posted in Shelving/Extra Pairs Registration •
Posts made by Dark Boy
Replacing Trillian and DarkBoy.exe
Name: Ringo Blaze
Gender: Male
Appearance: Ringo has a sleek appearance as a young net battler. He has a black suit which he found scavaging the remains of an abandoned sanctuary.
The scarf seems to be quite magical in an unknown way. His pants are black with a silver trim around the edges. He has his net navi's emblem sewn across the chest of his suit.
Personality: Ringo is very active, but humble and never accepts to much! He is friendly and eager to make friends. He feels alone in new places.
PET Modifications:
-Black Pet with silver trim
-Web Browser compatible
Gender: Male
Element: Normal
Type: Sword
Appearance: Python is very tall and sports a huge black chainmail kilt around his entire body and has his emblem right across his chest. He has silver shields around his legs and dark boots with cleat-spikes underneath. At a height of 6 '5 he is a very tall slender navi! On his shoulders are two shoulder-blades and he has a round helmet covering his entire head, with 1 slit for his eyes to look through. His right-arm turns into a long sword at well.
Personality:Despite Python's bulky, grimmacing appearance, under all that armour, is a big heart with a good purpose. Python is one of the happiest navi's you will ever meet. He is always open to make new friends. You may never see him smile, but behind the helm, he is smiling more broadly then ever. He is kind to viruses and tries not to resort to attacking.
Custom Weapon: SnakeSword - A Very long sword that takes the place of a megabuster.
Signature Attack: N/A (still deciding)
posted in Shelving/Extra Pairs Registration •
Name: Ringo Blaze
Gender: Male
Appearance: Ringo has a sleek appearance as a young net battler. He has a black suit which he found scavaging the remains of an abandoned sanctuary.

Personality: Ringo is very active, but humble and never accepts to much! He is friendly and eager to make friends. He feels alone in new places.
PET Modifications:
-Black Pet with silver trim
-Web Browser compatible
Gender: Male
Element: Normal
Type: Sword
Appearance: Python is very tall and sports a huge black chainmail kilt around his entire body and has his emblem right across his chest. He has silver shields around his legs and dark boots with cleat-spikes underneath. At a height of 6 '5 he is a very tall slender navi! On his shoulders are two shoulder-blades and he has a round helmet covering his entire head, with 1 slit for his eyes to look through. His right-arm turns into a long sword at well.
Personality:Despite Python's bulky, grimmacing appearance, under all that armour, is a big heart with a good purpose. Python is one of the happiest navi's you will ever meet. He is always open to make new friends. You may never see him smile, but behind the helm, he is smiling more broadly then ever. He is kind to viruses and tries not to resort to attacking.
Custom Weapon: SnakeSword - A Very long sword that takes the place of a megabuster.
Signature Attack: N/A (still deciding)
RE: Shelving Trillian and DarkBoy.exe
Name: Ringo Blaze
Gender: Male
Appearance: Ringo has a sleek appearance as a young net battler. He has a black suit which he found scavaging the remains of an abandoned sanctuary.
The scarf seems to be quite magical in an unknown way. His pants are black with a silver trim around the edges. He has his net navi's emblem sewn across the chest of his suit.
Personality: Ringo is very active, but humble and never accepts to much! He is friendly and eager to make friends. He feels alone in new places.
PET Modifications:
-Black Pet with silver trim
-Web Browser compatible
Gender: Male
Element: Normal
Type: Sword
Appearance: Python is very tall and sports a huge black chainmail kilt around his entire body and has his emblem right across his chest. He has silver shields around his legs and dark boots with cleat-spikes underneath. At a height of 6 '5 he is a very tall slender navi! On his shoulders are two shoulder-blades and he has a round helmet covering his entire head, with 1 slit for his eyes to look through. His right-arm turns into a long sword at well.
Personality:Despite Python's bulky, grimmacing appearance, under all that armour, is a big heart with a good purpose. Python is one of the happiest navi's you will ever meet. He is always open to make new friends. You may never see him smile, but behind the helm, he is smiling more broadly then ever. He is kind to viruses and tries not to resort to attacking.
Custom Weapon: SnakeSword - A Very long sword that takes the place of a megabuster.
