Yeah, Round 3's in the maybe. That's the collaboration because we're such darn good sports that we'll engage in illustrated violence! As co -operatives... its still in the maybe section.... it's flashy fluff. Makes us all look cool in the end.
posted in Fanart and FanFiction •
Profile views
Level: 1
Battle Chip: Rageclaw, Cannon, Shotgun
Cross: none
Key Item: PET
Navi customizer content: undershirt, attack+1,Rapid+1, Charge+1
Navi Cust points available: 10 of 40
Signature Attack: Doomsday punch (2)(50+stun effect)
Level: 1
Battle Chip: Rageclaw, Cannon, Shotgun
Cross: none
Key Item: PET
Navi customizer content: undershirt, attack+1,Rapid+1, Charge+1
Navi Cust points available: 10 of 40
Signature Attack: Doomsday punch (2)(50+stun effect)
Posts made by 8ballhead
RE: ART BATTLE!: vs claw7705
RE: ART BATTLE!: vs claw7705
Zolem? I already said that. You the non-particapating spectator can offer any kind of picture idea no matter how strict or vague and we shall show you our vision.
and Heat, my dear rival (seeing what you can do), your true opponent is me. But if you wish to face other foes then go right and draw your version of their pictures.
posted in Fanart and FanFiction •
and Heat, my dear rival (seeing what you can do), your true opponent is me. But if you wish to face other foes then go right and draw your version of their pictures.
RE: ART BATTLE!: vs claw7705
RAWR! WE'll do this the very same way I did my first art battle (maybe slightly different)
1 I draw a picture to the best of my ability. At the same while you're drawing a picture to the best of your abilities.
2Then you draw my picture, probably a different version of it, but one that displays that character, scene or whatever the picture is trying to show. Who ever has the one who looks best... has the one that looks best.
That's a round one!
Then we reach neutral round where we get some random bystandard from this forum (Perferably a moderator or administrator) then they would give us a request as to what kind of picture idea would they like us to fight over. Then we battle with our pencils and pens to create what they find most favorable.
then we do a happy collaberation because we're such good sports...(maybe)
THEN PERHAPS!!! THE PHYSICAL ROUND!! A page by page comic featuring our star characters combatting in a fierce conflict of MORTAL KOMBAT!! But Beware!!! The fight isn't about who's the best character... after all, the most thrashed, blasted, humiliated and otherwise pwned character can still belong to the superior artist.
With that said. ART BATTLE!!!!
posted in Fanart and FanFiction •
1 I draw a picture to the best of my ability. At the same while you're drawing a picture to the best of your abilities.
2Then you draw my picture, probably a different version of it, but one that displays that character, scene or whatever the picture is trying to show. Who ever has the one who looks best... has the one that looks best.
That's a round one!
Then we reach neutral round where we get some random bystandard from this forum (Perferably a moderator or administrator) then they would give us a request as to what kind of picture idea would they like us to fight over. Then we battle with our pencils and pens to create what they find most favorable.
then we do a happy collaberation because we're such good sports...(maybe)
THEN PERHAPS!!! THE PHYSICAL ROUND!! A page by page comic featuring our star characters combatting in a fierce conflict of MORTAL KOMBAT!! But Beware!!! The fight isn't about who's the best character... after all, the most thrashed, blasted, humiliated and otherwise pwned character can still belong to the superior artist.
With that said. ART BATTLE!!!!
ART BATTLE!: vs claw7705
I love the feel of a challengse. The excitement when sailor moon charges head on into battle wielding her twin crescent axes to grant the negaverse a taste of its own gore and bloodshed, purging the world of its horrific diabolical cruelty with an amazon's battle cry and famous finger poking thing she does! The thrill of trying ones best in able to best others, the confert of renown! I envy all who achieve it effortlessly.
I! THE ANONYMOUS CLAW7705 (8ballhead) ! Challenges this forums most talented artists. (Probably just pointing at English Ninja and Lunarlion but there must be others around.)
posted in Fanart and FanFiction •
I! THE ANONYMOUS CLAW7705 (8ballhead) ! Challenges this forums most talented artists. (Probably just pointing at English Ninja and Lunarlion but there must be others around.)
