Testing him out . . .

Mokusei finishes the Spooky off and then avoids an attack from another Spooky.

SpookyA: 35 HP
SpookyB: 35 HP
BandcoonA: DELETED
BandcoonB: DELETED

Terrain: 24% Cracked (Scattered), 75% Normal, 1% Hole

Mokusei.exe: 75 HP
"Allright Mokusei good job." Rose said. Well, that just goes to show that he can work without my help, atleast a little. Maybe I should ask him for his advise. She thought to herself.

Mokusei, succesfully tumbling out of the way of the disgusting toungest of the Spooky, was happy, and had already planned out the next move, though He didn't like it. I hate going in for Melee, I just feel uncomfortable from that distance. But you have to do what you have to do. Mokusei thought to himself.

It was at this moment that Rose asked him his opinion. "Alright, Mokusei, since you seem to be the expert, what do you think we should do next?" She asked. "We need to get those last two Spookies down, and all we have left is a Rageclaw chip. How will you ppull it off?" She looked at him, awaiting a response, with the Rageclaw chip ready.

Wow, I forgot that she's new to this. Oh well, I guess now is as good a time as any to tell her. Mokusei thought. "Rageclaw is a melee chip that may be used until another chip is." He stated.

Rose suddenly became relieved, and felt slighly embarresed. Not too bad, though, considering it was only her first try. Wow, that makes it pretty useful. I mean, come on, it can be used multiple times. I should ask.] She realised. As she slotted the chip into Mokusei, she thought about asking him. However, she decided that he would need to focus to successfully pull off his attack, so she decided that it could wait.

And as Rose made up her mind on when she should ask him this question, the chip formed around Mokusei's right hand. With the chip, his glove bacame enlarged, and three metal, claw-like blades stuck out from the knuckles. Once the chip had appeared, Mokusei started making his way quickly but carefully down the field. He was wary of the cracked panels, and kept clear of the broken one. After all, he thought, [i] It would be pretty bad to work this hard, come so far, and then be deleted by a trivial mistake like falling in an obvious hole./i] Soon, Mokusei had reached his destination.

He stood, slightly crouched, infront of the two Spookies. His mind and heart raced as he prepared for the attack. The smartest move should be a quick slice, so they dont have time to react. He thought, as he put his body into motion. Mokusei crouched, with his right arm to his side, until his left hand was touching the ground below him. Upon contact, he quickly pushed off the ground with both his left hand and his legs. With this additional power, he flew forward, faster than any speed he could normally obtain. Pulling his right arm back, he adjusted it slightly to attempt to make sure that he could slice through each Spooky as he passed. With the speed of the attack, he couldn't tell if he had hit or not, but still, even after he had stopped, he didn't look back. I hope I succeeded, but even in the off chance that I missed, I won't be able to get up in time to dodge, so I might as well not even bother. he reasoned.

Rose sat back, watching, and hoped that he would do well. But again, he doesn't even look back. Why does he have to be like that? She wondered. Still, I do hope that he succeeded. . .

1. Look out, Don't fall! (Carefully make way towards Spookies)
2. Dash attack at that first Spooky! (Attack SpookyB with Rageclaw [40 dmg])
3. Swing at the second one, too! (Attack SpookyA with Rageclaw [40 dmg])
Mokusei dashes elegantly in...
and trips and falls into a hole, dying and EJOing, Rose's PET blows up in her face and the world ends...
Well, victory is clenched with the swipes of Rageclaws.

BandcoonA: DELETED
BandcoonB: DELETED

Terrain: 24% Cracked (Scattered), 75% Normal, 1% Hole

Mokusei.exe: 75 HP

Get: Recov10, 100z
heh, that worked out nicely/ Mokusei thought to himself. He had turned around after a few moments, as he hadn't been attacked. "Sending reward Data." he informed Rose.

"Thanks." She said. "Not very personable, though. What are you, a robot?" she made an noise when exhaling that sounded a lot like a laugh, though she didn't actually start laughing.

Mokusei glared at her, though not so much with hatred as with annoyance. [i]What a bothersome operator.[/] He thought to himself, shaking his head.

Rose looked over the spoils of their victory. "Oh, cool, 100 more zenny and . . . A Recov10 chip. That's a Healing chip! Now you could heal at some point in battle." Rose was rather pleased to get this chip, as she had been wondering how they would replenish Mokusei's health without logging out.

Mokusei was also pleased with getting this chip. "Good." was all he said, though it didn't adequately portray his feelings. That is actually a great chip to have gotten from this match. It is, after all, a means for me to treat my wounds without having to take an extended break from action.

Suddenly, Rose remembered that she had had that question earlier. "Hey, Mokusei, correct me if I'm wrong, but that Rageclaw chip is pretty useful, right?"

"Yes." Mokusei replied. He had a guess as to where this was going, but decided to let her finish.

"I mean, " Rose continued, "you can use it multiple times, and it does as much damage as a cannon, right?"

"Yes." Mokusei replied once more.

"Then," she began, "Why didn't we use it before, or more often?"

This had been the direction that Mokusei had expected the conversation to go in, and as a result, had his answer ready. "Becuase I prefer to fight from a range." He stated, matter-of-factly. Besides, he thought, Think of how unnatractive a battle would be if you fought the entire thing with the same chip?

"Okay Mokusei, you want to keep going, or are you at your limit." Rose said, challenging him. I want him to give up, if he does, not only do I win, but he won't get hurt, and I won't feel like a bad operator. she thought.

Mokusei heard her say this, and quickly analyzed the situation. Let's see. I could stop now, and she would believe that this was my limit. However, I don't know how many Viruses I may end up fighting next, so for all I know this could be my limit. Well, she challenged me, why not challenge her back? he decided. "You are the Operator, it is your decision. Can you handle another battle?" he asked.

Rose took this as a chance to get out of things. Well, I want him to quit, and I don't want to quit, but if I work my wording and excuses right, I should be able to work out of this. She looked at Mokusei. "Well, you're looking a little injured, considering that was just three battles. And, as they seem to get progressively harder, I don't think that you, as a Navi, could handle one more. And being the great operator that I am, I couldn't allow you to go out there and hurt yourself. So, we obviously need to take a quick break." She stated rather calmly.

Alright, I can deal with that, even if it does sound an awful lot like a load of BS. Mokusei thought. "Okay." was his reply, and with that, Mokusei disappeared into nothingness, and appeared inside of his PeT.