Signature Attack: N/A (still deciding)
posted in Shelving/Extra Pairs Registration •
Name: Ringo Blaze
Gender: Male
Appearance: Ringo has a sleek appearance as a young net battler. He has a black suit which he found scavaging the remains of an abandoned sanctuary.

Personality: Ringo is very active, but humble and never accepts to much! He is friendly and eager to make friends. He feels alone in new places.
PET Modifications:
-Black Pet with silver trim
-Web Browser compatible
Gender: Male
Element: Normal
Type: Sword
Appearance: Python is very tall and sports a huge black chainmail kilt around his entire body and has his emblem right across his chest. He has silver shields around his legs and dark boots with cleat-spikes underneath. At a height of 6 '5 he is a very tall slender navi! On his shoulders are two shoulder-blades and he has a round helmet covering his entire head, with 1 slit for his eyes to look through. His right-arm turns into a long sword at well.
Personality:Despite Python's bulky, grimmacing appearance, under all that armour, is a big heart with a good purpose. Python is one of the happiest navi's you will ever meet. He is always open to make new friends. You may never see him smile, but behind the helm, he is smiling more broadly then ever. He is kind to viruses and tries not to resort to attacking.
Custom Weapon: SnakeSword - A Very long sword that takes the place of a megabuster.
Signature Attack: N/A (still deciding)
RE: Shelving Trillian and DarkBoy.exe
Currently posting on Registration.
posted in Shelving/Extra Pairs Registration •
Shelving Trillian and DarkBoy.exe
Name: Trillian DaVoulas
Age: 13
Gender: Male
Bio: Trillian is a boy who comes from the Lunar Children. He is very young, but more mature than some of the older other Operators he knows. He is determined, and never puts down a fight unless he knows he can't win. He has always thinks Long-Ranged. He upgraded to a LINK-PET when he found out you could jack in from long range. Very lethal boy. Trillian has been using computers since age 3 (True Story) and knew more than anyone in his scholar days, which arent over yet.
Trillian is a skinny boy, but not super skinny. He is 5 '11 feet tall. His hair is blond, and hanging down somewhat like Dark Boy's, but not as puffy. His face makes people think he is older than he usually is.
Torso: Trillian bears a black suit shirt with red outlines, black cuffs, a white belt, and a white ruffle sticking out of the top of the jacket. His hair is like his navis, but without the bandana. He has special goggles that allow him to see the internet when he puts them on. These goggles where passed down from the lunar children.

Pants: Trillian sports just long, black pants. With pockets at the top only. Trillian feels comfortable and cozy in these clothing. He wheres brown boots, but they are up to his ankle unlike his navis that are up alot higher.
Personality: He is a strange boy, who is strangely very strategic at Net Battling. He tries not to show it but he just can't help himself. He is never mad when he loses because he knows he gets stronger losing than winning. Very unlike his Net Navi, Dark Boy.
Trillian was born out of the Lunar Children, who accuired the power of the moon to help them. His family died out when he was 5 years old by assasination. Trillian, the Lunar Boy of this era got away just in time. He has only the fewest of his family's possestions. The scarf and goggles. Those are passed down the chain of Lunar Children. Later, he got his old navi, SolarMan, but he ran away when Trillian was 12 years old. Trillian was an official until he got Dark Boy. He resigned to live the daily life.
PET Modifications:
-Can Jack in Wirelessly
-Has a maximum of 200 GB of Storage
-Music, PETcasts, Music, and Pictures Feature
-Larger Screen for Movies, Petcasts, Music, and Pictures
-Web Browser Built-in

Net Emblem:
All Black with Red in the middle. Sort of like a circle
-His PET is Purple
Name: Dark Boy
Gender: Male
Element: Null
Type: Cursor
Appearance: He comes from a tribe called The Lunar Children. He has red and purple hair, (Or is it Purple and Red? Who knows!) an orange cape, and blue pants. He has a close appearance to his Net Operator. You will always find Dark Boy wearing his signature headband and scarf
Personality: Dark Boy is very kind, and likes to fight for FUN and not for life or death. He only takes orders from trillian. He always carries them out. He almost joined a NetNavi team to stop crimes once.
