Crush in Sharo

It was wrong! He'd erred! The enemy he should've focused on, it was those ridiculous star shaped enemies! And the pain, it was back, had it ever truly been this bad before? There was a hole, a very bad hole, somewhere in his armor, in his system, a hole where his core data was fully and terribly exposed! The last lines of programming, the things that made Crush what he was, exposed in the enemy's sight! No, this was unprecedented. Completely so.

Especially since he was going to lose.

There was no other answer. There were too many enemies! What happened once that final blow came crushing down? When his core data was scattered across the net. Like that ridiculous puck creature? Damn! Too weak, he was too weak! All of this because he simply couldn't muster up the power to fight back! Damn his weakness! The Master would not-

The Master. What was it he had said? The only failure now would be to lose, that had been what he had said, wasn't it? But surely the pain couldn't be much worse than it was now! And if he was defeated, if he was destroyed, surely even the Master could not follow him, could he? But the Master was displeased, he must have been, he must be, for CrushMan had failed, completely and utterly. There was no way to defeat the rest of the foes with what little power he had remaining!

"Crush..." The Master's voice. It was certainly not pleased. "I am going to initiate emergency jackout procedures. Now." CrushMan was stunned. Granted, he was still held in place by that ridiculous bubble, but stunned none the less. The Master was trying to save him? "I've put too much time and effort into creating you for you to be destroyed now! Idiot! How could you possibly fail this badly! Failure! Argh! And to such ridiculous enemies and attacks! Hockey pucks and bubbles? You were defeated by bubbles! How dare you shame me like this!"

That was more of what he was expecting. The Master was not pleased. Not at all. The punishment would be dire. But certainly it was better than the alternative. Destruction was a frightening thing.

All actions devoted to escape.

(Sorry, couldn't find anything in the rules on escape so this might be wrong. I just remember reading it somewhere, something like a percentage chance of success. At any rate, if the escape feature has been removed, I'll be more than happy to rewrite this segment into a combat situation.)
(For every two action spent dodging, you have a 25% chance of escaping. Since you spent one action to get out of the bubble, you get two actions to run. 25%... if you miss, that counts as two dodges. And sorry, the coins didn't agree with you.))

Crushman tries to run, but the enemies give cahse, to firing on him though he dodges.
PuffyB: 80
PuffyC: 80
StarfishEXA: 40
StarfishEXB: 40
StarfishEXC: 90

Crushman: 1
(So it's not a jack-out, but running away? And a one in four chance of escape, huh? Yikes. I can't say I like those odds. Hmm... So, what's worse, losing to luck or by a lack of skill? Well, I know which one's more fun at any rate. Besides, some say that it is only in the face of adversity that the roleplaying spirit truly comes to its fruition!)

Last Turn

"Damn! The jack-out procedure is being interrupted! It's the viruses! They're interfering with standard jack-out operations! I can't break through, not yet! CrushMan, you have to run!"

The Master could not save him? The Master could not intervene and prevent his destruction? How very peculiar. Disturbing. It was strange, why was this thought prominent above all others? He risked destruction, yet there was only one thought in his mind, a strange and foreign notion.

But he banished it for now. There were much more important things to worry about. With the cleaving sword he stabbed straight down into his flimsy prison of bubble and fell feet first to solid ground with a heavy thump. The Master's orders remained, and so CrushMan ran. He pushed and thudded along, but if he made any success it wasn't evident. Enemy attacks flew past him as he trudged along, but he felt still felt like he wasn't making any progress. The thought that he wouldn't escape, no matter how hard he ran, flitted through CrushMan's head.

It wasn't working. They were simply too fast to run away from. Perhaps if he continued, he might be able to wear them down, but those attacks would still come. Perhaps he could even dodge them, but for how long? He'd done it once, but repeated attempts tempted fate. Still, there was that thought, nagging him. The Master. He couldn't concentrate; there was too much going on!

His processing bounced from task to task, trying to find that answer to that question. How quickly the Master abandoned his ideals. CrushMan was supposed to be better than these enemies. Was it his fault that he was failing? Or was it something else? The Master was willing to turn and flee from these lesser beings?

