
The first stroke hits, but the Magtect punches the blade, breaking it and giving Lavaman a shock at the same time.

Magtect 10HP

Lavaman 40HP(sword broken)
"Give me a Rageclaw, Rafael."

"I can't find it..."

"Left back pocket."

"It's not there."

"The other left back pocket."


Rafael slotted in the Rageclaw, grunting about something. Nevertheless, Lavaman tore through towards the Magtect mercilessly, without any apparent skill.

Rageclaw at Magtect (40)
The magtect falls!


Lavaman 40HP


Rewards: 400z
(( Yeah, I'm back, thought I'd give this another go. Also, in the next battle, can I use the sword again or do I have to make do with the chips I have left?))

"You're running out of HP, Lavaman," Rafael pressed as Lavaman walked into the underbelly of Yumland Net.

"I figured," Lavaman snapped as he wandered through the crowded streets. "I want to be about to be deleted when I jack out. This is way too much fun!" As he walked he bumped into a small, half-coded Navi. The small Navi apologised and continued to walk, a smirk beginning to form on his not-completely-whole face.

"Run systems check," Rafael instructed. The smile was too cheeky for his liking.

"All systems at full capacity," Lavaman said slowly. "Except my knee has green lines over it."

"Check code!" Rafael hurried.

"That was included in the systems check, stupid!" Lavaman snapped.

"Oh," Rafael said stupidly. "How was I meant to know?"

"You coded me," Lavaman said gruffly, and began storming out of the main part of the city. He sat down in the back alleys and began to sulk at the stupidness of his creator.
((When a sword 'breaks', it becomes unusable for that battle only. It's fine again in the next battle.))


Delete immediately before someone gets hurt~

Champu A: 60
Champu B: 60
MetoolEX: 70

Lavaman 40HP
"Awwww, yeah!" Lavaman exclaimed with an excitement he got whenever he was faced with viruses. "Lay one on me!"

"Which one?" Rafael asked. "Specify."

"Surprise me! Just gimme something!" Lavaman hurried. The viruses would attack in a second. He sure wasn't surprised when his right hand was coated in a white light and transformed into a glowing blade that was all too familiar already.

"Take out the Champus," Rafael said after a second. "Then the Metool won't be hard to get rid of."

"You're stupid," Lavaman snapped. He stepped forward, then made out as if he tripped over his own feet. He fell face first, then at the last second tucked his head down and moved into a roll, and as soon as his legs cleared the ground he launched himself off the ground with his remaining hand so he was flying feet-first towards the Metool. He passed it, but reached over and attempted a coathanger. As soon as he dropped to the ground on his stomach, he rolled to the right and stood up. He struck out with his sword towards ChampuA and moved back, positioning himself for an oncoming attack.


Sword at MetoolEX (80)
Sword at ChampuA (80)
Taking out the Champu, he then deletes the metool as well, although his sword breaks on its helmet.

Champu B: 60 HP

Lavaman 40 HP <Sword Broken>
"I told you to take out the Champus, didn't I?"

"Just shut up and give me a gun, Rafael!"

"Suit yourself."

Rafael slotted in a Shotgun, which immediately appeared on Lavaman's arm that had previously housed the sword. He jumped straight towards the Champu, but didn't fire. Instead he rolled when he hit the ground and faced the Champu once more, this time raising his arms and grinning like a maniac. The heavy armour on his body clanked together as his arms rose higher and higher.

Expecting two red-hot arms to leap from the ground and force the poor Champu to the ground, he ran straight towards it and fired a shot. Without seeing the result, he backflipped away and readied for an attack, whether or not the Champu had survived the barrage.


Lavabind at ChampuB (40 (Bind))
Shotgun at ChapuB (50)
It dies.


Lavaman 40 HP

Get: 300z
[quote=]It dies.[/quote]

"Phew," Lavaman exclaimed. "Next!"
((Ummm... May I inquire what is so funny about that?))

Lavaman finds-
More viruses.

RoninA: 150 HP
RoninB: 150 HP
RoninC: 150 HP
ENGBall: 100 HP
ENGball: 100 HP

Lavaman: 40 HP <random HP warning beep sounds>

-This looks like a tough one-
[It's the most down-to-earth, short response I've ever had!]

"Bring it awwn!" Lavaman yelled enticingly.

"No way! You're nuts!" Rafael barked. "I suggest you run, right now."

"I can take 'em!"

"No you can't."

"I can so! Just give me that Sword again and you'll see!"

Rafael, sighing, put in the Sword chip that once more transformed Lavaman's arm into a glowing sword. He rushed towards the nearest Ronin - Ronin B - and struck out with it, using his momentum to move into a spin with his arm outstretched, hoping it would connect with the Ronin. After he stopped spinning he rolled forward and used the upward momentum to attempt an uppercut on the other Ronin, Ronin A, then sprinted to a safe distance and readied for an attack.

Sword at Ronin B (80)
Sword at Ronin B (80)
Sword at Ronin A (80)
- Dodge]

[Edited, sorry, I'm too rusty >.<. Plus, I just read up and saw I got a free Dodge, so that's sweeeeeeet!]
((You can't escape from battle without an escape subchip. Edit your bloody post. D:<))
The first Ronin dies, and the other is injured. In rage, the Ronin smacks his sword at Lavaman, but misses due to Lavaman dodging.

RoninA: 70 HP
RoninC: 150 HP
ENGBall: 100 HP (blue)
ENGball: 100 HP (blue)

Lavaman: 40 HP <random HP warning beep sounds>
[[Yeah, what's with the low HP? I had 40 and then all of a sudden it dropped 10. Was it for the scabby 'next' post?]]

Rafael didn't even have to instruct Lavaman on his next attack. Straight away Lavaman frontflipped over RoninA and as he came down, his feet firmly on the hard floor, he spun around and struck out with his arm in a fast circular slice. Ronin C, getting closer, began to freak out Lavaman. His next attack was going to be at one of the ENGBalls, but it was going to have to be for the Ronin.

He stabbed down towards where knees would be if he could see - he was looking into its eyes - but stopped short and swept his sword upward, right toward the chin. He bent his elbow, causing the sword to come closer to his body, then stabbed right out at the gut.

He slipped away from the Ronin and faced the ENGBalls, ready to fight them and not be hit.

Sword at RoninA (80)
Sword at RoninC (80)
Sword at RoninC (80)
Another Ronin is hacked to death, and the other Ronin is sliced, but Lavaman's sword shatters on impact. The Ronin attempts to attack Lavaman, but misses.

RoninC: 70 HP
ENGBall: 100 HP (blue)
ENGball: 100 HP (blue)

Lavaman: 40 HP <warning sounds>