Factory Mission

Split sits on the cushion and... nothing happens. His eye does catch something on the floor that forks the middle path, and something at the end of the middle right path. Maybe he should go investigate the thing on the floor?

Void passes by and notices something written on the middle way, but proceeds to the end of the middle right passage and finds... a blue cushion.

Wraith floats toward the first left path and discovers a red cushion. The ghostly navi shouts, "Hey! Let's meet up in the middle!" to its comrades.

Well, sure, but maybe there's something at that final left path, besides a cushion.

Split: Middle Left (Gold Cushion)
Void: Middle Right (Blue Cushion)
Wraith: First Left (Red Cushion)

Middle Fork: ???

Time until Detonation: 50:30 min

Split grabbed the cushion and sprinted off in the direction of the middle fork. There was no time to worry about perfectly complete searches, it was unlikely that they missed anything that was important. Perhaps this thing could be a clue, though, Split decided to take 15 carefully timed seconds investigating the thing on the floor before another 15 seconds rapid experimentation and retrieval before continuing on down the middle path.

A tiny timer began counting down in the corner of his vision as he leapt from 'gold cushion' strange thing in the hallway.... Did he ever mention he hated ridiculous puzzles?
Void turns back towards wrath's yell, puzzled by the pillows, Colored pillows, this is one of the most screwed up security systems I've ever seen. Why can't they use a large robot navi like everyone else...

Void quickly drifts back to his comrades, grabbing the pillow as he leaves...
The cushions prove to be unmovable, so the guys go to the middle.

"I found a Red Cushion and a Green Cushion on this passageway. How about you guys?" Wraith reported, before noticing something on the floor.

"Huh? What's this?" the ghostly navi wondered, reading the inscription.

Quote (Inscription)

Steel is my body, and Fire is my Blood.
My power splits the Mountains, and forks Rivers.
Light is my hope, and Poison reveals the door.

"Is this... the solution?" Wraith commented, sweatdropping.

Time until Detonation: 50:15 min
"I found a blue and purple cushion...", Void muttered as he floated up beside Wrath, floating up beside him as he read the poem.

"What?" Void sputtered as he finished reading, "It's a color coded puzzle? so blue is water, and poison is purple..."

"And Wrath's red and green would be fire and mountain. So split's 2 would be the last elements." Imp concluded, turning to look up at wrath, he continued, "And we found the purple in the last right, and the blue in the middle right."

"So the order should be fairly obvious then." Void muttered, "then once we know which path is which, we could tag each other to do each on-"

<Hey demons and deranged, that tournament is going to start soon. and we're in it!> Damian shouted, <If we can make it, it gives us a solid alibi for this. We were doing pregame busting or sumthin'...>

"Just what we need another reason to rush..."
"I found a gold cushion down the middle-left. It was immobile and showed no significant effects from use." Splitman added "I did not have time to investigate the other path, but it is clearly the remaining color."

"Realistically I believe we should each tag two cushions at scheduled times 15 seconds apart to prevent it taking too long." Split said "I will go down the final left path and hit it in 30 seconds, 15 seconds later Wraith can hit Red, then 15 seconds after that Void Green, then 15 seconds later I will get Blue, then 15 seconds later Wraith gets gold, then Void can finish it with purple." Split explained as fast as he reasonably could.

"I am going now, set your timing to this moment-bye" Split said as he ran off in the direction of the Final-Left path, attempting to get there as fast as his body would carry him.
"Alright then!" Wraith agreed, floating back to the red cushion.

Void dashed to the location of the green cushion.

And Splitman hurried to the final stop, seeing a gray cushion before him.

It was time to start the timer.

Split: Final Left (Gray Cushion)
Void: First Right (Green Cushion)
Wraith: First Left (Red Cushion)

Time until Detonation: 50:00 min
Void floats over to the cushion and gets ready to step on it, counting down the time... "22, 23, 24, 25"

I really hope he gets his timing right... Void thinks to himself...
Splitman hit his cushion immediately upon getting to the cushion then sprinted off towards the blue cushion. Timing didn't matter for the first one, but if this didn't work he was going to murder some policeman on his way out...
"58, 59, 60!" Void stomped the cushion, then headed directly to the purple cushion, "61, 62, 63, 64, 65..."
Split hits the first one, while Wraith bonks the second, Void hits the third, and Split dashes to the blue, hits it, and Wraith warps in front of the yellow one and slaps it with its cape, before Void, panting with all his might, touches the purple one.

