Going to Smash this Place

Split turned to his left with a shrug "Continue on then? Or shall we be parting ways here, or would you like continuing on? I personally am indifferent" He looked distant for a second before continuing on "Chad, you there? What do you want to do?"
"Mmmm? OK" Was theonly response from the indifferent master, most likely completing some sort of online trade instead of doing something productive. Splitman shrugged again looking at Crushman "Yeah, we don't care over here, whatever you feel like is fine."
"You go on ahead Chad, Split. I have some business to take care of. Things are moving along faster than I'd like and my window of opportunity is closing. Heh, it's a bit of a long story but... Well, I might be able to explain it soon enough. For now, just watch your back. This thing that is happening to me concerns the both of you as well. Just remember, that time we fought together not too long ago? With the others? Check the recent news. It'll all make sense then." Crush moved to recover the item that Charl had left for them, still holding the Ride Arm in his left hand. Why was The Master speaking in such a manner? Was he speaking about the Hospital? The Arm was heavy, too heavy to keep held as it was, so he threw the limb over his shoulder and let his back carry some of the weight.

"I'd say more but, well, our friend Charl here has nothing to do with this nasty little business. No offense to our new business partner of course. It just doesn't concern you, that's all. Yes, head on if you'd like Chad, but there's too much for me to do to continue with you. It's been fun, we must do this again some time. Although meeting you again might be a bit troublesome, eh? I tell you what, if anything.... big, let's say, happens, concerning what we were just talking about, we'll meet up at the place where it all occured. Sound alright to you?"

"If you could meet with some of the others and spread this message along, that might be helpful as well. Otherwise, I believe I have a full plate of work in front of me. Ah well, I always was a bit of a busy body!" The Master laughed. "Ah, but I talk to much. If you have no business with our mutual friend Charl here, I'm afraid this is adieu. I'm sure we'll see each other again, sometime."

"And now, allow me to begin by apologizing to you, Charl, for making you wait so long. I really am surprised, and pleasantly so. I didn't even have to offer you the chance to surrender a second time. Although, I think it would be best not to consider it a surrender at this point, rather a mutual decision to cease combat, yes? But enough pleasantries. I'm sure you can understand, based off of what you may have heard earlier, that I'm in... rather, I've found a little bit of trouble. Because of this, there are a great many things that I need to accomplish in a very short amount of time."

"Yes, so, the reason I desired a favor from you was to accomplish something that I could not do on my own, as unfortunate is at may be. My contacts are limited, as of now at anyrate. With our little alliance here, I'm hoping to at least somewhat correct that problem, Charl. You see, I need to acquire a Graphic Module Override Program, a blank GMO. The problem is..." The Master paused. "...I can't approach the Net Police. Certain things will not allow me to approach them at this juncture. It's quite unfortunate, but I'm in dire need of one right now."

"Of course, I hardly expect you to do this for nothing. That's simply bad business. What's the old saying, 'You scratch my back, I'll scratch yours'? Something like that. In any case, that's the favor I need, to acquire a blank .GMO file. I can't really tell you anything more than that. Not yet."
Charl contemplated this for a moment. "Kindd of an odd request... Huh... Yeah, I could probably manage something. I've got an old GMO kicking around that I haven't used in years. I could probably delete what's on it and pass it on to you, if you're alright with something secondhand. As for the fee, well..." After a moment's pondering, he snapped his fingers. "You're a big guy. How would you feel about an escort mission?"
The Master wasted no time in responding. "Crush should be able to handle anything that you can throw at him. We can begin immediately, if necessary. I'm assuming you've been meaning to do this, whatever it is, for some time, considering you've already got something lined up. The sooner we start, the better. I'm in a little bit of a race against time. If the Net Police catch up..."

