As quickly as he'd set off, CentaurusMan came to a sudden, skittering halt. A crossroads! The first real choice in their quest thus far. He'd have to consider their options carefully. The shopping center looked promising, but the park spoke to him a bit more. Maybe that was just his Wood typing, though. Maybe it was better to consult Lady Goldman on this for once.
"Your thoughts, m'lady? Where shall our journey take us now?" He asked, anticipation practically dripping from his voice.
"The shopping district looks promising." She spoke quickly and tersely, critical of any possible decisions made. "I know you like the park, but I think we've got a better chance of running into Elec viruses this way. Better to have that advantage than not, right?"
He nodded once, slowly. He didn't quite agree with her assessment, but there was no point in arguing this. Especially not with the knowledge that she could jack him out and end this whole escapade right then and there. He turned, the back of his hoof scraping hard against the panels, and took a left into the shopping district.
posted in ACDC Net • 10 years ago
"Your thoughts, m'lady? Where shall our journey take us now?" He asked, anticipation practically dripping from his voice.
"The shopping district looks promising." She spoke quickly and tersely, critical of any possible decisions made. "I know you like the park, but I think we've got a better chance of running into Elec viruses this way. Better to have that advantage than not, right?"
He nodded once, slowly. He didn't quite agree with her assessment, but there was no point in arguing this. Especially not with the knowledge that she could jack him out and end this whole escapade right then and there. He turned, the back of his hoof scraping hard against the panels, and took a left into the shopping district.