RE: Lunarlion's Awesome Sketches!!
hmm... where'd claw go? It's like every character is there except him.
posted in Fanart and FanFiction •
RE: Artings of a Ninja
woo! English Ninja's picture gallery let me try one!
posted in Fanart and FanFiction •
Okay, now what
That took a long while. Claw and I walked all the way to ACDC from the colloseum. It was good exercise but I don't my net pal here is happy about spending a few months away from technology.
ABOUT TIME! he screams irratated by the unnessasarily long journey. "That wasn't so bad, was it?"
'Not so bad!?' IT WAS TORTURE! WHY DID WE HAVE TO GO THROUGH THAT HIKING TRIP... FOR A SECOND I FORGOT THAT I EXISTED!!! I could see right through that childish look. I knew that deep inside he's happy too. The urban towers reflecting the sun and the hard streets and colorful devices that make everyon look inhuman. I could never get used to it. But it's all a long lost home for Claw. "I have plenty of reasons not to take the scary untrustworthy transportaiton of the modern futuristic looking age. I kind of lost my mind there. That guy knew what he was doing,"
That's just the thrill! I really want to pound the snot out of him the next time we meet
Strangely enough Claw, I don't think we'll be able to find Edgirl again. I can't remember his face if he were right in front of me. Too many people around these places....
"Also Claw, if you hadn't noticed. We wasted all of our equipment on that guy and we have no means as to getting more,"
I hate the way you think!
"I obeyed your request for an instant fight to prove where we were, we're obviously at the very beginning of our quest together. We din't really need a fight to figure out where we are in this ideal of life" I explained. There was a depressing silence between the both of us as I simply stand by a wall with a felled sigh.
So we're hoboes he summarised.
"Now we just have to do something about it."
posted in ACDC Town •
ABOUT TIME! he screams irratated by the unnessasarily long journey. "That wasn't so bad, was it?"
'Not so bad!?' IT WAS TORTURE! WHY DID WE HAVE TO GO THROUGH THAT HIKING TRIP... FOR A SECOND I FORGOT THAT I EXISTED!!! I could see right through that childish look. I knew that deep inside he's happy too. The urban towers reflecting the sun and the hard streets and colorful devices that make everyon look inhuman. I could never get used to it. But it's all a long lost home for Claw. "I have plenty of reasons not to take the scary untrustworthy transportaiton of the modern futuristic looking age. I kind of lost my mind there. That guy knew what he was doing,"
That's just the thrill! I really want to pound the snot out of him the next time we meet
Strangely enough Claw, I don't think we'll be able to find Edgirl again. I can't remember his face if he were right in front of me. Too many people around these places....
"Also Claw, if you hadn't noticed. We wasted all of our equipment on that guy and we have no means as to getting more,"
I hate the way you think!
"I obeyed your request for an instant fight to prove where we were, we're obviously at the very beginning of our quest together. We din't really need a fight to figure out where we are in this ideal of life" I explained. There was a depressing silence between the both of us as I simply stand by a wall with a felled sigh.
So we're hoboes he summarised.
"Now we just have to do something about it."
Back on the horse
After a close almost draw-like conclusion to their first fight. Claw and Akio stayed at the colosseum, cooling down from their flaming battle with the formidable bishounen navi, Count Edgar.
"Well, now what? Obviously our adventure doesn't end here. There's still much to explore and understand. We already used up all of our battlechips and we have absolutely no zenny."
"Well... that sucks"
"Not really, this is a good start for any beginner, and it's only natural to rush yourself at the start. Now all we need to do is go to the next town for some zenny and supplies to get back on track."
-to outside of the electown.
posted in Main Lobby •
"Well, now what? Obviously our adventure doesn't end here. There's still much to explore and understand. We already used up all of our battlechips and we have absolutely no zenny."
"Well... that sucks"
"Not really, this is a good start for any beginner, and it's only natural to rush yourself at the start. Now all we need to do is go to the next town for some zenny and supplies to get back on track."
-to outside of the electown.
RE: Edgar VS claw
Claw, now covered with fatigue and a few steps short from deaths door, shoots a scorned stare toward Edgar. He was all but dead and he's way too desperate to take the fall. Akio on the other hand finnally looks up after a brief point of depression. Many moments of humiliation devastation have clouded the two's heads. "Claw?....don't you dare..... DON'T YOU DARE DIE ON ME!!!!!" Akio slammed his side of the arena hard enough to make the screen skip a little. He was on the threshold of losing his mind and he first match. He grew outragiously out of character. His usually slant cheerful eyes turned large and wide and his pupils grew microscopic. His body was drenched in boiling sweat and his mouth has chilled to an uncontrollable shiver. He cried oceans and let loose a small slitthrering yellow stream down his quaking legs which grew so violently that he fell to the ground still tossing in a dramatic spasm.
