Kakkler's First Time

Kakkler walked slowly through the Net, using its staff like a walking stick. Its Operator was quiet at the moment, busy eating his food while watching his Navi silently. Taklest then started to mumble anxiously, knocking and tapping on the desk to get Kakkler's attention. Kakkler stops, turning swiftly to see a couple Virii approaching from behind.

"So, you tried to sneak up on me... Thanks for the heads up, Tak," Kakkler mutters with a slight grin. It grips the staff with both hands, spreading its legs to get ready for combat. "Anytime you're ready, Tak!"

Taklest starts to fumble with his Battlechips as the Virii start to close in on Kakkler. Kakkler lets out an exaspirated sigh, starting to chant out as a dark violet aura starts to appear around it. It concentrates the energy into a shot and fires at the Canondumb, being the closest . It figures that the further back it is, the easier it'll be to dodge it. "Hurry up with those Chips, Tak!"


Action 1: Charge
Action 2: Charge
Action 3: Charged Shot to CanondumbA

(Thanks. : D)
(Bump. ^^)
((State the DMG with your attacks plz))
Cannondumb is hit. Metool attacks. Kakkler is hit.

MetoolA: 40 HP
MetoolB: 40 HP
MetoolC: 40 HP
CannondumbA: 18 HP

Kakkler.exe: 140
(Also, quick note, get some of Drakim's Sig Tab's quick, kthx.)
"Mmmph!!" Taklest's muffled cry comes through. Kakkler's reaction is too slow, too concentrated on blowing back the Canondumb and allowing a Metool's attack get through. Kakkler lets out a soft growl, looking over its shoulder at Taklest. "Rageclaw, quick," is all Kakkler mutters to him then grins.

Taklest manages to get the Battlechip, fumbling with it with his greasy fingers and installs it into the slot on his PET. Kakkler's staff breaks down into data, streaming around its hands and take shape of large gloves with glowing red claws. The lantern becomes a dome on the back of the right hand, the blue flame flickering, hungering for the Virii's rancor.

Kakkler rushes for the closest Metool, its light clothing allowing it to move swiftly as one or all of them possibly take aim. Kakkler raises its left hand and slashes the Virus, kicking to a stop and jumping through the air to another one. It then twirls around, aiming to stab the second Metool in the face with every claw then strafes toward the other one as the Canondumb follows its movements. Kakkler grips the final Metool with its claws, rearing back its hand then chucking the virus at the Canondumb with a swift movement.


Turn Breakdown:
Action 1: Rageclaw to MetoolA (40 DMG)
Action 2: Rageclaw to MetoolB (40 DMG)
Action 3: Crushing grip with Rageclaw to MetoolC (20 DMG) then toss at CanondumbA to cause collision damage (10 DMG to each)
(Sorry, tosses do 20 to each. No matter how clever they are.)

After Kakkler destroys most of the enemies, the single remaining metool hides in its helmet.

MetoolC: 20 HP <Hiding!>
CannondumbA: DELETED

Kakkler.exe: 140
Cracks lined the Rageclaw enhancement, on the verge of breaking down. Kakkler decides to bring back the staff since there's only a weakened virus left. Kakkler lets out a soft chuckle, the gloves slowly stripping away and reconfiguring into the staff. Reaches up and takes ahold of it, twirling it around and slams the bottom into the ground. The lantern hanging off the end of the staff was already glowing brighter once the Virii were deleted during the rampage.

"The Metool is hiding... We don't have any Break chips yet, do we?" Kakkler mumbles. Taklest shakes his head, taking a sip of his lemonade, then clears his throat, "No... not yet, anyway. I'm sure you'll think of something, though..." Already Kakkler was chanting softly, its aura appearing around its body. "Nice and easy..." Kakkler mutters with a slight smirk.

Kakkler waits... Watching the Metool carefully for any movement of attack, the energy of its charged shot circling the lantern end of the staff.


Turn Breakdown:
Action 1: Charging/Dodge
Action 2: Charging/Dodge
Action 3: If MetoolC emerges to attack, attacks with Charged Wind Shot. If MetoolC stays in hiding, Kakkler is on standby.
((You can't dodge while charging. Also, you can't keep your charge shot after the turn it's used.))

Neither side makes a move, yet Kakklers shot discharges and hit the Metools helmet. Nothing happens. Maybe if Kakkler hit it multiple times, it might come out.

MetoolC: 20 HP <Hiding!>
CannondumbA: DELETED

Kakkler.exe: 140
"Ha! Looks like it's not coming out for nothing. Try to scare it out with a few hits, Kakkler... this'll help you finish it off once it's up." Taklest slides through a Shotgun chip then picks up his burger to take another big bite out of it.

"Pain in the a*s helmet..." Kakkler mutters then gets its staff ready. It rushes for the virus, first swinging at it against the sides of the helmet to try to turn it over then holds its freehand to it. The Shotgun's energy spirals around from Kakkler's wrist and forms into a shot before its palm. Holding its staff aside against the ground, Kakkler lowers its head a bit, glaring at the virus and mutters, "Die..," then fires the energy to the hopefully hidden Metool.


Turn Breakdown:
Action 1: Staff strike to MetoolC (0 DMG due to helmet)
Action 2: Staff strike to MetoolC (0 or 4 DMG depending on if the Metool's revealed or not)
Action 3: Shotgun to MetoolC (0 or 50 DMG, same reason as before)

CannondumbA: DELETED

Kakkler.exe: 140

Prizes: Cannon, 100z