"CrushMan! Keep running!" What was left to him? That tiniest piece of data that protected his core data and the sword, that was all that was available. And his strength. It was so startling though, how slowly it took him to accept that simple fact. The Master had been wrong.

To engage in this very battle, it was foolhardy. He was too damaged; there was so slim a chance of victory to be negligible. And yet the Master had insisted. Now this. The Master had failed to take him out of the battle. What did it all mean?

"Don't stop you buffoon! Keep moving!"

This Turn

Could the Master be wrong again? Could this demand for retreat be in error as well? What a strange feeling CrushMan felt, a feeling that he'd not felt once before. There was a distinct feeling of disconnection, of separation. The Master could not intervene in this, his most dire of moments.

"Keep moving!" the Master shrieked again. But CrushMan would not run. No. No was his answer. He had not failed, not yet. He would not fail to lesser beings. By the fault of the Master, he had been mangled and damaged. He would not stand it now.

The problem with his strategy, he knew, was two fold. One, would the Master cooperate with him if he showed disobedience? He could not defeat all of these enemies with just the sword, could he? The Master still held many weapons back for his use when the time came, but would he allow Crush to make use of them? The Second issue was what remained after combat? What would happen to Crush for his disobedience? He had been punished for failure, yes, but never for refusal to obey. It was a strange thought indeed.

And yet CrushMan simply could not refuse that feeling that overwhelmed him; a sensation that pushed him forward to his new and dangerous scheme. He began running again, but not before turning on his heels and facing the five foes that remained. Yes, and there was a third problem. Again his task processing was interrupted by an interesting subroutine, how clear everything seemed! His processing always seemed to be occupied with too much to comprehend, too much to handle, yet now it all came together so clearly.

Yes, there was that third issue. Five foes. It would only take one more strike to cut CrushMan down. He would have to be careful, incredibly defensive. That was where the Master had failed. Too much offense, too much arrogance in the face of battle. The Master, arrogant? Another amusing thought. Yes, amusing. But how to properly defend himself?

Ah, but that might be possible. There were but two types of attacks coming at him. The needles and the water prison bubbles. Granted, there were still five targets firing at him, but CrushMan was superior after all. Or had the Master been wrong there as well? Two types of attacks, needles and bubbles. The needles would be the most difficult to deal with. Piercing, even through his armor, he would have to either avoid them or deflect them. The bubbles, on the other hand, would be much easier. All he had to do was blast them before they even got close! A few spike missiles would slow them down.

But while he was on the defensive that did not mean that he could not attack as well. No, he had to. Otherwise there'd simply be no progress at all. The spined creatures, they would be his first targets. The needles would be the most difficult to defend against and they were capable of being cut down by the sword with one blow. Perfect. That gave him time to judge the Master's reaction. And more time to think.

So CrushMan moved forward, exhilarated from this new and exhilarating feeling of separation from the Master, his blade held out as he prepared to strike. As he approached, he scanned the area, one virus after the other, waiting for them to attack, waiting to prevent the attack and save his own hide. The spines on his arms itched terribly, waiting to be fired at any oncoming water attacks, while his gauntleted fists anxiously shook in preparation to deflect incoming needles, causing his sword to shake as he came ever closer. CrushMan attacked.

Sword to PuffyB — 80 Damage —
<(I'd just like to say, excellent posting)>

As Crushman tears down a Puffy, the others attack, needles and Bubbles attacking madly, missing by a longshot s Crushman outmanuvers them.

PuffyC: 80
StarfishEXA: 40
StarfishEXB: 40
StarfishEXC: 90

Crushman: 1
(Many thanks! But I'm going to need a few more posts like this if I expect Crush to survive. Seems like the only way for Crush to get through this is to keep the moderators interested enough in the battle to keep him fighting, if only to see the end of it. Right, here goes!)

CrushMan attacked and cleaved through the enemy. The massive sword sliced through the air and crashed down into the ground. The blade bit into the floor with a metallic clang as the bisected virus split apart and dissipated into the net.

