit from the ghost that'd just slapped its tongue across her body. It was lucky to have died to the Vulcan shots -- she'd made its death much more painful had it otherwise survived her instinctive attack.

She made another important discovery just moments prior: the blind bunny wasn't so blind after all. Perhaps its first electric ring was just a warning shot -- the second one was far more accurate than the last.

"Here's a cannon chip -- finish the last one off then."

Just as before, the chip data appeared as a physical chip in Feint's free hand which she loaded into the chamber as if it were actual ammunition. And at the pull of the trigger, a cannon blast shot out of the gun aimed directly between the Bunny's eyes.

Feint quickly maneuvered behind one of the nearby rock structures just after firing the shot; that'd hopefully protect her from retaliation if the attack failed.

"Not a coward?"

"I'm not taking cover. I'm just trying to sneak around to hit it from a blindside. There's a difference."

She was definitely taking cover.

But whatever she wanted to tell herself was fine by Faith.


Action #1 - Take Aim (+1 ACC to Next Attack)

Action #2 - Cannon (DMG: 40 ~ ACC: A++ ~ Knockback) @ BunnyA

Action #3 - Movement (Toward RockShapeA or whichever RockShape is closest)

Gross-Ghost-Goo aside, Feint was more or less ok as she plotted the final bunny's demise. Watching her, it tilted to the site on one foot, charged its ears, and loosed another shocking ring. Apparently the little guy's aim was distinctly hit and miss: like the first time, this attempt skittered off to the right by a wide margin, missing Feint completely, just before she nailed it squarely.

The force of the cannon shot bowled the little critter clear off its perch, to disintegrate into junk data in the sand below, though when she collected her spoils and inspected the aftermath, Feint would discover that one of the bunnies, at least, had left behind something a little bit more usable.

-=Zen Garden Enthusiasts=-


-=Recently Released=-

Feint.Exe: 140Hp [Sand][Cover]


40% Sand [A roughly square Zen garden, dotted with rocks]
60% Normal [Everywhere else]

Notes: even while in the sand area, perching on top of any of the rocks is treated as being on normal terrain instead.


Rock Shapes A-D: 20Hp Each, scattered through the zen garden.
Rock Shape E: DELETED

-=Battle 1, Victory!=-

Rewards: 200z, ZapRing1

Quote (ZapRing1)

Damage: 40 + Stun 1
Accuracy: A
Description: Shoots electricity in a ring shape to stun an enemy in their tracks.
Duration: Once
Element: Elec

((Didn't matter this time, but bear in mind that Take Aim cannot be used to push accuracy above 'A' - It can push things to A, but no higher. Feint's cursor bonus can push an A to an A+, and certain other effects can do so as well, but basic Take Aim, as an action, is limited to a cap of 'plain' A. In real terms I'm just mentioning this to save you wasted actions in the future; as a cursor, there's no benefit to using aim on things that are already an A))
(( Aight, thanks for the heads up ))


Well that went mostly okay. Feint criticized herself harshly in her mind, spiting the fact that she was too slow to evade the Spooky's attack.

But it'd been months since her last online activity, so she had an excuse for being less than perfect. In her opinion, at least.

"Alright, ready to jack out now?"

"I'll be ready when I'm EJO'd. I'm just getting started."


Well hopefully she wasn't serious, but Feint rarely spoke anything other her (cold) true intent. Time would tell, perhaps. For now, she made her leave of the zen garden and continued wandering about the ACDC Network in search of more things to be angry at and shoot with her gun.


In the field of things that were valid targets for anger and shooting at, Feint didn't have overly long to wander before she found some more appropriate victims. The area not too far beyond the sand pit had the vague look of some sort of new art production, and soft musical tones began to reach her ears. Two tall metal arches spanned the area in front of her, crossing over to make a broad square, and a number of very large chunks of curved wood and glass looked to be suspended from them at various heights. As the wind passed through, it created drawn out notes, interspersed by the occasional soft click or jingle of the chimes brushing against each other.

