Test Your Might

Unknown Program: 810

Runeknight: 130 (Held!)

The onyx flame serpents generated by Runeknight's Rune Purge strike at the blob, tearing at it's flesh which quickly regenerates. Runeknight can tell he's dealing damage not by physical appearance, but by the fact that as he hits the orb more and more, it regenerates the lost material slower...

Runeknight's Rune Blast all but incinerates the orb into nothingness, but something miraculous happens-- it somehow regenerates completely from the small amount of material remaining.

A thought enters Runeknight's mind, unbidden. Why hasn't that thing tried to dodge my attacks...?

A small, slimy tendril shoots out from the blob and latches onto Runeknight's arm. It was a trick! A morning star appears at the end of a new, second tendril moments later; Runeknight gets a very 'up-close and personal' look at it as it's used to beat on him. (20) (20) (30)

Runeknight's Rune of Vigor activates shortly afterwards, dulling the pain slightly; though not by much...
"Heh," Zan laughed bitterly. "It likes you."

"Sire," Runeknight muttered as he attempted to pull away from the clinging blob. "It has me held fast and I very much doubt that it shall release me without a fight. What if it tried to consume me whole?"

"Yeah, it is quite attached to you and, considering the nature of you adversary, I wouldn't dismiss complete consumption as an option. It almost reminds me of a movie I once saw."


"Yes, quite right. There will be more than enough time for that later. Well, if it won't let go by choice, we'll just have to force it's hand...Er, tentacle...Bah, it's time to get up close and personal Runeknight."

"Verily," the Navi gritted his teeth behind his visor as he prepared for a rather strange melee.

With such confined space, especially when being grappled by an adversary, many conventional weaponry would become entangled. Runeknight knew this simple fact of warfare, as did Zanallen, and the Navi knew what aid he would be receiving from his Lord. The knight could already feel the BattleChip energy coursing through him, permeating every fiber of his being and granting his untold strength and abilities. Power, undeniable and raw power, coursed through him and centered in the palm of his free hand. He could feel it throbbing, begging to be released. Runeknight obliged.

The jet black armored plates surrounding his arm, usually smooth and seamless, began to shift. They spread apart from one another, creating vents through which crimson flames emerged. Feeding on the air and Runeknight's own mystical energies, the flames roared to life and spread to engulf his entire arm. They spiraled among the armor, black night meeting crimson dusk, as they steadily grew in power. A crimson inferno encircled the Navi's arm and he bellowed out a battle cry as he smashed his fist in toward the white blob. With the blob holding him, he knew that he could not dodge, but nor could it effectively escape his might and so he paid little heed to aim, seeking to thrust all of his might deep into the bulbous mass. There was an explosion of flames as a second BattleChip ignited within the first and the Battlefield was rocked by a searing wave of heat.

Runeknight pulled pack his fist, the armor cherry red from where the all-consuming flames had done their deadly dance. However, the armor immediately began to cool as to more BattleChips, the ancient weapons of Runeknight's Lord, began to take effect. While the armor was still hot, it began to twist and fluctuate, the gauntlet transforming in order to accommodate the power it held within it. Runeknight had used this BattleChip many times before, but always when he had room to fully utilize his might. Never had he used it while confined in such a way. Well, there is a first time for everything. The BigHammer1 BattleChip warped his armored gauntlet, forming a massive metal first complete with a set of long, wicked spikes. A second BattleChip was moving over the first, a layer of frost crept over the massive fist, ice where once there had been fire. Runeknight smiled beneath his visor. Unable to dodge, he was forced to go all out, to obliterate the blob that had latched onto him and make it submit to his strength. The thing had wanted a fight, so be it.

"Heh, maces..." Runeknight scoffed. "A true warrior obliterates his enemy with HIS FISTS!"

Runeknight thrust the icy gauntlet forward, wicked spikes leading the way. He would show the blob what it meant to battle a true warrior.

Knightly Aura is Active: Damage Reduction of 10 for two hits.
Rune of Vigor is Active: Heals Runeknight for 20HP
1. Flameline1(70, Fire, Break Induced) to Unknown Program
2. FireHit(60, Fire) to Unknown Program
3. IceWave(80, Water) to Unknown Program
4. BigHammer1(160, Break) to Unknown Program
Unknown Program: 680

Runeknight: 50

The first burst of fire nearly sears through the tendril holding Runeknight captive, and the second burst finishes the job. The blob quickly dodges the the following Ice fist, and two giant arms shoot out of it's sides-- it looks like Runeknight struck a chord with that 'Real men fight with their fists' comment...