Custom Weapon: Dark Gun
The Dark Gun is a weapon that was made epecially for Dark Boy by a gifted GunSmith. It is a modified version of the GunDelSol but instead of a spread, it shoots dark shots instead. It now doesnt take Sunlight to recharge.
Signature Attack: DeathVulcan - Dark whips out his Darl Gun and homes and fires six times at 10 Damage each at the enemy(s)!
Cool Down - 2
Dark Boy was originally just a normal navi with the name "Boy" because he was abandoned by his old Net Op and found in the undernet by some strange navi. Nobody knew what to call him, but they knew he was a dude so they called him "Boy".
Later, Dark Chips where discovered and the Officials needed a Navi to test them on. They new about "Boy" and he had no meaning for life, so they started operating him in battle with the Dark Chips.
He became so tainted with the Dark Chips that he could barely control himself. His hair, originally red, turned into purple hair, with slight red highlights. His processing speed went off the charts, and "Boy" became permanently tainted with Dark Power.
posted in Shelving/Extra Pairs Registration •
Age: 13
Gender: Male
Bio: Trillian is a boy who comes from the Lunar Children. He is very young, but more mature than some of the older other Operators he knows. He is determined, and never puts down a fight unless he knows he can't win. He has always thinks Long-Ranged. He upgraded to a LINK-PET when he found out you could jack in from long range. Very lethal boy. Trillian has been using computers since age 3 (True Story) and knew more than anyone in his scholar days, which arent over yet.
Trillian is a skinny boy, but not super skinny. He is 5 '11 feet tall. His hair is blond, and hanging down somewhat like Dark Boy's, but not as puffy. His face makes people think he is older than he usually is.
Torso: Trillian bears a black suit shirt with red outlines, black cuffs, a white belt, and a white ruffle sticking out of the top of the jacket. His hair is like his navis, but without the bandana. He has special goggles that allow him to see the internet when he puts them on. These goggles where passed down from the lunar children.

Pants: Trillian sports just long, black pants. With pockets at the top only. Trillian feels comfortable and cozy in these clothing. He wheres brown boots, but they are up to his ankle unlike his navis that are up alot higher.
Personality: He is a strange boy, who is strangely very strategic at Net Battling. He tries not to show it but he just can't help himself. He is never mad when he loses because he knows he gets stronger losing than winning. Very unlike his Net Navi, Dark Boy.
Trillian was born out of the Lunar Children, who accuired the power of the moon to help them. His family died out when he was 5 years old by assasination. Trillian, the Lunar Boy of this era got away just in time. He has only the fewest of his family's possestions. The scarf and goggles. Those are passed down the chain of Lunar Children. Later, he got his old navi, SolarMan, but he ran away when Trillian was 12 years old. Trillian was an official until he got Dark Boy. He resigned to live the daily life.
PET Modifications:
-Can Jack in Wirelessly
-Has a maximum of 200 GB of Storage
-Music, PETcasts, Music, and Pictures Feature
-Larger Screen for Movies, Petcasts, Music, and Pictures
-Web Browser Built-in

Net Emblem:
All Black with Red in the middle. Sort of like a circle
-His PET is Purple
Name: Dark Boy
Gender: Male
Element: Null
Type: Cursor
Appearance: He comes from a tribe called The Lunar Children. He has red and purple hair, (Or is it Purple and Red? Who knows!) an orange cape, and blue pants. He has a close appearance to his Net Operator. You will always find Dark Boy wearing his signature headband and scarf
Personality: Dark Boy is very kind, and likes to fight for FUN and not for life or death. He only takes orders from trillian. He always carries them out. He almost joined a NetNavi team to stop crimes once.
Custom Weapon: Dark Gun
The Dark Gun is a weapon that was made epecially for Dark Boy by a gifted GunSmith. It is a modified version of the GunDelSol but instead of a spread, it shoots dark shots instead. It now doesnt take Sunlight to recharge.
Signature Attack: DeathVulcan - Dark whips out his Darl Gun and homes and fires six times at 10 Damage each at the enemy(s)!
Cool Down - 2
Dark Boy was originally just a normal navi with the name "Boy" because he was abandoned by his old Net Op and found in the undernet by some strange navi. Nobody knew what to call him, but they knew he was a dude so they called him "Boy".