Satisfaction. CrushMan believed he understood the meaning of the word now. How often the Master had used it, how often he had used it to describe the Master's desires, and now the feeling was his. He'd done something with nothing more than his own power. He'd chosen an action for himself, acted on it, and been glad that he'd done so.

But he hadn't done it all with his own power, he remembered. Some of that was borrowed. This lesson became all the more potent as the sword, still imbedded into the 'earth' dissipated.

The Master! He was not completely out reach! There was still a connection! He'd taken away the power of that weapon, had retrieved what was his and destroyed any chance of CrushMan's victory!

But how? The Master had never done so before, had he? Had he ever retrieved an item, a weapon, before CrushMan was finished with it? Or was this some new trait revealed? The Master would not have had a need to use it before now, would he? A trump card.

CrushMan was relieved to discover this was not the case, that his seemingly enhanced thinking capabilities had simply dissected the information before the play was done. Foreign energy rippled through his body in cold waves as his body tried to purge the incoming alien data. But CrushMan welcomed it and asked his whole self to do the same. The sword hadn't been taken away. It had been overwritten.

"CrushMan. I told you to run." After his long silence, finally the Master spoke. They were not welcome words. Run? But he couldn't! Not from these nothings! Not from these pathetic copies! He could not run! CrushMan would destroy them! He had failed because... Why had he failed again? The Master? Yes, it must've been the Master's fault! But to think the Master was capable of failure was impossible! His processing fought against itself as various demands and clauses fought one another for dominance. But they were silenced as one when the Master spoke again. "I told you to run," he repeated. What was that, that note and tone of his voice? Where was the certainty? Where was the unwavering faith and determination? Was it that CrushMan's acts shocked him? Perhaps saddened him, feeling betrayed? Or was the Master beginning to believe that he too had been wrong?

"Use the power of that weapon to distract the enemies. You will obey me this time." CrushMan noticed that in his order, the Master did manage to find some of his determination. But it was still weak. And CrushMan's resolve was strong!

No! He would not run away! This powerful sensation, the ability to have and make choices on his own, he would not so quickly abandon. Nor would he abandon the ideals instilled in him. Hammered into him again and again, he could not forget those virtues, not even if the Master did. He was better than them. CrushMan would prove it!

He stood to his fullest height, towering high over his foes, and made his preparations. Again he searched the area, located the viruses, made note of their positions and rushed towards them, or rather one in particular. His 'mind' raced as he planned his actions, his every movement, yes it kept pace with his every whim and reacted to his surroundings faster than any time before. His huge and seemingly lumbering frame moved swiftly and unfailingly, not halting for but the smallest of moments for fear of his momentum and weight overtaking his balance.

CrushMan held an arm up at the ready and another at his side, prepared to react to any sudden attacks, as his spikes readied to intercept enemy attacks. That was where he'd gone wrong before, not on fault of his own but the Master's. Too preoccupied with offense, distracted by too many things, how could he have properly reacted against the enemies' attacks? But now he was ready!

The enemy was before him. Another copy. His philosophy of viral weakness must be true, he was sure of it. This foe seemed just like the last, that needle-spewing creature that so easily fell before his sword. He was certain he could dispatch of it as well, especially with this new weapon.

But what was this new weapon? Strange, it was unlike any of the others he used. A brand new weapon. But he had no idea how to use it. No ideas, but a feeling. It was a feeling he associated with his new and enjoyable sensation that filled and powered his every motion now. But the weapon, how very strange it was. The cold that had initially overcome him had not gone away as he had expected. No, it had spread and focused in his fists. That was where it was located.

He was urged by that same feeling to leap, and he did so. CrushMan pushed all his weight into his knees as he crouched and was dragged forward by the inertia of his charge. Bunching up the strength in his joints, he let his momentum carry him forward and jumped. Crush pushed off, heaving himself over the enemy in a great bound as he was forced into a slight turn and a 45-degree angle. He knew something was wrong as his chest led the way forward and he considered his positions. The charge had put him off balance and when he'd jumped CrushMan had been forced into a position of his side being perpendicular to the ground. That feeling told him that this was unacceptable.

