Round 1

Armoury perked her ears, staying alert as she looked around, not wanting to be caught off guard. Valis watched from her room, getting the few chips she had ready while Armoury wandered along, hoping that she would be alright. Armoury then drew her revolvers, knowing that she was getting close...
With a somewhat repetitive air, three miner's hats waddled through the net, then saw a navi. The crew of data miners slowly approached Armoury with their pickaxes hovering in the air, each of them ready for a fight to the finish. They would eliminate this threat from their viral networking place of fun. Teaming up wasn't quite fair, but then again, they were viruses.

MetoolA: 40 HP
MetoolB: 40 HP
MetoolC: 40 HP

Armoury: 100 HP

Field: 100% Normal
Armoury grinned as she watched the three metools waddling towards her, then looked back up at Valis as her tail swayed.
"Okay, this'll be you have those chips ready?" Valis nodded holding up the only three chips in her possession for Armoury to see. The navi nodded back and looked back towards the Metools who were preparing to attack,
"Let's give one of them a shot."
"Alright...erm....I guess we'll try this first" replied Valis, slotting in a cannon chip. Armoury holstered her revolvers pulling up one of her sleeves as the bands on her hand and arm started to split apart. The mechanical insides rearranging themselves until a large green barrel formed where her hand used to be. Valis blinked and watched a little more intently at the screen of her PET
"Never knew you could do that."
"I can do a lot more than this...." said Armoury as she grinned wide and took aim at the lead Metool, the navi's fangs glinting in the digital light. Armoury then opened fire, the cannon shell ripping through the air towards its target as her hand returned to normal and she drew her revolvers again. The navi kept on her toes, weary of any counter attack as she lined up her next shot, keeping her distance. She cocked the hammers on her revolvers, Cerberus starting to glow a sickly purple while Pegasus shone a brilliant white,
"This is one of my own...." Armoury then executed Double Magnum, both supercharged, glowing rounds streak towards the second Metool while Valis looked on, now very much intrigued by her navi's abilities.

1. Use Canon chip on MetoolA (40 dmg)
2. Dodge
3. Use Double Magnum on MetoolB (2x 20 dmg)
The final metool's comrades are quickly chopped away with extreme alacrity as Armoury's blasts eliminates them from the competition. The final member of the trio exclaims a quick 'meep!' before dropping under the miner-hat shell. However, Armoury could probably pry it off the ground and destroy it from there.

MetoolC: 40 HP

Armoury: 100 HP

Field: 100% Normal
Armoury started to walk towards the final Metool as the crosshairs on her left eye started to glow, locking onto the Metool.
"Let's try out that other gun chip Valis" she said as she drew closer to the hidden virus. Valis nodded and slotted it in as Armoury pulled up her sleeve again, holding her arm out as the bands along it opened and kicked out a 12 gauge shotgun. The navi's left hand snatched it out of the air as the bands close up again and she levelled the weapon at the Metool. After waiting a moment to see if it would pop back up she decided not to wait and kicked it over onto its top. The crack of the shotgun ringing out the instant the Metool is upended, hopefully not giving it time to react. The weapon disappears once it's fired, Armoury backing up as both she and Valis wait to see the condition of the final enemy.

1. Advance towards MetoolC
2. Kick over MetoolC onto it's helmet
3. Use shotgun chip on MetoolC (50 dmg)
Armoury marches up to the Metool, loading up her shotgun with a click, before kicking the virus rudely out of its helmet, and onto its topside. She then fired.
BANG! And that's all she wrote.


Armoury: 100 HP

Field: 100% Normal

Get: Guard1
Valis gave a thumbs up as the last Metool was deleted,
"Hey that was pretty good." Armoury holstered her revolvers and stretched before looking back at Valis with a grin,
"Oh that wasn't much....but it's a start." The navi then started to look around as she continued to wander,
"Want to try one more?" Valis thought about that a moment, she should probably get supper started soon, but it could wait a little longer.
"I suppose so, this is kinda neat to watch," Valis replied as she got comfortable in her computer chair. Armoury nodded as she continued to wander along, looking for another group of Metools,
"It's not just can see more than me....I might need you to watch my back." Valis nodded and pondered that a moment,
"So this is what all those kids at the park were doing with their PETs then....I just thought they were playing video games on them or something....I guess I'm a bit out of touch." Armoury couldn't help but snicker to herself,
"Too much time under the hood of a car" she said as she kept her ears perked, looking out for another fight.

((Requesting battle 2))
Armoury stumbles upon a trio of Oldstoves that shuffle about the field. Behind them, two Spookies float furthur back. They stare at the navi, waiting for her to make a move.