The Master stopped mid-sentence, then drew in a long sigh. "Ignore what you just heard. Give me what details you can, then we'll get started. Again, the sooner the better."
Split interrupted, obviously still standing there much to the potential dismay of his company. "You know, I have nothing to do right now and I doubt that I could continue on this place by myself. I'd be free to help you if you'd like, for absolutely free in fact. I mean, a GMO might be nice if you have a spare, but I want to see what type of escort mission you guys would be needing. Sounds like it could be fun"

His red eyes gleamed in a non-existent light as he stepped forward towards the criminal navi. "That is, if it would be alright with you guys" He grinned fiendishly upon saying the last line and cracked his knuckles. The left knuckles on his detached limb, it was a kind of odd gesture but it got the point across.
"I don't see why not, so long as you don't compromise the mission or hold me back, neither of which I feel you'll be doing. We're in this predicament together after all. I still need to get in contact with the others though..."
"That's what I like to hear!" Charl gave Splitman a hearty pat on the back. "With two of you, there'll be no chance of failure! You probably won't come into direct contact with the Police either, so this won't land you any deeper in the soup. Anyway, you can keep going here if you want. Things won't be ready until tomorrow, anyway, so I suggest you just continue with whatever you were doing. Busting, right? Of course. Meet in the Yoka Net at noon tomorrow, right outside the gate to the springs. You'll get the finer details there. Right now, I gotta report back and get things set up." He brought two fingers to his temple, then swept them up off his forehead in a sort of flyboy's salute. "Cheers, you two." Then he was gone in a pillar of light.
Splitman grimaced at the pat on the back, missing the rest of what was said but somehow getting a general idea of what was to be done.
'So, you want to continue or to just part ways for now, either way I don't care' He said to Crush with a shurg.
"Goodbye, Charl." The Master called after the Navi had left. He paused, listening to Splitman, then spoke, his voice stern and serious. "12 at Yoka... I'm afraid I won't be joining you, Split. As I said, there's much to be done and not much time to do it. I'm sure you figured out what I was trying to say or you've read the reports yourself. The Net Police are looking for the individuals responsible for the destruction of a hospital in Electown. That should sound very familiar to you, considering we were both involved in a very similar event. There are things that just don't add up though."

"That's what I'm working on now. Clearing our name should be our number one priority. I hope that the two of you understand the seriousness of this situation. We're being hunted by the Net Police, the strongest organized Net Task force in the world, as well as their Operative counterparts. If we're captured, we could face heavy penalties, including the incarceration or deletion of our navis, not to mention that we as Operators could see jail time for comitting net terrorism! This is incredibly serious, there's no room to underestimate the situation."

"In fact, that's why I joined up with you, Chad, Splitman. Coming to your aid and this little bout of busting, not to mention our new... allies? Yes, they were all simply side benefits. The number one reason I wanted to confront you was to secure your aid in the times to come. As far as I can tell, if there's anyone we can count on for help, it's those who were involved in the incident. That's why I need to meet up with the others and create contacts."

"I won't ask you to do anything beyond what you wish, but I would suggest that you adopt a graphic module override for common use, one much different from your normal appearance, and create a secondary identity. If the Net Police somehow gain the knowledge of our Navi's identities, they're one step closer to catching us, unless we take the first step and change our identities. Beyond that, just keep what you're doing. I'm counting on your trade threads as a form of communication, as I currently don't have a homepage or e-mail account set up. If I can get in contact with our accomplices, I'll ask that they speak through there as well."

"Remember this above everything else, that if I need to contact you, I'll approach you through your trade thread under the identity 'Black Bird'." The Master sighed. For the first time, Crush was beggining to gain an idea of just how much trouble they were in for the incident concerning the hospital. Were the Net Police really powerful enough to capture the likes of he and Splitman? "That's all that I can think of, really. If you can get in contact with the others, that's great. Otherwise... Get a new identity until we can clear our names. If you can do some research into the event, that'll help as well."

"As for Crush and I, we'll be heading out. Too much work, too much work. If I need you, I'll contact you as Black Bird. Otherwise, I'll see you tomorrow. Yoka at noon!" CrushMan suddenly felt a great force pulling at him, upwards and outward, sucking him up towards the sky. "Jackout procedure initiated!"
Splitman shrugged after standing there for an extended time, staring blankly into the false sky through which his ally vanished. He sighed slightly, reattaching his arm. There was no way he could continue on in this place on his own, he would be screwed five-ways the moment he took a step forward. He just lacked the power to be in a place like this on his own.

"Chad, lets take a break and go some place else" He said outloud

A few minutes later he became a beam of flight and flew towards the heavens.

((END topic))