Later, Dark Chips where discovered and the Officials needed a Navi to test them on. They new about "Boy" and he had no meaning for life, so they started operating him in battle with the Dark Chips.
He became so tainted with the Dark Chips that he could barely control himself. His hair, originally red, turned into purple hair, with slight red highlights. His processing speed went off the charts, and "Boy" became permanently tainted with Dark Power.
RE: Vending Machine
Yes I feel bad for reviving this.
I am back, and put in more time and effort into DB.
posted in Spam Can •
I am back, and put in more time and effort into DB.
RE: Dark Boy, on the Net!
Dark Boy shook the small shock off. What navi will get deleted from that....honestly. Dark Boy said with his cocky yet calm attitude. Dark Boy, finish the remaining piece of scrap off. Trillian said as he slotted in Shotgun, ZapRing1, and Cannon into the PET.
Dark Boy chose to use ZapRing first, to ensure stunning the enemy before barraging it with cannon blasts. Dark Boy's arm immediately turned into a small rectangular cannon with a small slit for the electricity to fly out. Dark Boy aimed carefully and fired the ZapRing right at the Mettaur! Then when he thought it was paralyzed, he fired the Cannon and Shotgun rounds at it and retreated awaiting to see the results in a cloud of smoke from the arm cannons.
Turn Overview:
ZapRing1: MetoolD (40Elec + Stun1 + Scope)
Cannon: MetoolD (40DMG)
Shotgun: MetoolD (50DMG + SPREAD) (Nothing to spread to)
For once grim wasnt the one replying to my posts. =D
posted in ACDC Net •
Dark Boy chose to use ZapRing first, to ensure stunning the enemy before barraging it with cannon blasts. Dark Boy's arm immediately turned into a small rectangular cannon with a small slit for the electricity to fly out. Dark Boy aimed carefully and fired the ZapRing right at the Mettaur! Then when he thought it was paralyzed, he fired the Cannon and Shotgun rounds at it and retreated awaiting to see the results in a cloud of smoke from the arm cannons.
Turn Overview:
ZapRing1: MetoolD (40Elec + Stun1 + Scope)
Cannon: MetoolD (40DMG)
Shotgun: MetoolD (50DMG + SPREAD) (Nothing to spread to)
For once grim wasnt the one replying to my posts. =D
RE: Dark Boy, on the Net!
Well Dark Boy, you know the drill. Battle strategies - INITIATE!
Trillians PET made a buzzing noise and then there was a loud "CLICK!".
...Lets do this.
Dark Boy's fists grew two long claws and then he roared with excitement. Dark Boy dashed up to the first mettaur, trying not to break the sound barrier. (I wonder if there is one on the ground...) and slashed at the first mettaur as he bounced up into the air. While airborn he slashed once at Mettaur B and fell to the ground.
Dark Boy! Lets use your ultimate attack! I wouldnt call firing several rounds from a gun infused with the power of dark matter "Ultimate". But hey.
Dark Boy stepped back and fired several rounds at Mettaur B and then dashed back a little bit and aimed and shot at mettaur C.
Turn Overview:
Rageclaw: MettaurA (40 DMG Null)
Rageclaw: MettaurB (40 DMG Null)
DeathVulcan: Mettaur C (40 DMG), Mettaur D (20 DMG)
posted in ACDC Net •
Trillians PET made a buzzing noise and then there was a loud "CLICK!".
...Lets do this.
Dark Boy's fists grew two long claws and then he roared with excitement. Dark Boy dashed up to the first mettaur, trying not to break the sound barrier. (I wonder if there is one on the ground...) and slashed at the first mettaur as he bounced up into the air. While airborn he slashed once at Mettaur B and fell to the ground.
Dark Boy! Lets use your ultimate attack! I wouldnt call firing several rounds from a gun infused with the power of dark matter "Ultimate". But hey.
Dark Boy stepped back and fired several rounds at Mettaur B and then dashed back a little bit and aimed and shot at mettaur C.