CrushMan threw his weight to the right and his body whipped around in accordance. His right and left fists split down the middle as he turned about towards his foe. The hands slid apart and revealed their hidden cache. As he soared through the air directly above the virus, his arm sockets fired off twin beams of pale blue light that careened towards the ground. A thought suddenly entered his mind, what was the Master thinking right now? What would he say? A large portion of CrushMan feared that answer, yet there was an undeniable portion that eagerly awaited the answer to his defiance. Again CrushMan curved his body about so that his feet where aimed pointing towards the foe, so that when he landed he might be prepared to retaliate any attacks from behind. It also placed him in an excellent position to view the results of his attack.

He noted as the two beams of cold brightness slammed into the ground that they were weak. CrushMan simply knew it, that there was little power in them. So why had he believed it as strong as the sword? A moment after the light touched the earth he was rewarded with an answer. The ground glowed where the beams had struck and from that area the light radiated out, growing quickly. At once, the stored energy exploded out in the forms of giant shards of ice that erupted from the ground. It happened so quickly, so suddenly, that as Crush landed he nearly stumbled from shear shock of it all. It seemed like so very much had happened in the few seconds it had taken him to perform his attack.

Great shards of ice were sticking out of the ground where the attack had gone off, like some strange snow flower growing out of the earth. No, it was much more like a great crystal formation. CrushMan wondered briefly if the enemy could have escaped his sudden attack, but quickly found a second alternative. How typical of the Master, he thought, so much flash and yet so little substance. The ice was weak despite it's thickness and even now was beginning to break and fall apart. Could the enemy have found a hollow and avoided the strike or even countered the effects somehow?

CrushMan put the idea away for that moment. The enemy had been given a choice time to counter attack. If they were going to strike, now was the time. If his last attack had been successful, at least that meant that he had only one type of threat to contend with. He held up his hand again and prepared his spike missiles to intercept the foes' attacks, but kept an eye on the quickly crumbling formation of ice. He would not be caught unawares from there should the virus have survived. But more than that, he wished to see the attack's effectiveness. A portion of him told him that there was more substance in his attack than might appear. He truly hoped so.

IceWave1 to PuffyC -80 Damage -

(I really took some liberties with IceWave on that one, but I really liked how that showed up in my head so I couldn't resist! Well, it has weakness at least, right? At any rate, I really like how this turned out.)
((Kind of need target and damage in you summery as well, though I take it that it does at least 80 Aqua and is towards the last puffy.))

The icey attack freezes the puffy and its data then fragments and scatters into shards of ice. A Starfish blows a bubble but Crushman easily works his way around it.

StarfishEXA: 40
StarfishEXB: 40
StarfishEXC: 90

Crushman: 1
(Ack! Sorry about that Majin. I typed it up at work and I didn't have the enemy statistics with me, so I was going to fill it in later. Then I forgot about it. I'll edit that real quick.)

The enemies attacks were, again, a simple matter to avoid and counter. The ruins of his last attack revealed nothing, the intended target had met its end. How simple everything was! Now that the spined enemies had been eliminated, all that was left was defeating the star shaped foes. It would be so much easier only having to anticipate one type of attack rather than fearing two different assaults. Granted, there were still three viruses left, but three was certainly an easier matter than five.

Could he perhaps go on the offensive? Had he gained a strong enough foothold to risk a full-out assault? No, those were the Master's tactics. What would he gain from such a foolish act? If he kept striking as he did now, Crush was fairly certain that he could defeat these last foes. Even better, two of them were injured.

Of course, he was running out of options. His secondary strength reserve was charged and ready to be used at any time, but that was only one attack. Meanwhile, the Master only held two attacks more, the shotgun and rage claw. That would be enough though, if he simply acted as appropriate, if he simply did not fail. How CrushMan hated that word, Failure. No, he wouldn't fail now, not when he'd come so far! He'd finally proved that he was capable of performing on his own, of acting free!

