"I always found it odd that mounted turret viruses exist," Tundra commented.
"It makes you wonder if someone put them there intentionally... oh well. How would you like to dispose of them?" asked Iakov.
"Let me try out the new chip, and then I can get in their personal space with the Rageclaw," Tundra suggested, examining his blade pointedly. (OOC: pun intended)
"It is done," Iakov replied, giving the Guard1 its first trial in Tundra's battle routine and the RageClaw an opportunity to shine. "Let me know if you need anything else."
Nodding curtly, Tundra quickly activated the temporary shield in front of his torso.
"You should probably flank them," Iakov added, peering intently at his PET display.
"I'm on it," Tundra replied, and began advancing in the direction of the leftmost Canodumb, preparing his RageClaw for use once the shield was hit by something or other. Once he'd gotten within a panel or two of the defense installments for absolutely nothing, Tundra shifted into a flanking position on the viruses' left side and unsheathed the RageClaw. His frozen blade had been replaced with five jagged, angular talons of ice which protruded in a hand-like formation from his wrist. He calmly began moving forwards and slashing with the claw, increasing speed and ferocity as he continued; if his shield had been destroyed some time during the advance, he certainly hadn't noticed.
"You are not exactly the model of self-control today," Iakov chuckled, stroking his goatee thoughtfully. "I hope that claw can deflect bullets."
Tundra acknowledged Iakov's worry and halted his slashing progression, pausing to see if either Canodumb had survived the onslaught of ice. "Well, if I was shot, I didn't feel it," he shrugged, examining himself casually while maintaining a careful watch on the battlefield.
HP: 150
1. Activate Guard1, advance to flanking position (if hit, up to 60 DMG in line towards CanodumbA, piercing)
2. RageClaw > nearest Canodumb surviving (40 DMG)
3. RageClaw > nearest Canodumb surviving (40 DMG)
*: Free dodge/parry, mostly watching for sneaky Champu motion
Glacier Blast: Ready!
posted in ACDC Net •
"It makes you wonder if someone put them there intentionally... oh well. How would you like to dispose of them?" asked Iakov.
"Let me try out the new chip, and then I can get in their personal space with the Rageclaw," Tundra suggested, examining his blade pointedly. (OOC: pun intended)
"It is done," Iakov replied, giving the Guard1 its first trial in Tundra's battle routine and the RageClaw an opportunity to shine. "Let me know if you need anything else."
Nodding curtly, Tundra quickly activated the temporary shield in front of his torso.
"You should probably flank them," Iakov added, peering intently at his PET display.
"I'm on it," Tundra replied, and began advancing in the direction of the leftmost Canodumb, preparing his RageClaw for use once the shield was hit by something or other. Once he'd gotten within a panel or two of the defense installments for absolutely nothing, Tundra shifted into a flanking position on the viruses' left side and unsheathed the RageClaw. His frozen blade had been replaced with five jagged, angular talons of ice which protruded in a hand-like formation from his wrist. He calmly began moving forwards and slashing with the claw, increasing speed and ferocity as he continued; if his shield had been destroyed some time during the advance, he certainly hadn't noticed.
"You are not exactly the model of self-control today," Iakov chuckled, stroking his goatee thoughtfully. "I hope that claw can deflect bullets."
Tundra acknowledged Iakov's worry and halted his slashing progression, pausing to see if either Canodumb had survived the onslaught of ice. "Well, if I was shot, I didn't feel it," he shrugged, examining himself casually while maintaining a careful watch on the battlefield.
HP: 150
1. Activate Guard1, advance to flanking position (if hit, up to 60 DMG in line towards CanodumbA, piercing)
2. RageClaw > nearest Canodumb surviving (40 DMG)
3. RageClaw > nearest Canodumb surviving (40 DMG)
*: Free dodge/parry, mostly watching for sneaky Champu motion
Glacier Blast: Ready!