The artistic scene was marred by the presence of some notably less passive entities. Three large, fat-bodied melody notes were bouncing around within the archways, apparently attempting to bat the chimes around. It was hard to tell whether they were trying to make more music, or were trying to break the object; either was a distinct possibility. A Fishy virus was having a go at the structure as well, shooting through the chimes in one direction, then arcing around to dash through another way.

At ground level, a lone Spikey was running about randomly, barking and sending small curls of fire from its mouth as it yapped at the other viruses. It was a wonder it didn't run into anything, with its head turned up constantly like that.

Such was the scene that Feint encountered; none of the viruses seemed to have noticed her yet, so she had a moment or two to decide what she wanted to do about it.

-=Hardly Musical=-

MelodyA: 80Hp [Normal][Middle of arches]
MelodyB: 80Hp [Normal][Back corner of arches]
MelodyC: 80Hp [Glass][Perched on one of the chimes]
Fishy: 90Hp [Grass][Just outside arches, to the right]
Spikey: 90Hp [Normal][Near side or arches]

-=Hardly Patient=-

Feint.Exe: 140Hp [Grass][A short distance from the arch structure]

-=Hardly... Hard? ... Terrain=-

10% Metal [The Arch Structure, and two or three Chimes]
10% Glass [A couple of the chimes]
30% Grass [Area around the arches]
50% Normal [Area under the arches, and some of the Chimes]


Arched Structure: 200Hp [Anchored]
Suspended ChimesA-F: 10Hp Each [Suspended under the arches]

Notes: The arched structure can be climbed on with a well Rped action, and acts like metal terrain. Likewise a jump action and/or good RP can be used to climb and purchase on any of the chimes, which variously act as Glass, Metal or Normal.

Depleting a Chime's Hp will cause it to drop to the ground, possibly modifying the ground terrain.

-=Battle 2, Start!=-

"Leave them alone Cherish -- these viruses are just playing with each other too."

"They sound terrible."

"I think... they're agitating the dog."

"I feel his pain."

"Maybe they'll stop annoying the dog if you scare them off? Here's a cannon chip. I think the sound of the blast will frighten them enough to leave the poor dog alone. Help him out, Cherish."

"... Sure, I'll end his misery."


Electrical currents traversed Feint's body as she loaded the chip into her weapon, clearly amplifying the round she'd fired. It took a few moments for the electrical activity to wind down even after the blast, and the bullet seemed to be covered in the same electricity as it closed the distance between Feint and the "poor dog's" maw.



That'd either scare off or piss off the rest of them. And it was safer to say it was the later. Feint lowered her smoking weapon and kept her eyes on the four remaining targets (or five, should she have missed).

Things were about to get a whole lot noisier than they were just a few moments ago.


Action #1 - Overdrive (Take Aim + Imbue Elec + Strengthen 30 ~ 2 CD)

Action #2 - Cannon (DMG: 95 Elec ~ ACC: A+ ~ Knockback) @ Spikey

Action #3 - Dodge (Prepared to react to retaliation)

((sorry for the delay))

While Feint and her operator disagreed over the 'best' way to 'resolve' the situation before them, the three melodies began another round of madly bouncing about inside the arched structure. None of them particularly seemed to be aiming at anything overly much, so much as flailing themselves around and jostling the chimes randomly.

Feint loaded her gun and amped it up, and the sparking caught the Spikey's attention for a moment. It stopped yapping at the musical notes and turned, sitting back on its haunches for a moment to look at Feint and tilt its head slightly, curious.

Its curiosity was rewarded by an overcharged cannon round hurtling at deleterious speeds directly for its face. Some deeper instinct made the little fire dog jump up, eager, then leap to try and catch the shot in its mouth. This turned out to be a very poor idea as the over-charged round swiftly annihilated to poor thing.

The Fishy, on the side had been about to make another pass at the chimes itself, but Feints aggressive action drew its gaze, and instead, it made a sudden rush at her instead. Fortunately, the gun-totting navi was able, just barely, to dodge out of the way of the dashing fish, which began to turn about for another go.