It quickly begins to circle Runeknight, eventually reaching a pace where it's naught but a blur. Then suddenly... fists! thousands of them! The same white fists the blob grew before strike at Runeknight from every direction imaginable, pummeling him into the ground. Oddly enough, these attacks seem more powerful than before... (30) (30) (40)

"Damn it!" Zan shouted as his Navi was pummeled by the blob's devastating assault. "Runeknight, are you alright?"

The Navi could not immediately respond. The white blob was still a blur as it circled the dark knight, milky fists flashing to strike jet black steel. Runeknight was being beaten, badly, and reeled back and forth in a poor attempt to defend himself from the rapid, machine gun fire of fists hammering away at him. Each blow was like a sledgehammer striking an anvil, each consecutive blast smashing through the Navi's defenses. Zan watched in horror, unable to do anything for his friend as the strange blob unleash the devastating hail of punches. A fist connected to the side of Runeknight's face, shards of what resembled cobalt glass flew wide, and the Navi fell. Still the blob attacked, raining blow after blow to the shoulders and head of the defenseless Navi until Runeknight, at last, succumbed and collapsed, face first, onto the floor.

"RUNEKNIGHT!" Zan bellowed. "Damn it. Damn it all!"

Mercifully, the blob slowed its attack and hovered away from the battered Navi. Zan hastily checked his Navi's vitals, searching for some solace. Runeknight was breathing raggedly, each harsh breath seemingly ripped from the air around him, but he was breathing. Still, the hurricane combo that the blob had unleashed had done its work. Runeknight was down, within inches of deletion. There was no way that his Navi could continue the battle.

"Runeknight," Zan shouted. "I'm jacking you out. Get ready."

"No..." The voice was weak, almost pitiably so, but it was Runeknight's. "No, Sire."

"What?" Zan paused, his finger hovering over the button that would spare his Navi any more pain. "You are in no condition to continue this fight. I'm pulling you out of there."

"No." There was steel in Runeknight's defiance. "No, Sire. I shall not lose again."

There it was...Pride. Zan removed his finger from its position and rested his hand on the desk. His Navi was still ashamed of his earlier loss, despite being outmatched by the group of augmented viruses. Runeknight feared that he was no longer fit to be a warrior, that his skills were fading, and this loss would confirm it for him. The Navi did not want to be deleted, but more so he did not want to be defeated. Another loss, mere hours after his previous, would be more devastating to Runeknight than being struck by a thousand amorphous, hovering blobs.

"Fine," Zan muttered quietly. "But if you are going to continue, then you had better win."

"Thank you," Runeknight groaned as he pushed himself to his feet once more.

The Navi was unsteady, his legs weak from the pummeling and his head still fogged by pain. He wobbled, unable to stand still, as he attempted to focus his cobalt blue eyes on the floating creature. His armor was a mess of dents and cracks, softball sized craters marring the once pristine steel. The Rune of Vigor, a cobalt engraving in the center of his chest, glowed dimly, its healing powers working feebly to repair the massive amounts of damage. His visor had been shattered by the felling blow, the blue crystal cutting a jagged line to reveal half of his determined gaze. A small line of blood trickled from the corner of his mouth, but he didn't bother to wipe it away. He locked his eyes on the center of the creature, a smirk spreading across his lips.

"It does seem that a warrior's spirit lurks somewhere within that fleshy mass." Runeknight's voice was clear, if still a bit weary. "Perhaps you would care to continue our little game?"

A small vial of azure liquid materialized in Runeknight's hand. The Navi flicked his gaze toward the vial before returning to study his hovering foe. Not taking his eyes of his adversary, Runeknight removed the cork of the vial with his teeth and gulped the azure contents with a quick draft. He could feel its effects immediately, though it did little to wash away the aches and pains from the battle. He offered a silent thanks to his Lord and began to strafe around the blob.

