
Zephyr.EXE jacked into the security network with an aura of dark green light. Peering around, he shrugged. "Nothin' too out of the ordinary, I don't think." Zephyr said.

"OK, Zeff, keep lookin'." Kure teased. Groaning, Zephyr scanned the area passively for any trace of virii or things that appeared odd.

HP: 100
Zephyr runs into...

MetoolA: 40 HP
MetoolB: 40 HP
MetoolC: 40 HP

Terrain: Normal

Zephyr.exe: 100 HP

Zephyr grinned. "Lock and load. Rageclaw, now."

"Don't hafta be so demanding about it..." Kure grumbled, uploading RageClaw to Zephyr.

"Cry me a river. Good, got the chip." Zephyr smirked as his right claw transformed into a bear claw. Flexing a bit, watching the cyber-tendons move back and forth, he smiled. Looking up at the Mettools, he charged at the first, thwacking towards it with an unsuspected show of power. Hopping to the third Met as his hand transformed back into an air-formed talon, he slashed out at the little blob with a helmet. Strafing away from the Mets, he prepared to dodge incoming pickaxe-fueled waves.

Kure sighed. "I hope there's karma. 'Cuz God, you're gonna get it bad..."

HP: 100
1. RageClaw > MetA (40 I think)
2. Wind Claw (buster) > MetC (8)
3. Dodge
DELETION! But nothing quite significant happens afterwards.

MetoolB: 40 HP
MetoolC: 32 HP

Terrain: Normal

Zephyr.exe: 100 HP [Rageclaw]
"Doesn't look like Buddha's doing any bad sh*t to me for that." Zephyr said, cracking up.

"Shut up. I can just let you go without chips, you know!"

"Fine..." Zephyr grumbled. "Shotgun?"

"Whatever." Kure said, pushing the chip into the slot. A green-tinted cylindrical tube materialized onto his right claw in a flash of again green light. Zephyr frowned; it always appeared that the chips were gimmicky when they came into being. It seemed so pixelated, so square-chunk-y. Shrugging it off, Zephyr faced the Mets again. Taking careful aim at the healthiest, he let the shotgun fire towards mainly the unscratched Met, but hopefully to glance the Wind Claw'd Met at least a little as well. As the shotgun faded away, Zephyr rushed towards the hopefully near-dead Met and gave it a good whacking with his weapon of choice. Strafing again, he hoped to evade more attacks.

HP: 100
1. Shotgun > Met B, Met C (50)
2. Wind Claw > Met C
3. Dodge
You win

Get: 200z
Kure looked around. As far as he could tell, nothing had happened to undo the security lock-down. "Zeff?"

"That's not my name." Zephyr growled.

"Suck it up." Kure said, grinning. Zephyr followed up with a gesture including the extension of the center digit. Kure continued to grin. "Just find the damn viruses, Zeff."

"You're soooo lucky I care about what'll happen to you if Mom finds out." Zephyr grumbled, searching around for more virii.
Zephyr runs into some Canondumbs and Spookys whacking away at the security system. The Terrain shows evidence of the destruction. They stop and turn towards Zephyr, ready for battle.

CanondumbA: 50 HP
CanondumbB: 50 HP
CanondumbC: 50 HP
SpookyA: 50 HP
SpookyB: 50 HP

Terrain: 50% Normal, 25% Cracked, 25% Hole (behind the viruses)

Zephyr.exe: 100 HP

((The terrain shouldn't affect me, I'm Wind...right?))
(Here, even wind navis get terrain effects.
You want to ignore the terrain? Get a Floatshoes NCP.)
((;~; But...Tom..said...;~; ))

Seeing all of the cracked and obliterated areas in the system, Zephyr and Kure groaned simultaneously. However, Zephyr noticed some holes placed in a tactically advantageous position behind the virii. "Kure. If we can push them back, this'll be easier. Let's take out the CanoDumbs first."

"Sure. Cannon?" Kure inquired.

"Go for it." Zephyr said, nodding. Kure slotted the battle chip in, and Zephyr saw the bulky, futuristic armament materialize onto his right claw, replacing it. Taking careful aim at the center CanoDumb, he let his weapon fire, jerking his arm up violently with the recoil. "I prefer RageClaw." Zephyr grumbled.

"Watch out for the cracks, Zeff." Kure warned.

"Maybe I will, if you don't call me Zeff." Zephyr scowled. Rather than risking falling into a crack, he stayed away from them and prepared to dodge incoming shots and...diabeetus/hurpys-filled licks.

HP: 100
1. Cannon > CanoDumb B
2-3 Dodge, avoid cracks
Nothing very significant occurs.

CanondumbA: 50 HP
CanondumbB: 10 HP
CanondumbC: 50 HP
SpookyA: 50 HP
SpookyB: 50 HP

Terrain: 50% Normal, 25% Cracked, 25% Hole (behind the viruses)

Zephyr.exe: 100 HP
((You could put more effort into this, RS. XD I'm putting paragraph after paragraph and you respond with a sentance. XD))

"Well, that wasn't very exciting." Zephyr said, rolling his eyes. "Shotgun, please."

Kure slotted another battlechip in, causing yet another dark green, cylindrical object to appear on Zephyr's right arm. Taking careful aim, Zephyr attempted to hit the left CanoDumb and glance the one he'd injured before. As the cybernetic appendage disappeared, Zephyr yet again strafed to avoid holes and shots/licks.

HP: 100
1. Shotgun > CanoDumbA, CanoDumbB (25% of damage hopefully)
2-3. Dodge
((Mocks Hiko))
The things die. Zephyr dodges some attacks. Unfortunately he DOES make some more holes.

CanondumbA: DELETED
CanondumbB: DELETED
CanondumbC: 50 HP
SpookyA: 50 HP
SpookyB: 50 HP (over hole)

Terrain: 50% Normal, 20% Cracked, 30% Hole (behind the viruses)

Zephyr.exe: 100 HP
Cracking his aching knuckles, Kure groaned.

"What? White-knuckled over me?" Zephyr said, grinning.

"Shut up. I slept the wrong way." Kure grumbled.

"Whatever. No chips left?"


"Crap. I'll just fire like crazy, then." Zephyr said, taking aim at the injured CanoDumb. Leaping towards it, he slashed out twice with his aero-talons, hopefully destroying it. Retreating, he attempted to avoid cracked/hole'd tiles in the terrain, and diabeetus/STD-filled licks.

HP: 100
1-2. Wind Claw > CanoDumb (8 each)
3. Dodge
(How are you using a shotgun twice in one battle, eh?)
I can't?
(No. Change, kthx.)
((Edited, kthxbye. Need moar chips. ;~; ))
the cannodumb eats the slices, but blows Zephyr backwards.

CanondumbA: DELETED
CanondumbB: DELETED
CanondumbC: 34 HP
SpookyA: 50 HP
SpookyB: 50 HP (over hole)

Terrain: 50% Normal, 20% Cracked, 30% Hole (behind the viruses)

Zephyr.exe: 90 HP