Likewise Claw stay mounted on the crumbling hunk of rock that kept him safe from the quaking violent with a wild aura that engulfed him like fire. "RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!" He roars with a warriors last shot of courage. His 8-shaped pupil shrank to a to a single pixel. His face opened wide showing a menacing insanity yet crying toward the final epic climactic explosion of his life. His claws fully extended and his horn shaped boosters mine the rock beneath him like a mindlesss barbarians left captive. " TEAR THAT WHORE TO OBLIVIAN!" Akio screams cramming in a rageclaw battle chip deeply into his PET then gasping for air afterward. Claw's metal fingers now flash violently to a blinding violet radiation.
The moment fealt like the first time that Claw and Akio become one entity. With a simultanious battlecry and a proppelling explosion that could of obliterated the platform rock before them, Claw and Akio charge for their last and most heart-fealt strong blow towards their erragant menace of an opponent. " GO TO HELL!!! EDGAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAALLLLGH!!!! " They shout simultaniously as claw spins seemingly out of control with fevering rage that would make the entire arena a bit hotter. The drama slowed time down till seconds became hours as this would, win or lose, become a moment that would be deeply branded in their memory. Claw darts his three pronged hand toward Edgar and his rock. If it didn't stab Edgar dead then the rock would probably explode for that Claw would aim to strike the most powerful swing with the other hand as quickly and deeply as his confidence anger and spirit could take him toward Edgar who would one way or another probably be in mid -air. It really fealt like his last moments to live... and he wanted to go down fighthing.
Edgar had to die, Now of Never! They simultaniously thought. The last few seconds of their match and conscienceness depended on that last attack.
1: Race toward RockC and Edgar! Your life and pride depend on it
2 rageclaw to Edgar maybe rockC if it were to miss. (40)
3 rageclaw to Edgar, the final blow. It's in fate's hands now. (40)
posted in Versus Matches •
Likewise Claw stay mounted on the crumbling hunk of rock that kept him safe from the quaking violent with a wild aura that engulfed him like fire. "RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!" He roars with a warriors last shot of courage. His 8-shaped pupil shrank to a to a single pixel. His face opened wide showing a menacing insanity yet crying toward the final epic climactic explosion of his life. His claws fully extended and his horn shaped boosters mine the rock beneath him like a mindlesss barbarians left captive. " TEAR THAT WHORE TO OBLIVIAN!" Akio screams cramming in a rageclaw battle chip deeply into his PET then gasping for air afterward. Claw's metal fingers now flash violently to a blinding violet radiation.
The moment fealt like the first time that Claw and Akio become one entity. With a simultanious battlecry and a proppelling explosion that could of obliterated the platform rock before them, Claw and Akio charge for their last and most heart-fealt strong blow towards their erragant menace of an opponent. " GO TO HELL!!! EDGAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAALLLLGH!!!! " They shout simultaniously as claw spins seemingly out of control with fevering rage that would make the entire arena a bit hotter. The drama slowed time down till seconds became hours as this would, win or lose, become a moment that would be deeply branded in their memory. Claw darts his three pronged hand toward Edgar and his rock. If it didn't stab Edgar dead then the rock would probably explode for that Claw would aim to strike the most powerful swing with the other hand as quickly and deeply as his confidence anger and spirit could take him toward Edgar who would one way or another probably be in mid -air. It really fealt like his last moments to live... and he wanted to go down fighthing.
Edgar had to die, Now of Never! They simultaniously thought. The last few seconds of their match and conscienceness depended on that last attack.
1: Race toward RockC and Edgar! Your life and pride depend on it
2 rageclaw to Edgar maybe rockC if it were to miss. (40)
3 rageclaw to Edgar, the final blow. It's in fate's hands now. (40)
RE: Edgar VS claw
"Whoa! Did you see that?"
" Yeah! That trap got him good, a couple more hits and we win DANAH!!!"
"But that platform, it wasn't harmed by the traps and it has a spark effect. We have to make it there quickly, On hit from him and we'll probably be done for, so... we'll use this chip." Akio inserts a cannon battle chip.