OldstoveA: 50
OldstoveB: 50
OldstoveC: 50
SpookyA: 30
SpookyB: 30

Terrain: 100% Normal

Armoury: 100

Battle 2 Go
Looks just a little bit more cautious as she spies the next set of enemies, she's not entirely familiar with them.
"Hmm....might need that shotgun again...." whispered Armoury to her opp as she slowly circled the viruses. Valis nodded and slotted in the chip while Armoury slipped her arm under her coat, her tail flicking as her eye glowed, locking in two of the larger fire viruses. The navi's confidant grin had faded, this would be more difficult, she'd need to watch them closely and wait for an opening. The lumbering fire navis were slow, she could probably get them lined up easily enough, but she wasn't sure about the smaller ghostly ones, who maintained their gaze on her. Valis watched closely as Armoury got set, then started to make her move, circling quickly to get two of the ponderous fire viruses lined up. Armoury drew her shotgun, the ponderous fire viruses looking like easy targets, she lined up two of them and pulled the trigger. The muzzle of the shotgun flashed as the shot rang out, hopefully scoring a hit on its targets while Armoury drew her revolvers, preparing for a counterattack.
"I don't like the look of those ghost things..." commented Valis as she watched her navi work. Armoury kept a sharp eye out as she kept her distance for now, it would be easier to keep out of trouble if she didn't let them get close.

1. Use shotgun chip on OldstoveA/B (50 dmg) (Snipe ability)
2. Dodge
3. Dodge
Armoury fires a Shotgun at the enemy group and, using her gunning prowess, manages to delete two Oldstoves. She then focuses on evasion. A Spooky suddenly appears in front of the navi and attempts to lick her. Using all of her concentration, Armoury manages to get out of the way before the attack connects.

OldstoveA: DELETED!
OldstoveB: DELETED!
OldstoveC: 50
SpookyA: 30
SpookyB: 30

Terrain: 100% Normal

Armoury: 100
Armoury weighed her options as she looked at the three remaining viruses, at least she now knew how the ghost like ones attacked.
"Are you alright in there?" asked Valis as she watched her navi taking evasive action while the viruses attacked.
"I'll be alright, but I'll need that cannon chip," Armoury replied as she watched the trio closely. The fire virus wouldn't be too much of a problem for now, it seemed too slow to keep up with her movements. She continued to circle the three of them, betting that the ghosts waited until she was distracted to attack. She pulled up her sleeve as the green barrel formed on her arm again, she'd have to be quick, and she didn't have a very large window of opportunity, but she'd make the shot count. Rather than firing the relatively slow cannon round at the ghosts she took aim at the fire virus, but painted a target on both the ghosts, the deep crimson of her eye shining from under her hat. She fired at the fire virus, certain that the shot would hit its mark on such a slow target, not taking the time to watch it as she reached to draw her revolvers.

Valis watched intently as the rapid action unfolded, Armoury prepared to back away and fire should one of the ghosts should take the bait and attack. The navi pushed off backwards, the hammers of her revolvers cocked as she was ready for the counter attack, she'd have to take the shot now whether they attacked or not, if she was lucky she might catch one of them by surprise. If not, she might be in a little bit of trouble.

1. Use canon chip on OldstoveC (40 dmg)
2. Dodge
3. Use Double Magnum on SpookyA (2x20 dmg) (Snipe Ability)
Armoury's cannon does some serious damage to the last Oldstove. As she moved away from the group, she suddenly fires both of her guns, catching the Spooky off guard and deleting it. The oldstove tries to fight back by breathing fire, but Armoury has already moved out of its range. The attack does leave the floor in pretty bad shape, though.

OldstoveA: DELETED!
OldstoveB: DELETED!
OldstoveC: 10
SpookyB: 30

Terrain: 98% Normal 2% Cracked

Armoury: 100
Grinned as she watched the two shots wipe out one of the spookys, scattering it's data,
"Heh....gotcha." Valis gave an equally satisfied grin as she watched, putting down the mini energy chip she'd been holding just in case.
"Hmm, nice shooting" she complimented her navi, looking over at the last battlechip she had, she wondered if it would do Armoury any good. Armoury meanwhile cocked the hammer on Pegasus while she kept on the move, minding the cracked floor tiles as she moved to get behind the fire virus again, she was out of heavy hitting attacks this time around, but she might still be able to do some damage if she just kept out of trouble. The cocked revolver started to glow in her hand as energy started to build in it, setting her sights on the fire virus again. She had to keep moving or the last ghost would catch up with her again in another attack, there wasn't much Valis could do to help now, being a poor strategist at best, it was up to Armoury now. She raised the revolver as it reached full capacity, her eyes narrowing as she stopped for but a moment. The crack of the shot was accompanied by a small plume of smoke followed by the ring of Pegasus' polished steel barrel, the charged round splitting the air as it hurtled towards the lumbering fire virus. Armoury then took off running again, wishing she had some cover, but all she could do now was stay mobile and hope the second ghost didn't catch up with her.