Turn Overview:
Rageclaw: MettaurA (40 DMG Null)
Rageclaw: MettaurB (40 DMG Null)
DeathVulcan: Mettaur C (40 DMG), Mettaur D (20 DMG)
RE: Concussion
Yeah, lol.
I'll be back soon, and thanks for the get well soons!
I wont be AS active, but I'll come around a couple times a day.
Damn I can never EVER find the right words. Lol.
Anyone here play MapleStory?
posted in Welcome Center •
Quote (The_Grim_Reaper)
That's one sh**ty Christmas present! :C
See ya around, kid. I hope you get better soon!
Yeah, lol.
I'll be back soon, and thanks for the get well soons!

I wont be AS active, but I'll come around a couple times a day.
Damn I can never EVER find the right words. Lol.
Anyone here play MapleStory?
I'll be gone for about 1 or 2 months because I was ice skating the other day and some kid stopped short in front of me, and I fell back and right on my head. I will be gone from all forums (Most). So, on the training topics, whoevers backup can replace me.
Not like you care. Thanks to magiccereal and grim who actually did. (OR DID THEY? HMM? HMM?)
posted in Welcome Center •
I'll be gone for about 1 or 2 months because I was ice skating the other day and some kid stopped short in front of me, and I fell back and right on my head. I will be gone from all forums (Most). So, on the training topics, whoevers backup can replace me.
Not like you care. Thanks to magiccereal and grim who actually did. (OR DID THEY? HMM? HMM?)
RE: Vending Machine
You get all of the zennys anyone has ever got on this site!
I put in some oil.
posted in Spam Can •
I put in some oil.
RE: Dark Boy, on the Net!
((From Trillian's Homepage))
Dark Boy warped down to the net, but attempting to pull off a cool move, he fell straight on his face. Uggghh...lets go. And Dark Boy then got up and started jogging off into the net, for 1 or 2 battles. Are you ok Dark Boy? Yeah, lets not pull off any jack-in stunts until taught by the master. Who is...? A faster navi. Lets just go.
((Requesting Battle #1))
posted in ACDC Net •
Dark Boy warped down to the net, but attempting to pull off a cool move, he fell straight on his face. Uggghh...lets go. And Dark Boy then got up and started jogging off into the net, for 1 or 2 battles. Are you ok Dark Boy? Yeah, lets not pull off any jack-in stunts until taught by the master. Who is...? A faster navi. Lets just go.
((Requesting Battle #1))
RE: Trillian's House
The clock stuck 8 AM, and Trillian's eyes slowly rose, as he knocked his analog clock to the ground, wondering why he even set the dang thing. Dark Boy was still asleep in a cozy little folder, and everything was peace and quiet. Trillian grabbed the TV remote to see what was on, but strangely, the TV was all static. Trillian sat up in the bead and tried making sure the receiver was on, but no luck.
I'll ask the receptionist later...maybe there's a virus in the satellite or something.
Dark Boy started getting up to, and you could see a slit in the folder and Dark Boy's data tumbled out onto the PET screen.
G'Morning, Trillian. Dark Boy said in a sleepy tone while rubbing his eyes. Time for the morning exercise. And with that, Dark Boy pulled his arms out a little, lunged, and then splashed some CyberWater on his face. Hey Trillian, can I go for a jog, and maybe some virus busting? Sure, Dark Boy. Mind if we eat breakfast first? Sure, take your time.
Trillian then put on his red coat and all his gear, and then his signature scarf and boots and walked out the door and down to the castle buffet from 8-10 AM. As he walked in, he was more amazed than he ever was before. Even more then when he saw Dark Boy's speed for the first time.
WOOOAAAHHH, this place is huge! And look at all that food! Trillian & Dark Boy sad in unison as he rushed up to grab a plate, silverware, and a cup. Lets see here....those pancakes smell good, but those muffins do to. Oh are those waffles!? Trillian said excidedly as he shoved some peanut butter pancakes on his plate, and filled his cup with milk.
I can see why the princess loves to live here.
This place has awesome food.
Yup! Well Dark Boy, I'm almost done, but I've been thinking, after our jog, wanna head over to the Navi Shop? I'm thinking of buying some process upgrades. And then head to ACDC and buy a few Subchips. Sure, lets do the jog first, so we can maybe earn some extra money. Trillian got up, gave his plate to the maids and walked back up to his room.