But who was he trying to prove that too? How strange that his systems would even process such an idea. Who was there to prove such a thing to? The Master? Perhaps. Perhaps that was the reason, to show the Master that he was a capable warrior?

The Master. Yes, surely that was it. He wanted to prove himself to the Master! But then what was this feeling, this feeling of elation at the distance placed between them? CrushMan shrugged it off. He moved forward, thinking of the waste of the .5 seconds it'd taken him to process the notions, moved forward towards one of the last foes. The newest objective was to eliminate one of the wounded targets.

Or both of them! That's right, that's how they had been wounded! A lucky shotgun attack, or had it been skill? At any rate, a shotgun attack had pierced straight through the one virus and struck the other. And one shotgun attack remained. If he could accomplish such a thing again, he might find victory just a bit easier to grasp! Yet the Master held the weapon. And CrushMan had shown another act of disobedience! How could-

His thought processes were suddenly stopped as a wave of foreign energy sent a shock through his systems. Foreign data? The Master! "No, CrushMan, you can't head back towards them." The Master said, quietly, firmly. Where was the outrage that always came so naturally to him? "Now look what you've done," the Master said again, a peculiar tone in his voice. Another change? "You've caught their attention again. Take care of them, then retreat." Now there was that old conviction, but it was... strange. Altered. Feigned? Or misplaced? Troubling, it was troubling and unusual to hear the Master speak in this manner.

But he had his weapon. The cylindrical tube that operated as a shotgun appeared and attached itself directly to CrushMan's arm. Troubling again, for this was what he had wanted. Why hadn't the Master given him the Rage Claw, one of the Master's favorite weapons. Had he realized that this was not a battle simply for pleasure? That that time had by far been gone and passed?

Whatever the reason, he had his weapon, his answer to the enemy threat. Now it was simply a matter of tapping into whatever resource it was before that allowed him to strike both foes at once, be it luck or skill. Again CrushMan looked up and took note of his enemies positions. No, they weren't aligned quite yet. But if repositioned himself, he could easily place two foes together, one in front of the other, it was simply a matter a maneuvering himself the right way.

And hoping that the enemy didn't move with him, of course. Before it had been easy to strike two enemies at once simply due to the sheer number of them. How could he miss? But now was a bit different. Now he wanted, perhaps even needed, because despite the ease with which he was dodging attacks he simply couldn't do it forever, that second blow to strike. Yes, either he would make a mistake or the enemy would get lucky, and then he would fall. This stroke of luck, or again skill, might be what would separate him from that moment of failure.

Failure! No, he would not accept that! CrushMan made his move, setting the enemy target in his sight, one of the previously damaged star-shaped virii, and then repositioning himself so that another of the virii was placed behind it. With luck, the shot would connect and travel through before the second virus could move. But what about that second virus? What if it wasn't the second damaged virus? That could complicate things. CrushMan would simply have to hope that that bit of luck would stay with him.

Calm. Calm was what he needed. He couldn't very well damage both of the enemies if he couldn't even hit one of them. He concentrated on the foe and mentally his weapon to fire. He was rewarded by an explosion of light and a cacophony of sound as the weapon went off, sending a blazing bolt of energy towards the target.

The shotgun canister disconnected and began to fade away as CrushMan started to move. He had to expect a counter attack. Or maybe even now there was an attack coming towards him! Yes, he had to be prepared, ready to combat the threat with a calm, cool head.

It was then, as CrushMan stood, watching his attack commence and waiting for the enemy to counter, that he realized what had been wrong with the Master's voice. It had not been conviction, but complete calm. He would have realized it sooner, but there had been something else throwing him off, something Crush believed he had successfully identified now. Amusement. Troubling.

He would worry of the Master and his punishment later. For now, there was the feeling of disconnection to occupy his mind, as well as three last copies to destroy.

Shotgun to StarfishEXA — 50 Damage — Chance of Splash
Everything dies.

Reward:1000z Aquaneedle1

((That thing was like... 3 pages.))
(Oh my gosh! Are you serious? I mean, don't get me wrong, it'd be AWESOME if this actually happened, but Crush seriously got all three of the enemies with that? One of which had 90 health? That would be so cool! That's, like, 170 damage with one shotgun attack! I would be insanely flattered if that happened, but I don't want to go ahead and say that that happened just in case you missed that 90 hp enemy.