-=Hardly Musical=-

MelodyA: 80Hp [Normal][Near the Back of the arches]
MelodyB: 80Hp [Metal][Middle of arches, on a metal chime]
MelodyC: 80Hp [Normal][Front left of the arches, on a normal chime]
Fishy: 90Hp [Grass][Just behind Feint, to the left]

-=Hardly Patient=-

Feint.Exe: 140Hp [Grass][A short distance from the arch structure]

-=Hardly... Hard? ... Terrain=-

10% Metal [The Arch Structure, and two or three Chimes]
10% Glass [A couple of the chimes]
30% Grass [Area around the arches]
50% Normal [Area under the arches, and some of the Chimes]


Arched Structure: 200Hp [Anchored]
Suspended ChimesA-F: 10Hp Each [Suspended under the arches]

Notes: The arched structure can be climbed on with a well Rped action, and acts like metal terrain. Likewise a jump action and/or good RP can be used to climb and purchase on any of the chimes, which variously act as Glass, Metal or Normal.

Depleting a Chime's Hp will cause it to drop to the ground, possibly modifying the ground terrain.
((No worries))

"I'm disappointed in you Cherish."

"I'm disappointed that you expected anything different."

"Now what? Are you going to kill the bird, too?"

"Yes, that was the plan."


No chip data came. Faith seemed pretty upset about Feint's last course of action.

"Fine. I'll do it without your help."

Electrical energy surged throughout Feint's suit again, but noticeably less than before. It enveloped her weapon as she fired on an empty chamber, but a visible, electrified ball of air came from the gun intending to hit the Fishy. She waited a moment for it to swing back around and dash at her, then prepared to step to the side and evade its attack before striking it any more.

"But it's going to get pretty boring to watch."


Action #1 & #2 - Half-Charge Weapon (DMG: 20 Elec ~ ACC: A+) @ Fishy

Action #3 - Dodge (Ready to side-step Fishy's charge)

As much as Faith was giving her navi the silent treatment for her actions, Feint herself was mostly unperturbed and took a shot at the next nearest virus. Her electrical round found its mark easily enough, even as the fishy tried to line up another ram. The result sent the virus careening wildly past her, veering wide by a notable margin.

While this was going on, the musical notes, amongst the chimes, continued to bounce around causing all manner of odd sounds with seemingly random abandon. One bounced from on a chime to a corner of the arches, then onto the peak of the structure, then, surprisingly, launched itself from the musical device with great vigour. It didn't seem particularly aware of where it was going, but unfortunately for Feint that turned out to be directly towards her.

The 'attack', if it could really be called one, must surely have come as a surprise to feint, as much as the virus itself, because though she attempted to dodge away from the large-bodied note as it came crashing down, she just barely failed to get away, and instead, it flattened her to the ground in almost comical style, accompanied by what sounded like a cymbal crash (-10). The Melody seemed every bit as shocked by this development as Feint probably was, and it tired to look down at the navi that had broken its fall for a moment.

-=Hardly Musical=-

MelodyA: 80Hp [Normal][Ground under the chimes]
MelodyB: 80Hp [Grass][With Feint]
MelodyC: 80Hp [Glass][Middle of the arches, on a glass chime]
Fishy: 70Hp [Normal][Just by the corner of the arches nearest to Feint]

-=Hardly Patient=-

Feint.Exe: 130Hp [Grass][A short distance from the arch structure]

-=Hardly... Hard? ... Terrain=-

10% Metal [The Arch Structure, and two or three Chimes]
10% Glass [A couple of the chimes]
30% Grass [Area around the arches]
50% Normal [Area under the arches, and some of the Chimes]


Arched Structure: 200Hp [Anchored]
Suspended ChimesA-F: 10Hp Each [Suspended under the arches]

Notes: The arched structure can be climbed on with a well Rped action, and acts like metal terrain. Likewise a jump action and/or good RP can be used to climb and purchase on any of the chimes, which variously act as Glass, Metal or Normal.