Runeknight knew his opponent to be terribly fast if it chose to be. He also knew that he could not withstand many more such beating like the one he had just received. He was still too weak to engage his foe in combat and he was unable to focus his mind properly through the haze of pain to attempt a spell. The runic symbols engraved within his battered armor were all that stood between him and defeat and he would have to trust within those runes to see him through this battle. Slowly, the Navi moved, circling his foe as his eyes constantly followed its every movement. In his weakened state he could not afford to be caught unawares. He had to trust in his innate powers to clear away the pain dragging against his mind and body. Then he would engage; then he would once more bring the fight to the vicious blob.

"Perhaps this will help?" Zan's voice echoed in Runeknight's mind as the Navi felt the familiar surge of energy that accompanied one of his Lord's mystical artifacts.

As Runeknight continued his strafing movements, the dented, dark steel covering his left arm began to twitch and shift. The steel began to flow like a stream, stretching out to form a magnificent black and cobalt shield. Runeknight hefted the shield, unsure of how it would work against the blob, but eager for any extra defense that he could utilize. Shield strapped to his arm, the knight continued to circle his adversary, watching and waiting for an opening or the tell tale signs of a counterstrike.

Knightly Aura is Active: Damage Reduction of 10 for two hits.
Rune of Vigor is Active: Heals Runeknight for 20HP
1. Recov30 to Runeknight. (Heal for 30)
2. Dodge
3. Dodge
4. Guard1 to self. (Blocks an attack and reflects up to 60 damage)
((NEVER GIVE UP! NEVER SURRENDER! Because there's something you don't know about this fight that's in your favor... and it's not told in this post.))

Unknown Program: 680

Runeknight: 100 (Guard1)

The blob... stops attacking?

It almost seems as if it's waiting for Runeknight to attack...
Runeknight stood back, eying his odd opponent's every move. The blob seemed to be watching him as well, though how it could see was beyond the Navi's understanding. Still, it seemed to be mimicking his movements, studying him even as he studied it. His mind briefly went over the last few moments of combat. When he had turned up his assault, the blob had responded by becoming more aggressive. Now that he was waiting, it waited as well. Was the amorphous creature merely shadowing his movements, responding in kind to his actions.

"Sire," Runeknight called to his Lord. "Something is not right here."

"Yeah," Zan responded. "I've noticed it as well. That thing seems to respond and somewhat mirror your actions. At least, so far it had responded in kind to your level of aggression."

"Do you have a plan?"

"Not one that is effected by this. It may be some sort of ruse and I am not going to allow you to harm yourself in the hopes that it will commit suicide or some other such knowledge. We'll continue as planned, staying on the defensive for the most part, until I can figure out what makes this thing tick."

"As you say, Sire."

"Still, for experimentation's sake, I am going to send you the Rune Blade."

Runeknight nodded, a trail of blood still trickling down his chin though his Rune of Vigor now shined with a steady glow. He reached his right hand across his body to grasp the air along the left of his waist. Blue flames flickered in response, traveling down an invisible length to outline a longsword. The cobalt fires spread, engulfing the blade completely. Runeknight made a drawing motion, intent on pulling the sword from the inferno. The fires parted, revealing a silver hilt wrapped in black leather and attached to a four foot blade that seemed to be crafted from obsidian. A series of runes were carved in the blade's reflective surface, an azure line of figures traveling down the center of the dark sword.

With shield in one hand and sword in the other, Runeknight stalked toward his foe. His eyes were locked on the center of the blob, intent on any movement, any sign that would reveal the creature's actions. Runeknight raised the shield high, using it to defend his body from neck to groin. He held the sword down and behind him, tip pointed to the ground as he awaited his chance to strike.

The blob shifted slightly.


His chance had come.

Runeknight pushed the shield away from his body so that it wold no longer obstruct his sword arm and thrust toward the blob. The mystical black blade glinted in the light of the Net as it carved cleanly through the space between the knight and his foe. A single rune carved upon the blade shined brighter than the others: the Rune of Breaking, designed to allow the sword to cleave through any defense that stood in its way.

Runeknight brought the sword back in close, his shield once more protecting him, as he moved. His body broke into a spin, pivoting around the hovering blob to come at what the Navi had to assume was its back. Once more the shield dropped and Runeknight struck, the sword slicing down in a dazzling arc. The jet black blade flashed in the light of the net, the Rune of Breaking now subdued but each rune glowed with a fierce determination. The knight had come too far. He would not die now.