Claw sees the platform and realizes that there are more possible outcomes. His vision turned to a more yellow shade and he could feel a warm radiation's pulse in his mouth as if he were holding a beating heat in his jaws. "Now let's try to fly over to that platform, whatever you do. Don't let him touch you!"
" Akio, there's only one way to make sure of it," Claw replies now possessed by a trance of pure determination,
"Trap or no trap we could take him down right here and now. Now's the time! DAZOH!!"
"Then I agree, if it doesn't work then we're gonners anyway, Give it your all! DOOMSDAY PUNCH!!!!"
Claw's Jet pack flared with wild energy. Streams of lightning escape his back mounted as a burst of energy anxiously charges. "DOOMSDAY!" he rockets faster than anyone could hesitate blinking even Prizeman. A vicious hasty beam had shot toward Edgar with a flaming red fist as it's head. The speed was startlingly inescapable at this point. The flashing golden beam was coiled with a blinding rainbow helix of colors and the surroundings became hazy and blurry like a mirage for the moment... a beautiful sight to behold but too much for the beholding eye to accept within much less than a second which probably caused a few seizures and leaving others in shock. The impact of the great blast steals Edgar's breath away and all the feeling and anything that left him control of his body suddenly vanished. Claw's trail beam sunk back into his body and escaped through his massive fist which is still lunged in Edgar's The wicked flash of hostile energy shot into his corpse tossing back like a lifeless rag doll. The shock of weighed him down to the ground which seemed more comfortable under his current condition. The sudden assault left the atmosphere with an state of catastrophic helplessness. "Let's finish this Claw!!!!" Claw then fires a burst of yellow energy which he still held in his mouth for the whole while to finish the stunned Edgar with all a warriors bravery could hold. Edgars body jumped in response of the blast then lied still whether under stun or defeat to log out. Claw then flew to the flying prizeman's flying platform to avoid any traps or suprises.
((Signature attack: Doomsday Punch (50dmg+stun effect)
Cannon to Edgar (40dmg)
Move to silver platform.))
posted in Versus Matches •
" Yeah! That trap got him good, a couple more hits and we win DANAH!!!"
"But that platform, it wasn't harmed by the traps and it has a spark effect. We have to make it there quickly, On hit from him and we'll probably be done for, so... we'll use this chip." Akio inserts a cannon battle chip.
Claw sees the platform and realizes that there are more possible outcomes. His vision turned to a more yellow shade and he could feel a warm radiation's pulse in his mouth as if he were holding a beating heat in his jaws. "Now let's try to fly over to that platform, whatever you do. Don't let him touch you!"
" Akio, there's only one way to make sure of it," Claw replies now possessed by a trance of pure determination,
"Trap or no trap we could take him down right here and now. Now's the time! DAZOH!!"
"Then I agree, if it doesn't work then we're gonners anyway, Give it your all! DOOMSDAY PUNCH!!!!"
Claw's Jet pack flared with wild energy. Streams of lightning escape his back mounted as a burst of energy anxiously charges. "DOOMSDAY!" he rockets faster than anyone could hesitate blinking even Prizeman. A vicious hasty beam had shot toward Edgar with a flaming red fist as it's head. The speed was startlingly inescapable at this point. The flashing golden beam was coiled with a blinding rainbow helix of colors and the surroundings became hazy and blurry like a mirage for the moment... a beautiful sight to behold but too much for the beholding eye to accept within much less than a second which probably caused a few seizures and leaving others in shock. The impact of the great blast steals Edgar's breath away and all the feeling and anything that left him control of his body suddenly vanished. Claw's trail beam sunk back into his body and escaped through his massive fist which is still lunged in Edgar's The wicked flash of hostile energy shot into his corpse tossing back like a lifeless rag doll. The shock of weighed him down to the ground which seemed more comfortable under his current condition. The sudden assault left the atmosphere with an state of catastrophic helplessness. "Let's finish this Claw!!!!" Claw then fires a burst of yellow energy which he still held in his mouth for the whole while to finish the stunned Edgar with all a warriors bravery could hold. Edgars body jumped in response of the blast then lied still whether under stun or defeat to log out. Claw then flew to the flying prizeman's flying platform to avoid any traps or suprises.
((Signature attack: Doomsday Punch (50dmg+stun effect)
Cannon to Edgar (40dmg)
Move to silver platform.))