Depleting a Chime's Hp will cause it to drop to the ground, possibly modifying the ground terrain.

A concerned moan came from Faith as she watched "her sister" get squashed by the clumsy virus. She felt kind of bad now.

Feint held back the urge to grunt at the pain of her body being crushed beneath the Melody, but that pain turned to fuel for her rage at being blindsided by a sentient musical note of all things.

"Still enjoying the show?"

"... I sent you a Rage Claw."

Just like any other Chip Data that Feint received, it appeared in her hand as an actual Battle Chip for her to utilize, but this particular brand obviously wouldn't be loaded into her gun and fired.

Instead, Feint tore the chip data in two pieces, holding one half in each hand. Her fists glowed for a moment before fading back to their regular tone; when she opened her hands, the chip data was gone, but her nails had become sharp as claws (though more like the claws of a tiger than those of a bear).

She spread her arms apart, slashing at the Melody in an X-Pattern while it was still close by, angrily intending to rend it apart with both of the claws before it had time to reconsider its accidental assault.


Faith still seemed pretty unhappy. There she went again, lashing out at another poor virus that just accidentally bumped into her the wrong way (quite literally, but a bit more forcefully than the saying implied). Faith convinced herself in believing that the Melody had a sorry look in its eyes; that it regretted bouncing into Cherish -- that it was truly an accident and that it would apologize if it were able to speak.

But the big-bad-Feint held no forgiveness toward anybody, much less overlook even the smallest offense. Now she had her eyes set on all of the Melody's friends as well.

She'd leave this place in ruin before she left without getting her revenge.


Action #1 - RageClaw1 (DMG: 40 ~ ACC: B ~ Slashing ~ 1/6 Uses) @ MelodyB

Action #2 - RageClaw1 (DMG: 40 ~ ACC: B ~ Slashing ~ 2/6 Uses) @ MelodyB

Action #3 - Dodge (Ready to evade, as per usual)

As much as Faith probably wanted to believe the best of the Melody that had incidentally squashed her navi, the truth of the matter was that, when it noticed that it had indeed landed on a navi and harmed it, the melody made the most adorably happy-eyed expression and bounced up and down in place a few more times (on top of Feint, no less, though it didn't seem to cause any additional harm... just discomfort).

Why it was gleeful at scoring an unexpected hit on an unknown navi was anyone's guess, but the only one who might be able to explain was the note itself... and a moment later, Feint's claws raked through it from two directions and swiftly removed all trace of it from the net.

Elsewhere the fishy took another rushing pass at Feint, but missed by an even wider mile than before, and looked like it was contemplating giving up and going back to playing with the musical chimes.

One of the remaining Melodies happened to see the destruction of its friend and, in distress began to hop over towards the scene of destruction. Even so, its jumping only carried it most of the way over, for now, leaving the note quite close to Feint for the time being. The third one remained playfully oblivious, jumping about on the chimes and making them jingle.

-=Hardly Musical=-

MelodyA: 80Hp [Grass][Close to Feint]
MelodyC: 80Hp [Metal][Middle of the arches, on a metal chime]
Fishy: 70Hp [Grass][to the right of Feint, turning back towards the arched structure]

-=Hardly Patient=-

Feint.Exe: 130Hp [Grass][A short distance from the arch structure][RageClaw, 4/6]

-=Hardly... Hard? ... Terrain=-

10% Metal [The Arch Structure, and two or three Chimes]
10% Glass [A couple of the chimes]
30% Grass [Area around the arches]
50% Normal [Area under the arches, and some of the Chimes]


Arched Structure: 200Hp [Anchored]
Suspended ChimesA-F: 10Hp Each [Suspended under the arches]

Notes: The arched structure can be climbed on with a well Rped action, and acts like metal terrain. Likewise a jump action and/or good RP can be used to climb and purchase on any of the chimes, which variously act as Glass, Metal or Normal.