Knightly Aura is Active: Damage Reduction of 10 for two hits.
Rune of Vigor is Active: Heals Runeknight for 20HP
1. Reuse Guard1 to self.
2. Sword(80, Break imbued) to Unknown Program
3. Dodge
4. Sword(80) to Unknown Program
Unknown Program: 440

Runeknight: 40

Runeknight's attacks hit the blob, but it seems to have picked up on Runeknight's fighting spirit--one, two punches fly at him-- the first impacts upon his guard, and the second...

...Let's say Runeknight might want to go all-or-nothing ((Next turn)). (80)
"Guh," Runeknight staggered back as a spray of crimson escaped his lips.

The blob had once more displayed uncanny speed, delivering a rapid one-two combination with pulverizing force. The first hammer-like blow had disintegrated his shield while the second had caved in a large portion of his chest plate. Dark crimson stained his jet black armor as blood pumped from a tear in the armor where jagged steel had ripped into his flesh. His Rune of Vigor flared weakly once more, a dim azure light coating his body for a few seconds before blinking out. The spell was enough to staunch his bleeding, but the knight was still in dire straits.

"Guh," He coughed up a bit more blood. "That was...A fine blow. A strike meant to kill that I just barely avoided. Nicely done."

Zan was speechless as he watched his Navi struggle to rise, words caught in his throat as his finger inched toward the button that would return Runeknight to the safety of his PET. How desperate he was to press the button, to end this madness and the pain his Navi was in, but he steeled himself and moved from the button once more. Runeknight would never forgive him if he forced him from this battle. His Navi had to win. There was no other choice.

"It seems," Runeknight continued. "That this battle is almost at an end. We have both lost much...Now it remains to determine the victor."

Runeknight shook his head, clearing it of the fog of pain. Despite his newest injuries, he had grown used to the burning intensity that flowed through him. His mind clear, Runeknight began to concentrate. He could feel a power growing inside him, his mystical energies begging to be released upon his foe.

"Soon," He whispered. "All too soon."

Runeknight began the beginnings of a spell, the archaic words flowing from his mouth in a rich baritone. This was a complex weaving, wrapping the spell around him, but forbidding its release. He could feel the power building, the energies surging through him and searching for release. He could almost hear them screaming from within him, begging to be unleashed upon the floating blob. His chant restrained them, lashed them to him in a manner that he had rarely used before. Cobalt flames rose up from beneath his feet, licking his heels with every step as he moved toward the blob, but they did not engulf him. A circle of darkness opened beneath the hovering creature, but its surface did not writhe with the agony lurking below, nor did Runeknight feel the soothing sensation as the Rune of Vigor came to life upon his chest. All was in stand still, waiting, hoping, for the word.

Runeknight staggered toward the blob, his blade held tightly in his grasp. This was it. If he did not win here and now, there would be no second chance. He would fall and be defeated once more. The amorphous beast had only to lash out, one devastating punch and the knight would be obliterated. This was the final stand. Runeknight raised his free hand, fingers outstretched in command. Obeying his orders, the dark circle removed itself from the floor and slipped behind the blob to hover on its side, its mass dwarfing the large creature. Runeknight could see them now, the beasts of the flame struggling for release. They were not snakes as he had often thought them to be, but tentacles of some far more foul thing that lurked deeper in the mystical pit. It was a creature that loved to cause pain and suffering, a creature bound ever so tenuously to the runic powers that Runeknight commanded. The knight dreaded the day that such a fiend would ever be unleashed upon the world.

The bulbous, white mass moved. If it hovered too far away from the swirling darkness, Runeknight's plan would be in ruin. He had to act. Cobalt flames dancing in his footsteps, Runeknight charged the beast, Rune Blade carving a path through the air. The sword flashed a wide arc, Runeknight hoping to wound the blob and force it back toward the portal. There was no more time. He had to act. His time had come. The Navi shouted a final word, the word of command that would set free the runic spells he had laid in place. The Navi unleashed hell. Runeknight pivoted, turning a quick circle as he spun the sword out wide. The Rune Blade left his grasp as he turned back to face the beast, the sword slicing through the air toward the creature's center. A single rune burned fiercely within the darkness of the blade, promising to shatter whatever defenses the blob could provide. The cobalt flames surged, briefly engulfing the battered Navi before following the sword in its trajectory. The lances of flame shifted as they moved, forming blades of their own that sought to pierce the heart of the white blob. As the flames left his body, Runeknight was left with a soothing blue aura encompassing the whole of his body. The black portal responded in turn, twin tendrils of cobalt flame erupting from the calm surface to reach for the blob and pull it to its doom. The creature of the pit had been denied before by the strange blob and it would not be denied again. The inferno of tentacles lashed out, attempting to latch onto the blob and engulf it in flames as it drained it of its energy.