If it's true, I'll gladly jack out. Fighting for, what, 4 turns with 1 HP is kinda scary. If this seriously does work out, I am typing one killer of an effect scene before I go for that shotgun. I mean, holy crap. Double splash, double damage? Yes!

I'll wait a day to make sure everything's cool before I go forward, since I don't want to exploit anything but I still really want this to happen. Thanks!)
(I'd say that's it then! Alright!)

CrushMan was suddenly forced back on his heels as an unexpected aftershock knocked against him. The attack, the shotgun shot, it was different! The attack, it was too large, not like any of his other normal attacks. It soared towards the intended target and it was only then that Crush realized that his attack was as big as the virus itself! The bolt of energy completely enveloped the virus and passed, leaving nothing in it's wake.

And it went farther. The virus, successfully lined up behind the original target, took the slightly weakened shot head on. Again, the attack went through, this time blowing a large hole in and through the virus... straight back into the final foe. The shot continued to propel itself forward even as the second foe started to melt away into the Net. Then, it slammed into the final foe. The burst of energy suddenly exploded as it made this final connection, detonating into a small sphere of orange-red light. The light imploded in on itself quickly and then dissapeared, leaving an empty battlefield, empty save for the terribly wounded CrushMan.

To say he was shocked would have been a terrible understatement. As if the finish of his almost fatal encounter were not enough, the fact remained that he had survived the ordeal. He was overwhelmed with a sense of satisfaction as he steadied himself. He'd done it. Despite the odds set against him, he'd survived the encounter and come out victorious! Granted, the Master had still helped him quite a bit, but-

The Master! CrushMan looked up, almost as if expecting the Master's stern face glowering down at him. That's right, the ordeal was over. The viral activity had been suspended and that meant that the Master had control once again. CrushMan's feeling of elation died away as he further considered his path. He'd disobeyed the Master. Such a thing would certainly not go unpunished.

Strange how the Master chose then and there to speak. Or rather, to act and be heard, for what CrushMan heard then was laughter accompanied by applause. "Well done CrushMan! You've passed the test!" Test?! "Yes! How wonderful that you managed to see through the illusion and find the true answer all on your own!" The confidence, the pride, the arrogance, it was all back. The Master was the Master once again. "Of course the answer was to defeat the enemy! You could never lose to such creatures, never! You are a noble, a lesson you well remembered!"

A test? It had all been another of the Master's tests? CrushMan's feelings on this were mixed. The Master was still strong, that's what it meant. And he'd passed one of the Master's tests, that too was a thing to be proud of. But that so very brief feeling of disconnection, seperation, independence, was it a lie? Was that why he felt so terrible in the midst of his maelstrom of confusion?

"This is a valuable lesson indeed, a lesson well learned! Who knows, one day, someone may very well steal you from me or even take temporary control of your terminal. Imagine some imposter issuing orders to you! Terrible! But what you've just shown me is that you are capable of seeing through such an illusion. I have faith that you will be able to act appropriately should the need ever rise again."

CrushMan nodded, for he knew the Master was surely watching. He did feel proud of himself, for being able to please the Master so. It was unheard of for him to so freely pass out praise. It was a welcome change, yet it still did not meet the elation he had felt earlier in battle.

He noticed that amongst the battlefield were scattered pockets of still stable data and CrushMan moved to complete his duties. He was battered, beaten, yet not broken. He simply had to collect the spoils of battle, ship them back to the Master, and then finally find some rest. He did so, and was rewarded with yet another praise from the Master for being so quick to finish his duties while receiving a gentle admonishment for acting without the Master's orders. A gentle admonishment? Again, how very strange.

"We're done here, for now at any rate. My theory has been confirmed, I do believe. And with these new weapons of ours, I'm eager to see how we next fare in combat. Issuing jack-out procedures now, my dear Crush. Rest well, knowing that victory was had this day!"