At first nothing happens...

"Hey! What gives?" Wraith cried in a very high-pitched, annoyed feminine voice.

Then suddenly, the whole room started shaking, the building was collapsing on them! It was a trap!

"Crap! This really was for nothing! Execute emergency routine... What the-?" the ghostly navi gasped as the room narrowed into a hallway and came only to one door at the end. It looked like one of those motion-detector automatic doors. Let's investigate?

Time until Detonation: 48:00 min
"And here I thought that I was the most prone to panic among us" Split said, smirking, while strutting up to the single remaining door. "If anyone needs some form of healing speak now. We are going to need to press this final fight for all its worth."

He waited a moment for any potential complaints
"No? Good then, I am going through" he replied, probably to nobody but himself, before walking casually up to this final door, hoping he would not explode.
Void quickly started to follow split, a bomb behind them and the unknown in front. either way this was getting too close...
The trio walks forward through the automatic door and finds...

...a laboratory. It seems to have been abandoned long ago. Blueprints and research notes lie crumpled, partially destroyed, or totally ruined across floors and desks. There seems to be about five broken glass incubators around this site.

"Ick," Wraith blanched, picking up the decaying data arm of a navi. "It's a wonder this hasn't been completely deleted yet." The ghostly navi continued to float about the desks, searching for anything on interest.

Something quickly scurries behind Void, but her turns and there's nothing there...

A slithering sound is heard overhead by Split, but even his own quick reactions didn't enable him to see what it was.

Time Remaining: 45:00 min
"I cannot argue with a free research lab full of material. I say we allocate 10 minutes to looting the place for valuable works before and after the horrible monstrosities that have been left hidden in this place attempt to kill us. Realistically I think we have a few minutes before they attack, but you can never really be sure with horrible monstrosities. " Split said to the group with a vague gesture, before grabbing the least ruined notes he could find and shoving them in his bag "I would just attack them now and get it over with, but I don't think it would be smart to potentially ruin perfectly good hidden doomsday research materials"
"Yeah, sure..." Void muttered, forming 2 daggers, "They won't attack us while we're focusing on something else, that's totally not how predators work..."

Imp hopped down off of Void shoulders, and raised his fists, "Maybe we can capture one, it might be a whole new virus..."

"Either way, we got your back, just grab whatever you can, we'll keep an eye out..."
Upon these words, a giant lizard-like creature screeched and dropped from the ceiling. It was mainly of a magenta shade, and when it opened its mouth, it had four mouth flaps, meaning four rows of teeth. A sickening crimson tongue with three ends wiggled out at the navis as acid drool dripped from the corners of its mouth. The monster's golden, snake-like eyes glanced hungrily at the navis before screeching once more.

"Well.... this looks fun," Wraith pouted, pulling back her hood to reveal a round, feminine face with short, dark hair, bangs covering a gleaming purple eye while an eyepatch covered the other. Flipping her flickering coat back revealed a black, full bodysuit, and a belt, from which she drew a rapier with a golden hilt and an ebony white blade.

"This thing is disgusting, let's smash it," Wraith grumbled, purple eye gleaming.

SerialLizardo: 2400 HP

Terrain: 100% Normal

Desksx20: 50 HP

Splitman: 120 HP
Void: 140 HP
Wraith.exe: 280 HP

Void jumped back as the large virus fell from the ceiling, trying to remain composure as it opened it's mouth. Void was glad he didn't breath, as the creature's stale breath washed over him as it made that unearthly shriek again.

"Holy shit!" Imp cried out in pure shock, "Wraith is a woman!"

"I'm glad you're paying attention to what's important..." Void muttered, pulling out one of his special daggers. Damn, this is going to be tricky. If I were a betting navi, I'd say that those tongues of it has work like a frog's, plus we're in an enclosed space...

"Damian, we need to keep this guy pinned down as long as possible!" Void said over the secure channel to Damian, "I'll need the zappers soon, but I'll use my soul pin first."

<Right, and while it's stuck, we better hit it with some low accuracy chips!> Damian said, <I'll send the minibomb first.>

"We don't know how fast it'll move though," Imp said, "We better find some way to distract iIIIIIIIIIIIII!!!!!"

