Passing a bit of time

((Meh, bump?))
((And again...))
A couple of giant switchblade-wielding thugs find him! They've got supporters!

SwordyA: 60
SwordyB: 60
LarkA: 100
LarkB: 100
LarkC: 100
PurpleUFOA: 120
PurpleUFOB: 120

Splitman.exe: 90 HP

Terrain: 10% Holy (5 panel Cross, centered on Splitman; 5 panel line, 3 occupied by Larks); 20% Poison (scattered across entire field); 20% Cracked (scattered across entire field); 50% Normal

"We just got a mission, we should- Oh" Chad interrupted himself upon noticing the group of virii "Well, just make it quick, we don't want to keep them waiting"

"With pleasure" Split responded, before charging forward. First order of business were those who hadn't gotten on the holy panels yet.... his eyes glowed a soft red as he leapt past the first group, landing behind them. As he landed he drew fourth his left arm from his side, as thought it were some sort of horrible sword. He let lose a deranged scream as he attacked the UFOs, each impact chipping away at his detached limb as it shuddered from the force of the blow. He glanced to the side to notice the group of Swordys and dashed towards them, hoping to finish them off before it was too late. He put all of his might into the first swing, and was responded in kind with a solid crack as his arm finally broke from the force of the blow.

He immediately jumped back, placing a beehive between him and the remaining swordy in an effort to stave off an incoming attack. As a mere afterthought he tossed a magbomb at the group of larks. Hopefully that would slow them down.

RedOut+Focused Power(7 Buster Shots+20 damage to 1 hit): PurpleUFOA(3x40) PurpleUFOB (3x40) SwordyB(40+20)
RiskyHoney1(10x5): Defend against Swordys
MagBomb1(Stun, 30 Elec, Blast2): Lark Group
Splitman starts wailing the the enemies, his first series of strikes taking out one of the UFO. When he moves on to the second, however, it dodges his last hit, managing to stay alive. And the swordy just plain dies. He then puts up a defense and drops a bomb on the Lark group. One moves off the holy panels, giving up its defense but avoiding the attack. The other two are pretty much stuck there, at least for the moment. The one that moved then attacks, firing a wave at Splitman. This stirs up the hive he had on his arm and bees start swarming the virus.

SwordyB: 60
LarkA: 50
LarkB: 70 (stun)
LarkC: 70 (stun)
PurpleUFOB: 40

Splitman.exe: 90 HP

Terrain: 10% Holy (5 panel Cross, centered on Splitman, though probably not anymore; 5 panel line, 2 occupied by Larks); 20% Poison (scattered across entire field); 20% Cracked (scattered across entire field); 50% Normal
Immediately upon noticing the UFO's survival split arm shot out to the right firing a single cannon shot at the enemy before returning to its natural form.
"What now..." He asked out-loud as the remaining enemies moved to destroy him his answer came to him quickly, if only be accident.

In an attempt to keep the swordy away, he positioned himself so that the Lark would block its path. He then prepared to fire a heatshot, focusing his power to finish off the enemy before him. Suddenly, without warning, a log shot out from above him. "Damnit" He cursed "The hell are you doing Chad" Before his operator could respond he fired a blast of flame at the log in order to cover his retreat towards the holy panels.

"That was unnecessary..." Chad muttered "The log could have killed them both"

Cannon(40): PurpleUFOB
Advanced mobility: Line up SwordyB and LarkA
Strengthened Ringlog(50+20 to one): SwordyB and LarkA
Heatshot(40, Spread, Fire): Ringlog when it gets close
Splitman shoots the last UFO out of the air. He then hurls a ringlog with a bit more force than normal. WHile the Swordy manages to get out of the way, the Lark proves far to slow and gets nailed with it, as it catches ablaze. The swordy then slashes Splitman and the other two shake off their stun.

SwordyB: 60
LarkB: 70
LarkC: 70

Splitman.exe: 60 HP

Terrain: 10% Holy (5 panel Cross, centered on Splitman, though probably not anymore; 5 panel line, 2 occupied by Larks); 20% Poison (scattered across entire field); 20% Cracked (scattered across entire field); 50% Normal
Splitman stood in hesitation for more than a moment. "Screw it" Splitman cursed before taking a step forward and leaping towards the group of remaining larks, damn the consequences. A single arm extended forward, a warped parody of its former self. The claw-like protrusion shot out at the nearest one and with all the strength available Split attempted to hurl it at the remaining Swordy. No hesitation remained, he focused his power into a single shot, a blast of flame that tracked down his targets in a wide spread, immolating the surrounding area.

Disdainfully he looked at the lark that remained next to him, he noticed Chad had selected a Thunder, and with a single gesture shot the tracking orb of energy toward its target. Hopefully he would be able to finish them soon. He had better things to do.

Advanced mobility: Move to holy panels, adjacent to LarkB
RageClaw(40): Throw LarkB at SwordyB
Strengthened Heatshot(40+Spread+Fire+20 to first hit): LarkB+SwordyB
Thunder1(40 + Stun 1 + Homing): LarkC
Splitman picks up a lark and chucks it into a swordy. He then shot both of them down with a Heatshot. A final Thunder provides enough of a shock to finish the last virus.


Splitman.exe: 60 HP

Terrain: 10% Holy (5 panel Cross, centered on Splitman, though probably not anymore; 5 panel line, 2 occupied by Larks); 20% Poison (scattered across entire field); 20% Cracked (scattered across entire field); 50% Normal

Rewards: 750z
"Well, glad that is done then" Splitman said before reattaching his arm. The over-sized limb had been dangling at his side for a minute before he remembered to replace it.
"Yep" Chad responded "You head own down to the mission site, I will be picking up some upgrades while you make your way there.

Splitman grumbled something about netsquares then proceeded his way to the meeting point for his next mission. After his first step his form became more stout and changed from a neutral gray to a red and black pattern. His limbs became enlarged and a massive energy blade attached itself to his left arm.

"Oh, right, disguises" he mumbled before continuing on in the direction.

((Thread end))