Depleting a Chime's Hp will cause it to drop to the ground, possibly modifying the ground terrain.



Feint made a clicking noise with her tongue as the second Melody drew near.

"They're just eager to die."

"No, they're just defending themselves because you're picking on them!"

Feint ignored her operator and stepped toward the second Melody, quickly lunging at it with her claws in attempts to turn this one to ribbons as well. First a wide-slash with the left claw then another wide cut from the right.

The Fishy looked like it had given up, but she'd still pursue that one before all was said and done.


Action #1 - Dodge (Evasive Movement toward MelodyA)

Action #2 - RageClaw1 (DMG: 40 ~ ACC: B ~ Slashing ~ 3/6 Uses) @ MelodyA

Action #3 - RageClaw1 (DMG: 40 ~ ACC: B ~ Slashing ~ 4/6 Uses) @ MelodyA

The Melody that had come to avenge its buddy was suitably more fired up than the last, and as Feint dashed in the note jumped. As a result, the aggressive navi's first claw swipe raked harmlessly through the space where it had been. The note, equally, landed in the space where Feint herself had been a moment ago.

When she turned to swipe at it a second time, the note was already bouncing up again, and she met a second clawful of air, though this time the note managed to bounce squarely on her head, knocking Feint flat again (-10). It bounced away again, landing on the grass nearby, and if the first note had seemed gleeful and happy, this one regarded feint with undeniable surliness.

Elsewhere, the final note bounced between its chimes, slipped on a glass one, and fell to the ground with a crash. It paused to look up at the chime, as though some deep betrayal had taken place. The fishy seemed highly amused by this.

-=Hardly Musical=-

MelodyA: 80Hp [Grass][Close to Feint]
MelodyC: 80Hp [Normal][Ground below the arches]
Fishy: 70Hp [Grass][to the right of Feint, looking away]

-=Hardly Patient=-

Feint.Exe: 120Hp [Grass][A short distance from the arch structure][RageClaw, 2/6]

-=Hardly... Hard? ... Terrain=-

10% Metal [The Arch Structure, and two or three Chimes]
10% Glass [A couple of the chimes]
30% Grass [Area around the arches]
50% Normal [Area under the arches, and some of the Chimes]


Arched Structure: 200Hp [Anchored]
Suspended ChimesA-F: 10Hp Each [Suspended under the arches]

Notes: The arched structure can be climbed on with a well Rped action, and acts like metal terrain. Likewise a jump action and/or good RP can be used to climb and purchase on any of the chimes, which variously act as Glass, Metal or Normal.

Depleting a Chime's Hp will cause it to drop to the ground, possibly modifying the ground terrain.

"Why you little..."

Feint grew more and more agitated with each hit she took, and right about now she was starting to feel soreness in her body from the consecutive blows. Electrical energy began to gather around her body again just as it had earlier; simultaneously, she zipped around to the other side of the Melody as her claws burst into shards of data to be replaced by the Shotgun Chip Faith had loaded up.


Ammo went into the chamber of the gun, along with the stored electrical charges, and then out came an exploding blast of energy, intending to catch the Fishy in the aftermath assuming she had lined up properly with her initial target, the Melody.


Action #1 - Feint (Tactical Movement around MelodyA, lining it up with Fishy)

Action #2 - Overdrive (Take Aim + Imbue Elec + Strengthen 30 ~ 2 CD)

Action #3 - Shotgun (DMG: 85 Elec ~ ACC: A+ ~ Spread 1) @ MelodyA & Fishy

Suitably infuriated by both her own misses, and the Melody's aggravating bouncing, Feint manoeuvred to bring some heavier duty fire-power to the brawl. The angry note nearest her began to bounce around wildly, seemingly disregarding friend and foe alike. It was hard to tell whether this was elation from landing its attack, or incommunicable fury at the destruction of its friend. Who could really tell, with these viruses? Feint, at least, didn't really seem to care.

