Amidst the dense forests and rich soil of Yumland Net, there exists a large hole in the ground. Rumors have claimed that a powerful virus made and resided in that hole, and several brave Netbattlers have made their attempts to fell this monster. None have returned...

"Aiiiiiiiiiiiiy! Donde est, giant beast?! I issue you a challenge on the honor of lucha libre!" shouted Luchador, a masked wrestler Navi, who hunted this rumor not for money or fame, but the mere opportunity to prove his strength over the fiercest monster on the Net. He stood there for several minutes before realizing that the beast wasn't responding to his challenge. Frustrated, Luchador took a deep breath, and...


The ear-piercing screeched echoed through both the forest and the hole in the ground. This stirred the beast in an instant, and after some rumbling in the ground, the giant bear Cybeast climbed out to stare down this enemy.

"Señor Kuman, on the history and tradition of my mask and my ancestors, I will defeat you in a test of strength!" Luchador bravely stated. Kuman just stood there on its four paws for a moment, but not long before raising a single paw and swiping at Luchador with his claws. The loud Navi was EJO'd just as quickly as his mask was torn to shreds. Kuman slowly climbed back into his den, awaiting whoever else was fool enough to disturb him...

((Create your own topic and request a Cybeast battle instead of a normal battle 1 to fight Kuman))