"Now's your chance, War! They're all huddled together! RollingLog1! Battle Chip, In!"
Was his attrition finally going to pay off? Would his perseverance soon be rewarded?
As the Chip Data was installed and began to find its way to Warrior, he leap-frogged over the Barricade he was hiding behind and closed in on the next one immediately. When the RollingLog had began to materialize above him, he jumped atop the barricade that the group of Shrubbies was hiding behind, planning to catch them by surprise before they'd have the chance to scatter.
The log sounded like it had done more damage to itself than anything else as Warrior briskly threw it down toward the left side of the group the moment it had fully materialized. Without missing a beat, Jake reactivated the RollingLog Chip to send a second log to Warrior that he threw toward the right side of the trio.
The tree-trunk-sized object made the same sickening sound as it made contact with the ground, but it continued to roll forward to its destination and, hopefully, over the top of the viruses that used similar methods of attacking.
If all had gone well, he had just turned a "sure loss" into a victory in Jake's mind. But if the swift, cowardly viruses had a better reaction time that he'd predicted, then hopefully standing on top of the barricade would keep Warrior out of range of their ground-rolling logs.
- -- --- ---- ----- ---- --- -- -
Action 1: Movement (Go over Barricade D and get to the top of Barricade C)
Free Action: Precision (Take Aim: +1 ACC to One Attack)
Action 2: RollingLog1 (DMG: 50 ~ ACC: B ~ Ground Attack + Wide Attack (2) + Double Attack) @ShrubbyB and Shrubby C
Action 3: RollingLog1 (DMG: 50 ~ ACC: C ~ Ground Attack + Wide Attack (2) + Double Attack) @ShrubbyC and Shrubby D