She watched the note long enough to line up a careful shot, an then, at the perfect moment, Let loose the shotgun burst that tore it to shreds, just as it crossed path with the Fishy, just a little further off. The latter had given up on the annoying navi, and was about to make another pass at the musical chimes, but alas, no more.

The last note was still happily oblivious, and bounced back up to perch on another of the glass chimes, making it ring softly.

-=Hardly Musical=-

MelodyC: 80Hp [Glass][On a glass Chime]

-=Hardly Patient=-

Feint.Exe: 120Hp [Grass][A short distance from the arch structure]

-=Hardly... Hard? ... Terrain=-

10% Metal [The Arch Structure, and two or three Chimes]
10% Glass [A couple of the chimes]
30% Grass [Area around the arches]
50% Normal [Area under the arches, and some of the Chimes]


Arched Structure: 200Hp [Anchored]
Suspended ChimesA-F: 10Hp Each [Suspended under the arches]

Notes: The arched structure can be climbed on with a well Rped action, and acts like metal terrain. Likewise a jump action and/or good RP can be used to climb and purchase on any of the chimes, which variously act as Glass, Metal or Normal.

Depleting a Chime's Hp will cause it to drop to the ground, possibly modifying the ground terrain.

"I'd tell you to leave the last one alone because it's not doing any harm, but I know you'd just ignore me and attack it anyway."

"Now you're learning."


Faith loaded up her last two chips, unwillingly assisting Feint in a brutal murder of something she believed to be totally innocent.

And just as before, Feint popped the chips into her gun's ammo slots and took advantage of the virus' obliviousness.


The first bullet transfigured itself into what could best be described as a green ring of electricity as it shot across the air, attempting to strike the Melody's blindside and immobilize it. The next three shots fired off more rapidly than expected, like a burst of a semi-automatic machine gun. And the final shot was just a blank round from Feint's gun; a ball of air intending to finish off the unsuspecting creature if the rest of her barrage failed to.


Action #1 - ZapRing1 (DMG:45 Elec ~ ACC: A+ ~ Stun 1) @ MelodyC

Action #2 - Vulcan1 (DMG: 10 x 3 Hits ~ ACC: A+ ~ Spread 1) @MelodyC

Action #3 - Buster Shot (DMG: 10 Null ~ ACC: A+) @ MelodyC

With the field clear of foes immediately attacking her, Feint set her sights on the last virus nearby, still happily bouncing from chime to chime. Her barrage caught it in between jumps, peppering the virus first with a concussive shock that held it still, then a volley of lesser shots. All but one of the Vulcan rounds connected cleanly, very nearly shredding the oblivious note. It dropped off the chime and crashed to the ground, stunned and twitching slightly, but still alive.

-=Hardly Musical=-

MelodyC: 5Hp [Normal][Stunned!]

-=Hardly Patient=-

Feint.Exe: 120Hp [Grass][A short distance from the arch structure]

-=Hardly... Hard? ... Terrain=-

10% Metal [The Arch Structure, and two or three Chimes]
10% Glass [A couple of the chimes]
30% Grass [Area around the arches]
50% Normal [Area under the arches, and some of the Chimes]


Arched Structure: 200Hp [Anchored]
Suspended ChimesA-F: 10Hp Each [Suspended under the arches]

Notes: The arched structure can be climbed on with a well Rped action, and acts like metal terrain. Likewise a jump action and/or good RP can be used to climb and purchase on any of the chimes, which variously act as Glass, Metal or Normal.

Depleting a Chime's Hp will cause it to drop to the ground, possibly modifying the ground terrain.

"Ugh, over-estimated myself."

Disappointing, really. Feint fired off several more rounds of her empty chamber, peppering the field as best she could to finish off the tenacious musical note.


Action #1 - Buster Shot (DMG: 10 Null ~ ACC: A+) @ MelodyC

Action #2 - Buster Shot (DMG: 10 Null ~ ACC: A+) @ MelodyC

Action #3 - Buster Shot (DMG: 10 Null ~ ACC: A+) @ MelodyC