
Zane had looked to the Screen of the PET as Dual had lifted his arm after being slightly shaven by the attack of a Spikey virus. "Are you okay?" Zane asked in concern after seeing Dual barely escape. The navi smirked as he had aimed his weapon towards the horde not really designating a target at first sight. "I see we're concerned about the 'minor' scratches." Dual had commented on his NetOp's question since he wasn't anywhere near badly wounded at this point. Zane gave a smirk even though it was a sheepish one considering his condition as Dual had took aim designating the already weakened Spikey virus.

Dual had focused as his eye sight had cleared to show his target and after confirmation came the roaring sound of the buster rotating. He took a blast intending to finish the target and then quickly switched for his second round as he blast another shot of his Gattling Gun at the distant weakened Spooky intending to weaken it further as well. He then lowered his arm quickly after firing off the rounds.

"We are officially pathetic now..." Dual said with a smirk as he had quickly looked over his shoulder expecting a Spook to attack and slightly turning his head to at least see the light across the ground of the pyro type attack coming from the Spikey across the area. He had quickly slid one foot towards the edge of his right to quickly go for a dodging barrel roll incase it would come to that.
Actions & Chips Used: Primary Buster, Primary Buster, Dodge/Movement

1st Turn - Primary Buster (8 Damage) > SpikeyA

2nd Turn - Primary Buster (8 Damage) > SpookyB

3rd Turn - Dodge/Barrel Roll
The spooky is lowered to a critical state of HP while the Spikey is deleted. A spooky dissappeared, reappearing behind Dual and attacking, only to have it dodged. Dual finds himself looking up at the final spikey, however, as he gets up from his dodge. The virus was emanating a sense of... something. Anger. Raw anger. Using its rage for its fallen companion, the Spikey loosed a frightful blast, which hit its target straight in the chest.

SpookyA: RAN AWAI!
SpookyB: 2 HP
SpookyC: 50 HP
SpikeyC: 90 HP

Dual: 55 HP
Dual was knocked back as he was hit in his chest. He had fallen over as he had hit the ground with his back landing flat, but he didn't want to stay down for long. He quickly rolled over and placed his hands and feet on the floor ready to spring back into action. He touchdown his hand in a three point position and quickly sprung away to gain some distance from the Spikey as well as avoid receiving damage any further since the virii would most likely take advantage of his current state.

"You're going down..." Dual had said as his buster started to rotate in motion once again. The gun had quickly shot out a round aiming to blast the second Spooky that was already weakened. He then turned his attention to the remaining Spikey seeing it was already in a rage meaning it would only be easier since his head was cool and collected. He picked up his weapon firing off another blast of his Gattling Gun to simply scratch the enemy for now.

Actions & Chips Used: Primary Buster, Primary Buster, Dodge/Roll

1st Turn - Dodge/Roll

2nd Turn - Primary Buster (8 Damage) > SpookyB

3rd Turn - Primary Buster (8 Damage) > SpikeyC
(Just realized, I made an HP miscalculation last turn. Ah, well. Enjoy your extra 5 HP.)

Dual's meager weaponry manages to scratch the viruses. That sig of his had better be reusable soon...
The spikey attacks, but he dodges.

SpookyA: RAN AWAI!
SpookyC: 50 HP
SpikeyC: 82 HP

Dual: 55 HP
Dual had faced the Spikey virus as he tended to finish it of so it wouldn't be a pain in the mere future. The navi had quickly drew it's Edge Sword. The left arm had lifted to blast it with a couple barrages of his Dual Gattler as he had fired intending to make the navi flinch during the assault. His brought his Edge Sword into view as he took advantage of the opening that was most likely caused by his attack to slash at the enemy with his signature attack making the energy slash strike the virus after locking on with the coordinates on his visor.

Although the navi intended to delete the Spikey, he knew his rush would leave him wide open as he didn't have the energy and stamina to quickly rebound fast enough to avoid the attack of the ghost-like virii. He gave it a try anyway as he started to kick off in a slow and lagging movement but only found himself in a still vulnerable position.
Actions & Chips Used: Primary Buster, Primary Buster, Luminous Edge

1st Turn - Primary Buster (8 Damage) > SpikeyC

2nd Turn - Primary Buster (8 Damage) > SpikeyC

3rd Turn - Luminous Edge (70 Damage) > SpikeyC
(Because this is taking way too long, I'm going to speed this up a bit.)

All of Dual's attacks hit!

SpookyA: RAN AWAI!
SpookyC: 50 HP

Dual: 55 HP
((Oh, sorry to be a burden. I'll shorten my posts.))