He sat down on his bed, aimed the PET at the laptop, and said the famous words. JACK IN! DARK BOY, EXECUTE! Dark Boy appeared on the tv screen, and dashed into the link which was for some reason still connected to ACDC Net, and warped off into the internet!
posted in Netopia •
I'll ask the receptionist later...maybe there's a virus in the satellite or something.
Dark Boy started getting up to, and you could see a slit in the folder and Dark Boy's data tumbled out onto the PET screen.
G'Morning, Trillian. Dark Boy said in a sleepy tone while rubbing his eyes. Time for the morning exercise. And with that, Dark Boy pulled his arms out a little, lunged, and then splashed some CyberWater on his face. Hey Trillian, can I go for a jog, and maybe some virus busting? Sure, Dark Boy. Mind if we eat breakfast first? Sure, take your time.
Trillian then put on his red coat and all his gear, and then his signature scarf and boots and walked out the door and down to the castle buffet from 8-10 AM. As he walked in, he was more amazed than he ever was before. Even more then when he saw Dark Boy's speed for the first time.
WOOOAAAHHH, this place is huge! And look at all that food! Trillian & Dark Boy sad in unison as he rushed up to grab a plate, silverware, and a cup. Lets see here....those pancakes smell good, but those muffins do to. Oh are those waffles!? Trillian said excidedly as he shoved some peanut butter pancakes on his plate, and filled his cup with milk.
I can see why the princess loves to live here.

Yup! Well Dark Boy, I'm almost done, but I've been thinking, after our jog, wanna head over to the Navi Shop? I'm thinking of buying some process upgrades. And then head to ACDC and buy a few Subchips. Sure, lets do the jog first, so we can maybe earn some extra money. Trillian got up, gave his plate to the maids and walked back up to his room.
He sat down on his bed, aimed the PET at the laptop, and said the famous words. JACK IN! DARK BOY, EXECUTE! Dark Boy appeared on the tv screen, and dashed into the link which was for some reason still connected to ACDC Net, and warped off into the internet!
RE: Trillian's House
Trillian just looked at Christopher as he walked out the door, and pressed the button to jack Dark Boy out of the PET whithout even looking down. That was odd. Oh well, lets hit the sack. Its getting late anyways. Dark Boy said to Trillian who was not paying much attention.
What? Oh yeah...that was pretty odd. We didnt even get a single battle. Ah well... Trillian sighed as he put his PET on the dock, closed the door, got changed into his night clothes and lied down to go to sleep.
G'night Dark Boy, see you in the morning. Trillian said as Dark Boy's data compiled into a nice little folder and went into sleep mode. Before going to bed Trillian put the paper on the scanner and transfered it to a .txt file and left it on the PET.
posted in Netopia •
What? Oh yeah...that was pretty odd. We didnt even get a single battle. Ah well... Trillian sighed as he put his PET on the dock, closed the door, got changed into his night clothes and lied down to go to sleep.
G'night Dark Boy, see you in the morning. Trillian said as Dark Boy's data compiled into a nice little folder and went into sleep mode. Before going to bed Trillian put the paper on the scanner and transfered it to a .txt file and left it on the PET.
RE: Why do witches burn?
FlareMan, do you need something? Whats up? Dark Boy said as FlareMan warped down.
Christopher, whats on your mind? You seem surprised.
((Requesting Explanation LOL I checked my PMs))
posted in ACDC Net •
Christopher, whats on your mind? You seem surprised.
((Requesting Explanation LOL I checked my PMs))
RE: Why do witches burn?
(From Trillian's PC)
Dark Boy warped down to the ground and got up from his crouched position, surveyed the area a bit, and stood there waiting for FlareMan. Seems quiet today...wonder what the "fearless" three are doing. Dark Boy chuckled as he remembered his first battle.
((Awaiting FlareMan))
posted in ACDC Net •
Dark Boy warped down to the ground and got up from his crouched position, surveyed the area a bit, and stood there waiting for FlareMan. Seems quiet today...wonder what the "fearless" three are doing. Dark Boy chuckled as he remembered his first battle.
((Awaiting FlareMan))