Knightly Aura is Active: Damage Reduction of 10 for two hits.
Rune of Vigor is Active: Heals Runeknight for 20HP
1. Sword(80) to Unknown Program
2. Sword(80, Break empowered) to Unknown Program
3. Rune Blast(100, Break) to Unknown Program
4. Rune Purge(80) to Unknown Program with a (30) heal to Runeknight.
Runeknight's attacks strike the blob, one after the other but...

It's HP only goes down by one point?!

The HP started to slowly tick downward. 438. 437. 436...

The Blob rushed Runeknight, and struck him once with his fist, sending the cobalt wonder flying backwards. (20)

375. 374. 373...

The Blob, with it's superior speed, zipped across the battlefield, and appeared behind Runeknight before he landed. It then hit him with a strong uppercut, sending him flying into the air. (30)

342. 341. 340.

The Blob's speed again proved far greater than should be possible, for it appeared above Runeknight. It pulled it's fist back, some sorm of tightening happening in it's arm at the same time, and then let forth an earth-shattering punch straight to Runeknight's torso, splattering his blood all across it's fist. Runeknight fell downward... downward...

309. 308. 307.

Runeknight hit the ground with a loud thump, shards of his armor falling around him. His weary eyes turned skyward once more, hoping for some sort of recluse in his last moments...

But he saw only death.

306. 305. 304.

The Blob was in a kamikaze dive, spinning wildly, fists extended. The entire thing made it look like some sort of huge, white drill, primed to pierce Runeknight...

303. 302. 301.

Runeknight saw his life flash before his eyes-- so much good he had done... so many foes he had felled... would it really end here? He could almost feel his operator's desperation to pull him from this place, to be his shield, to save him... but he would not allow it. He closed his eyes, ready for death...


And it never came. Runeknight's eyes opened a second later to see the Blob stopped less than an inch from piercing his facial features...

And suddenly, it's HP count dropped to 0. The blob's white parts exploded outward, covering Runeknight and the surrounding battlefield in goo. Runeknight felt some heavy black object fall onto his wounds, and he cringed. The object itself looked like some sort of sphere, with purple runes carved throughout it's surface. Was this... was this the essence of the blob's fighting spirit?

Either way, Runeknight appears to be victorious.


Rewards: SupportProg. [Hint: Take it to the Netpolice!]

Runeknight: 1
"Well," The effort to speak caused Runeknight to momentarily suffer a coughing spasm. "Well, that was unexpected, eh Sire?"

Huh," Zan was distracted by the effort to scan his Navi and determine any lasting damage. "Eh? Oh, yeah, unexpected. More importantly, how are you feeling?"

"A bit banged up, but nothing life threatening. Still, I am quite tired and am in need of a brief respite before we continue this patrol."

"Yeah, you deserve a rest after that. What happened to the blob? It seemed as though it self-destructed."

"Verily, Sire. Though it has left us a present."

"A BattleChip?"

"Nay, it is like nothing I have ever seen before."

Runeknight raised the rune covered stone so that Zan could get a better view of it. It was a solid object, a perfectly rounded sphere. The smooth black surface was marred by a multitude of purple runes carved along the entirety of the sphere. It had been inside the white blob, but what surface did it serve?

"I think we had better have this examined." Zan muttered.

"SciLabs, Sire? Perhaps Miranda would be able to aid us?" Runeknight asked.

"No, no...I wouldn't feel right bothering her with something like this. Let's head to the office and have the R&D guys take a look."

"As you say, Sire."

"But for now, let's get you out of here and rest up."

The armored Navi disappeared in a flash of cobalt light that extended to the skies.

((Log Out, but don't close this yet. I'll be back.))