Dual had quickly lifted his arm as he spun around eyeing the remaining virii. He knew this wouldn't take long now and with only one enemy on the field, he could be careful while going on the attack. "One is the loneliest number that you will ever do..." The navi chanted the small verse from the song as he smirked and then aimed his rotating barrels at the virii and then let out two blasts of his buster.

The navi wasn't slow on the uptake of what the virus was capable of. To close some distance as well as the avoid the virii's sneak attack, Dual quickly lunged forward while looking over a bit to see if the virii would strike him from behind again.
Actions & Chips Used: Primary Buster, Primary Buster, Dodge/Lunge

1st Turn - Primary Buster (8 Damage) > SpookyC

2nd Turn - Primary Buster (8 Damage) > SpookyC

3rd Turn - Dodge forward.
(Nonono! It's not your fault! I was saying I'd speed it up for YOU.)

The attacks hit, and the spooky misses as Dual dives forward.

SpookyA: RAN AWAI!
SpookyC: 34 HP

Dual: 55 HP
((Oh, okay! I would use a charge shot, but I'm not sure if I even have one. I didn't see anything about editing details about a charge shot in my template when I created my navi so I was thinking maybe it was some kind of upgrade.))

Dual had quickly whipped around as the virii had tried to attack him. His barrel spun at it's speed not slowing down as he let out another two rounds to quickly counter and give the navi a few bursts of the weapon before it could return to it's default position. His feet shuffled as he kept up a constant movement rate to not become suddenly off guard to the virii. He quickly jumped back to face the virii and then moved closer to close the distance as well as to foil another sneak attach if it was to come. He knew his Edge sword would be a big help if the weapon would cool down in time so he wouldn't have to persist on using his buster.
Actions & Chips Used: Primary Buster, Primary Buster, Dodge/Lunge

1st Turn - Primary Buster (8 Damage) > SpookyC

2nd Turn - Primary Buster (8 Damage) > SpookyC

3rd Turn - Dodge forward.
(Everyone has a charge shot. The damage formula for which is Attack*Charge*8)

The spooky dissappears as the attacks near, and just misses Dual as it attacks. It would appear it's wising up to his strategy. Suddenly, to Dual's horror, a look of comprehension crosses the Spooky's face. It would appear that its figured out his dodging strategy, too. Better come up with a new dodge, or a way to take out that virus...

SpookyA: RAN AWAI!
SpookyC: 34 HP

Dual: 55 HP
Dual noticed how the virii seemed to wise up to his amazement. He wasn't expecting that from nothing, but a simple virus as he had lifted his right arm to let the weapon changing from his buster to his sword once again. "Here we go..." Dual said as he had let his visor drop down over his eyes. The targeting screen appeared on view as he had drew his weapon back behind his back and then narrowed his eyes after seeing the red cursor. "Fire!" He commanded as a slash had shot through like an untraceable beam at the simple virus in an attempt to delete it. The navi didn't try to make such quick actions to dodge except for his quick leap back after lunching his attack not wanting any of the debris to hit him.
Actions & Chips Used: Luminous Edge, Movement/Dodge

1st Turn - Luminous Edge (70 Damage) > SpookyC

2nd Turn - Dodge/Movement
The spooky prepares to attack...
And gets shot. IN THE FACE! FAAAAACE!

SpookyA: RAN AWAI!

Dual: 55 HP

Prizes: Recov10, 300z
((lol! Funny! ^_^))

Dual had sighed as he lwoered his weapon. The image of it fizzing like static and then turning back into his default hand had let him be at ease now that the battle was over. He had rubbed his wrist as he had lowered his hands to his side in relief now that the asssault was over.

"Zane we're through here...right?" The NetOp was silent even after Dual's words had came from the PET. The navi whipped around in a worry as he awaited a reply. "Zane?" He said worridly as he had lifted his head. "Dual...I'm okay...I just dozed off for a second." The NetOp said in a daze as he had rubed the side of his face.

"That's a little careless. What if you just woke up and your PET just said 'Navi Deleted' on the screen." Dual had lowered his head during the brief silence. "Sorry, Zane. It's just we have been runnign for so long from SciLab and those other guys to remain undetected, I guess I'm a little on the edge. Let's just..." The navi paused as he could hear the sound of his NetOp sighing as he spoke.

"...Do our best." Zane said finishing his statement as a smile came to his face. "Yeah...let's jack out, Dual." Zane commanded as the navi gave a nod and a replied with his usual, "Roger!" at the end of his NetOp's final command as he jacked out.