1. Charge
2. Charge
3. Fire charged shot at OldstoveC
((Don't forget damage.))

Armoury powers up her guns and sets her sights on the last stove. Once the attack is done charging, she fires and deletes the virus. When she's able to look around again, the Spooky is no where to be seen. It pops up in front of her a split second later and delivers a lick before teleporting back to its original position.

OldstoveA: DELETED!
OldstoveB: DELETED!
OldstoveC: DELETED!
SpookyB: 30

Terrain: 98% Normal 2% Cracked

Armoury: 90
"Look out!" cried Valis as the ghost virus attacked, but it was too late, Armoury going down as the attack caught her, more from being caught by surprise than anything. "Are you alright Armoury?" Valis asked with a tone of concern in her voice as she'd not seen her navi actually get hit with an attack before.
"I'll be fine...." the navi replied as she got back up on one knee. Armoury growled as the crosshairs of her eye glowed again, getting to her feet and trying to get a bead on the ghost again. She cocked the hammers of her revolvers as she waited for it to appear again. The navi grinned as it simply popped back up where it had been before, she wasted no time as she levelled Pegasus and Cerberus on the ghost, giving it as little time to react as possible. The two shots rang out as she had a target painted dead centre on the virus, both her and Valis watching intently to see if the shot hits home.

1. Use Double Magnum on SpookyB (2x20 dmg) (Snipe ability)
2. Dodge
3. Dodge
Armoury fires both her guns at the Spooky as soon as it reappears. Both shots hit, taking the enemy down. Armoury's efforts pay off and she's clear to proceed.

OldstoveA: DELETED!
OldstoveB: DELETED!
OldstoveC: DELETED!

Terrain: 98% Normal 2% Cracked

Armoury: 90

Rewards: 425z
Valis relaxed in her chair with a bit of a relief as the last virus' data scattered, Armoury holstering her revolvers and adjusting her hat a bit.
"Are you alright Armoury?" Valis asked as she watched her navi.
"It's just a scratch, nothing to worry about. I think we can handle just one more round." Valis nodded as she got the chips all lined up again, pondering as she watched.
"If I get in any real trouble I'll be logged out automatically" Armoury reassured her with a grin. Valis seemed to get a little more settled with this information
"Alright then, I just wanted to make sure you wouldn't get deleted like those viruses." Armoury dusted off her coat and kept walking, looking for one last group of viruses to clear out before she called it quits for the day.

((Requesting battle 3))
A metool lies a few yards away. Behind it stand two Swordies, looking like a pair of bodyguards. Furthur back, two Powies wave their arms as they hop around the area.

Metool: 40
SwordyA: 60
SwordyB: 60
PowieA: 60
PowieB: 60

Terrain: 100% Normal

Armoury: 90

Battle 3 Go
Armoury and Valis watched the group of viruses carefully as the navi approached them. Armoury was familiar with the Metool, and she could guess what the two wielding swords were capable of, but the two odd shaped ones waving their arms about were strange to her...hopefully they weren't like the ghosts.
"We shouldn't worry about the little one yet Armoury, and we don't know what the flailing ones do...probably best just to knock their numbers down a bit first." Armoury nodded as she drew her revolvers and cocked the hammers, she hadn't yet reloaded during a battle, but she had a feeling that she might need to here. The ones holding the swords didn't seem to be moving much while the ones waving their arms were all over the place, the knights would be easy targets. She raised her charged weapons while they simply stood next to each other, executing Double Magnum using one shot for each of them. Valis had started to get familiar with the chips and their abilities, and after Armoury had fired slotted in a shotgun chip. With the two knights advancing close together as they were it would probably work best. Armoury smirked slightly as the bands on her arm split and once again the vicious weapon sprang from it,
"Looks like you're learning." Valis nodded back and watched as her navi moved in, shotgun in hand. Armoury kept from getting too close, hopefully staying out of range of the knight viruses while she keep a sharp eye on the ones bouncing about, hoping she'd be able to avoid whatever it was they did. An ominous crimson shone from under the brim of Armoury's hat as she marked the Knights, raising the shotgun to her shoulder as she looked down the sights circling to line them up before they moved again. She took her shot hopefully dropping the viruses' numbers, her revolvers were out again as she perked her ears and kept alert, awaiting the counter attack and keeping her distance.

1. Use Double Magnum (2x20dmg) SwordyA (20dmg) SwordyB (20dmg)
2. Use shotgun chip on SwordyA (50dmg) and SwordyB (50dmg) (Snipe ability)
3. Dodge