The kobochronicles: episode 1

Kobo appears from somewhere near, not in a flash of light, but in a flash a fur as he jogs across the net. Healed he be, completely you see. Kobo looking of glee, he looks around the web for the prey he seeks.

[ready sir]
Virus Attack!

StarfishA: 60
StarfishB: 60
Elecogre: 120

Kobo: 100

Battle 1 Start!
"Kobo, these look a little too much for you, are you sure you cna handle this?" His operator asked. "Quit your whining, I'm fine" was his reply. Kobo took to battle with commands to his operator, and soon received a shotgun, safe and sound. To aiming he commenced, the starfish he attacked, as he readied to parry the enemy's attacks.

1. aim
2. Shotgun to starfishies
3. Dodge/parry
One fish is hit. Another attacks, but misses.

StarfishA: 60
StarfishB: 10
Elecogre: 120

Kobo: 100
"Alright then, let's finnish you two off before we deal with Mr. big there." Said our hero, and with his comment he was left a cannon. His weapon backwards, in firing position, digital smoke appeared as it expelled it's ammo. Taking a moment to make sure it was clear, Energy began to focus on his spear.

1. Cannon at Starfish A
2. dodge
3. begin to Charge
Another virus is wounded. Mr. Big then fries Kobo.

StarfishA: 20
StarfishB: 10
Elecogre: 120

Kobo: 70
Kobo charges up his juice, and fires blindly on his goose. StarfishB say goodbye, as Kobozen has fired HI, right in your face.

1. cont charge
2. fire charge shot into Starfish2
3. Dodge
((Don't forget damages in your sumery. Also, you do need to RP dodging. Just putting it in your summery don't really do much.))

The starfish dies but the other spits out a bubble, which traps Kobo.

StarfishA: 20
StarfishB: DELETED!
Elecogre: 120

Kobo: 50(trapped, minus one action)