Void quickly picked up his smaller comrade by his tail and aimed at the lizard's eye. "Thanks for volunteering, I appreciate it." Void said with a chuckle, and then launched the small prog at the monster. Even if Void missed the creature's eye, the shrill shriek would be enough to confuse it for a second.

Quickly winding up his arm, Void then launched his dagger at the monster's chest. If that little dagger would hit, it would make the monster unable to move from any of the next attacks. Which is really important, since we didn't see it earlier, so it either can move insanely fast or can go invisible

<Void! Minibomb's sent!> Damian's voice sounded over the radio. A rush of data flowed into Void's hand, warping a part of his shadows into a large ball.

"Boneappitie, you scaly bastard!" Void screamed, chucking the bomb at the lizard's roaring mouth, Hoping that'd he'd at least get it inside while it's still open. Void quickly backed off, using the opportunity of surprise to dodge whatever is coming his way.


*) gust(distraction/disorientation) @ SerialLizardo
1) sig:soul pin(hold + 30 dmg) @ SerialLizardo
2) taunt @ SerialLizardo
3) chip miniboomer(60 +blast1) @ SerialLizardo
4) autododge
"Hehe.. and I like her already" Split said, as a wave of blue energy engulfed his body "I've got you all covered for support, so feel free to fight with few reservations. Lets do the standard shotgun test of elemental weakness"

Split looked at the beast and smiled. This was the first time he had a chance to fight in a LONG time, and he wouldn't be letting this thing win so easily. He heard the murmur of Chad in his back ear, listing the various chips they had acquired in recent times. His emulated heart beat faster at the sound of the chips that might be available to him. It was clearly time for him to use the standard elemental spread.

There was little time for him to contemplate attack strategies, though, his teammate had already made the first move. He raised his left arm up and fired a blast of water towards his reptilian foe. Before the liquid arch could reach his enemy Split was already charging forward, preparing a second attack. He looked carefully at the lizard, holding a single explosive in his right hand. The thing traveled so slowly in the air though that he would need to - OH wait - the guy was now pinned in place. He took the moment to hurl the electrical bomb at its mouth at the same time his compatriot launched his, unleashing what could quite possibly be one of the most convenient bombing placements he had seen in a long time.

As what was almost a side note to the unintentional combination attack, hiss arm shifted into a similar, nearly identical, cannon as before, but this time launched a red halo of fire. The blast that left his barrel was far from impressive, but the small cone of flame would do its job in determining current weakness.

"Oh yeah, and how didn't you notice our companion was a Lady earlier?' Split commented as he watched the fires explode from their impact "Totally obvious"

Positive Energy Infusion: Pool 90 Healing to be used at later time 3TCD
Bubbler(50, Aqua, Spread): SerialLizardo
Magbomb1(30, Blast 2, Stun): SerialLizardo's Mouth w/Void
Heatshot(40, Fire, Spread): SerialLizardo
The lizard shrieks as wind blows in, its eyes moving everywhere, before getting held down by the Soul Pin. Wraith gave Void the thumbs up as she charged in beside the bubbler, which hit the Lizard, seeing as it couldn't move. Void taunted it a bit, but it was kind of... immovable, so that was useless. Void and Split throw bombs in unison at it, damaging and stunning it at the same time. Wraith, taking Split's advice on trying to find the elemental weakness, jumped over the top of the monster's body, and spun acrobatically in midair before thrusting at the monster with her sword, two spears of Bamboo forming in the air and impaling it. Hm, looked like there was no actual elemental affinity. Split confirmed it when the Heatshot did little more than damage it.

Shrieking wildly, the monster started drooling uncontrollably onto the floor.

"Yeah... whatever!" Wraith growled, forming a Ringlog and punting it twice into the monster, the second time it caught the log with one of its tongues and hurled it at Split. The female grumbled some expletive before cocking her sword at the Ringlog and blasting it to pieces with a shotgun blast. The creature's tail whipped at Wraith, but her excellent swordplay made her flip acrobatically over it. The monster then tried shooting a ball of acid at Void, but he snuck away from the attack like a shadow.

"It's coming about again..." Wraith warned, holding up her sword.

SerialLizardo: 2020 HP

Terrain: 100% Normal

Desksx20: 50 HP

Splitman: 120 HP [90 Pool Points for Healing]
Void: 140 HP
Wraith.exe: 280 HP

Time until detonation: 40:00 min.