Shinokami disappeared in a cloud of black feathers, returning to Hisai's PeT. The mission wasn't a success, but it wasn't a failure either.

"My sincerest apologies, Master, that I was unable to complete your orders."

"No, it is of no importance now. There is one I spotted during your battles that is a more than ideal target. Though this mission was not a success, people know of us. Already, we may be spreading fear."

"I do not mean to question you, Master, but what do you mean?"

"Fear is only one step away from anguish. Now, track down out next target. Kamoku Tereya. She will not prove difficult. Pose as her Navi, yet return to me at 6 AM every second day for orders."

Shinokami nodded, then disappeared from Hisai's PeT.