Name: Light.exe - 光.exe
Gender: Male
Element: Elec
Type: Cursor
HP: 100
Level: 0
Personality: Serious, concentred on what he is doing and reserved. The only thing that can say of know the most deep part of Light's personality is Victor, by obvious reasons.
In battle, he never get loses it's concentration and sometimes he ignores Victor's strategies. He's very loyal and honest, and forgives everyone who did something bad to him. Also, he's pretty courageous.
However, he, like Victor, can be rude sometimes, and when he is angry he can lose control of himself. Once he was a hot-headed Navi, but after hitting pretty seriously a innocent Navi, which almost got deleted, he became more careful and calm.

Has a thick armor, silver and orange with gold details. It was created after he encountered a Scuttle in the Scilab area. He managed to survive the battle, but was extremely damaged. Even now, he still has pain in the central part of his body. The cannons, one attached to each shoulder were added with the armor. They are very powerful, but not that accurate.
His right arm is protect by a shield, because don't have a armor. It's gun is a very accurate one, made appositely to snipe the enemies. This mean it's very powerful and accurate, but takes more time to aim correctly and to reload.
His left is very heavy and fast at firing at reloading and firing, but drastically less powerful and with a pretty bad aim.
His legs may seem little to him, but where made appositely to him. They allow him to move at a good speed.
Lastly, his head has a visor to help Light aim correctly, and protect Light's face from attacks.
Custom Weapon:
[Light Snipe Gun:
Is attached to his arm. It's silver, and the central park part of the "body" of the weapon, near where he accumulates energy before firing, is gold. The tip of the weapon is gold-colored.]
Crosses: None
Signature Attack:
[Light Comet Shot: 20*3 (CD: 2)
Light charges his triple cannon. Air around him starts glow, and an aura appears aroun him. He concentrates so much light that his own cannon can absorb it, creating a wave of light at the same time he fires. The normal ball of light and eletricity becomes a giant ball, and he fires three times. All this happens in a few seconds, allowing him to fire and dodge an incoming attack.]
posted in Navi Profiles •
Name: Light.exe - 光.exe
Gender: Male
Element: Elec
Type: Cursor
HP: 100
Level: 0
Personality: Serious, concentred on what he is doing and reserved. The only thing that can say of know the most deep part of Light's personality is Victor, by obvious reasons.
In battle, he never get loses it's concentration and sometimes he ignores Victor's strategies. He's very loyal and honest, and forgives everyone who did something bad to him. Also, he's pretty courageous.
However, he, like Victor, can be rude sometimes, and when he is angry he can lose control of himself. Once he was a hot-headed Navi, but after hitting pretty seriously a innocent Navi, which almost got deleted, he became more careful and calm.

Has a thick armor, silver and orange with gold details. It was created after he encountered a Scuttle in the Scilab area. He managed to survive the battle, but was extremely damaged. Even now, he still has pain in the central part of his body. The cannons, one attached to each shoulder were added with the armor. They are very powerful, but not that accurate.
His right arm is protect by a shield, because don't have a armor. It's gun is a very accurate one, made appositely to snipe the enemies. This mean it's very powerful and accurate, but takes more time to aim correctly and to reload.
His left is very heavy and fast at firing at reloading and firing, but drastically less powerful and with a pretty bad aim.
His legs may seem little to him, but where made appositely to him. They allow him to move at a good speed.
Lastly, his head has a visor to help Light aim correctly, and protect Light's face from attacks.
Custom Weapon:
[Light Snipe Gun:
Is attached to his arm. It's silver, and the central park part of the "body" of the weapon, near where he accumulates energy before firing, is gold. The tip of the weapon is gold-colored.]
Crosses: None
Signature Attack:
[Light Comet Shot: 20*3 (CD: 2)
Light charges his triple cannon. Air around him starts glow, and an aura appears aroun him. He concentrates so much light that his own cannon can absorb it, creating a wave of light at the same time he fires. The normal ball of light and eletricity becomes a giant ball, and he fires three times. All this happens in a few seconds, allowing him to fire and dodge an incoming attack.]