Amidst the free-floating machinery and open space of NAXA Net, there exists a asteroid, with a deep hole embedded in its middle. Rumors have claimed that a powerful virus made and resided in that hole, and several brave Netbattlers have made their attempts to fell this monster. None have returned...
"This hole has been producing power surges throughout NAXA for way too long! We have to destroy it!" shouted a trio of electric Navis in unison, named Ohm 1, Ohm 2, and Ohm 3. They were getting paid big zenny to deal with these power surges, so there was no way they'd screw this up. All three shot a jolt of electricity down into the hole to draw out their bounty.
A responding bolt of lightning immediately forced Ohm 2 to EJO. "Brother!" shouted Ohms 1 and 3 together, lamenting the defeat of their fellow triplet. A forest of electrically-charged needles then rose from the hole, and the Cybeast Riccio picked off Ohm 1 by firing a quill straight through his chest. Another EJO.
"I... I can't do this alone! Help me, brothers...!" cried Ohm 3. His cries were ignored by Riccio, who blew the weak Navi clear off the Net with a single thunder clap. With the pests disposed of, Riccio climbed back into his burrow...
((Create your own topic and request a Cybeast battle instead of a normal battle 1 to fight Riccio))