Escort Mission

Splitman succeeds-

-in causing himself a great deal of pain.

Apparently the afro is real, for the moment.

Splitman, DNR, and Mental trek up the long, winding staircase for what seems like hours- and then they reach the peak. A single point atop the mountain, with a... golden... pineapple... impaled upon it.

Of note is the fact that there's an actual platform surrounding the peak which was also not there before...

"We're here, my Grecolian allies!" Mental says, pleased with himself. "So... LET'S DISCO PARTY!" A large disco ball, hanging from a rope attached to seemingly nothing, drops down to about 5 feet above Mental's head; the entire area actually darkens, and the disco ball begins to reflect sparkles of light all over everything...

...despite there being no light sources to produce such sparkles. Mental himself, however, merely begins to dance.
Chad's communications came in "How are you -oh" Before cutting themselves off

Twenty minutes later they also came in "What about -oh" He began asking before cutting himself off again

30 minutes after that - "Now you - oh" He began to ask one final time "I'll be... going out for a bit... call my cell or something if you need me for the next couple hours"

Two and a half hours after the start Splitman finally reached the top... Only to find Mental's consistent insanity was still taking hold. Split looked at the disco ball and in a moment of concentrated rage fired a bolt of energy at it. The bolt was colored red for some reason this time and his hand emitted more smoke than was normal... not that it really mattered to him at the moment. "We here or not? Do we have to keep going further because I hate disco so very.. very... much" Splitman shouted

Buster Shot(40): Disco Ball
3 Auto-Dodges...?
"It's a... Pineapple... huh...Well at least we can make some good Pina Colada!" DNR shrugged with a smile as he sat on the platform at the top, bobbing with his bouncy afro head as he danced with the musical accompaniment.
The red bolt of energy strikes the disco ball-

-sending out streaks of similar red energy in every which direction.

"HIT THE DECK!" Mental shouts, suddenly huddled under a sturdy-looking desk. The beams fire outward for around a minute; normal prisms don't work like this...

Amazingly, none of them hit Mental, DNR, or Splitman. The surrounding area seems okay too-

"LOOK WHAT YOU'VE DONE!" Mental cries, on his knees and gazing forlornly at the golden pineapple.

Or what used to be the golden pineapple, anyway. Now all that's there is a golden, burnt husk...

Mental is suddenly on his feet, facing Splitman with an unnatural rage in his eyes, red sparks of energy lashing out violently in every which direction from the straitjacket-bound navi's body. YOU... The voice comes from everywhere and nowhere all at once, but it is most definitely focused on Splitman... YOOOOOUUUU!

One of the energy sparks strikes the area directly next to Splitman, searing a small hole into the platform.


Mental: 1400

DNR: 240

Splitman: 120

Terrain: Medium-sized platform with a spike in the center; DNR, Mental, and Splitman are all on one side of the spike. The platform has no railings or edges, and a small, navi-sized hole is to the direct left of Splitman. DNR is a bit to Mental's right, and Mental is floating facing Splitman. A sturdy-looking desk sits between Splitman and Mental.
"Interesting" Splitman said, the rage now gone from him "Not that it really matters because you could likely trivially kill me or recreate this thing." He added, covering for himself a bit. "I bet you have the ability to make giant pineapples just" Splitman snapped "With a snap of your fingers"

"Close one though, eh?"

While talking Split slowly gathered in the energy around him focusing it on the location. He waited though for the moment in which Mental snapped his fingers. As soon as he did that, he would unleash the energy into the area of the giant pineapple and bring it back to health.

Positive Energy Infusion: Strengthen 75 Healing
Positive Energy Mastery: Grant Splash and Spread to 75 healing
Healing Buster Shot: Heal 2 sections of surface pineapple for 75 and 95, heal rest for 37
"Nice job ruining the flow Splitman... mail me a postcard from Net-heaven, I'll be here reading this interesting medical/scientific magazine." DNR said, a hand resting his head as he takes out a magazine and starts reading it. "Huh.... radio waves as the new net? Preposterous!"

1. N
2. A
3. D
4. A
Mental snapped his 'fingers', yes. But the moment he did, an incredibly violent-looking orb of the red energy that had sparked about his form before gathered in the palm of his 'hand'; the energy almost seemed to be fighting some invisible control, trying to burst forth even unbidden...

Splitman tries in vain to 'heal' the pineapple. It doesn't do anything, not that Mental would have noticed.


Mental charges, orb-wielding-'hand'-first, at Splitman. Splitman closes his eyes out of reflex-

-and feels a prodding on his chest. Splitman opens his eyes to find Mental munching on a stack of pancakes, (Literally, a whole stack crammed into an almost comedically oversized mouth) with a 'hand'' outstretched to offer one to Splitman.

Mental pauses for a moment, then stuffs the offered pancake into his mouth, and swallows the lot. "That's for wrecking my disco party!" Mental says, as though that somehow explains everything. "Now let's go back to MAH PAD!" Mental's head jerks violently to the side, the motion accompanied by a loud, crack-like sound, and the nutcase of a navi spits something on the floor.

The mysterious substance does nothing for a moment, then expands into another portal, which Mental hops into.

"..... mmh, death of chloresterol.... interesting way to vent out frustration but!" DNR says as he gets up with a jovial smile. "Well off we go your pad! We can have some wine tasting delights afterwards there!" he says towards Mental as he followed suit towards the portal.
A look of both relief and stunning anguish swept over Splitman's face when he realized he was still alive. He.. he wasn't even capable of logical anger or acts of simple revenge... It wasn't even mercy... it was just... lunacy.

Splitman attempted to choke out something to say, but only managed to stammer as he walked through the portal behind the others.
The trio steps through the portal.