Acquaintance with apathy

Shinokami free-fell from a great high, only flapping his wings at the last minute to right himself and provide enough upward thrust to hover above the ground for a second, before lightly landing, his boots making soft clunk noises against the digital surface. He looked around, examining his surroundings through cold eyes, only returning his gaze when Kamoku's head appeared on a screen before him.

"Virusii are most likely to appear in this networked world." he stated, as if teaching Kamoku. "Please be ready with Battle Chips when the need arises. I shall inform you when it does."

"Umm ... okay..."

"Also, please do not tamper with the SIN lock settings unless I specifically request them."

"SIN lock?"

"They are emotional locks that, once disengaged, override my program with the data for the respective Sin. Once battle is over, it is highly recommended to re-engage the lock immediately, as prolonged exposure can damage my programming irreversably, possibly resulting in deletion."
(Yo, Nal? Please keep your Zenny total outside of the tabs. Thanks!)

Oh, look! It's the welcoming committee!
Or not.

MetoolA: 40 HP
MetoolB: 40 HP
MetoolC: 40 HP
Shrubby: 50 HP
CanodumbA: 50 HP
CanodumbB: 50 HP

Shinokami: 100 HP

The Shrubby is behind CanodumbA!


Shinokami glanced over towards the virii, still in his usual way, almost as if pitying the virii for being so weak.

"And so, the uneducated arrive in their drones, never as one, always as a pack."

White feathers fluttered around Shinokami, orbiting him at random speeds. Some slow, some fast. Shinokami reached out his hand into the whirling feathers and took hold of one. A flash emanated from his hand and when it subsided, a scythe of pure white was in his hands.

"This, Kamoku Tereya, is Kafziel, named after the Angel of Death of Jewish lore, appointed to take the lives of kings. This weapon has lived up to its name-sake many a time, and it shall not fail this time."

Without so much as a blink, Shinokami was already flying towards the nearest virus, the Cannondumb, attempting to slash with Kafziel as he passed, then attacking the other with a quick two-hit combo, exclamating the final hit with an upwards swing and flying above the other virii for a few seconds, landing softly on the ground afterwards.

"You may not be kings, but I shall still send you to the abyss you must surely desire. Attacking someone of my stature is the ultimate sin, and you shall pay dearly for your crime."

((1 - Musou Tenshou Yoku no Jin (70 damage) @ CannondumbA))
((2 - Normal attack (8 damage) @ CannondumbB))
((3 - Normal attack (8 damage) @ CannondumbB [Swordplay Dodge]))
Shinokami blasts the first enemy to kingdom-come, and delivers a couple quick slashes before dodging its retaliatory blast. The Shrubby, out in the open after its first living shield was blasted, dives behind the second canodumb.

MetoolA: 40 HP
MetoolB: 40 HP
MetoolC: 40 HP
Shrubby: 50 HP
CanodumbA: DELETED
CanodumbB: 34 HP

Shinokami: 100 HP

The shrubby is behind CanodumbB!
"Kamoku. Please transmit a Battle Chip."

Kamoku dug out the four chips from her pocket, looking at each, then the PeT.

"Um ... how do I-"

"Insert them in the slot on the side of the Personal Terminal. They will be transmitted directly to me for use."

Kamoku dug slid in a Heatshot chip, followed by a Rageclaw, before returning her view to the screen. Shinokami threw a fireball at the remaining Cannondumb with his free hand, before dashing forwards and slashing at the first Shrubby twice with his now-clawed hand, the first blow an attempt to immobilize and the second an attempt to kill.

((1 - Heatshot (40) @ CannondumbB))
((2 - RageClaw (40) @ Shrubby))
((3 - RageClaw (40) @ Shrubby [Swordplay Dodge]))
The heatshot connects with the canodumb, and the splash finishes off the Shrubby without any rageclaw shots required! But it was too late for Shinokami to stop, as he plowed into the ground after slashing at air. A met takes advantage of this, hitting him with an attack.

MetoolA: 40 HP
MetoolB: 40 HP
MetoolC: 40 HP
Shrubby: DELETED
CanodumbA: DELETED
CanodumbB: DELETED

Shinokami: 90 HP
Shinokami flipped back onto his feet as fast as he could, crouching low as he did. With a quick push, he attempted to launch himself towards the three Mets, coupling the charge with am attempt to slash all three of the virii with one movement. Luckily, his earlier mistake hadn't damaged the RageClaw's effects much.

"Vanish, along with the foul remnants of your data!"

((1/2/3 (Rider Kick!</Kamen Rider>) - RageClaw (40) @ Met A/B/C (In that order) [Swordplay Dodge]))
Shinokami's manuver pushes him into the first met, but the stopping force caused by the impact with the first target leaves his claws in the enemy, and him on the ground! The second target is shellshocked from being inches away from deletion, and hides, while the third keeps its composure and hits Shinokami with another shockwave!

MetoolB: 40 HP (Hiding!)
MetoolC: 40 HP
Shrubby: DELETED
CanodumbA: DELETED
CanodumbB: DELETED

Shinokami: 80 HP (Rageclaw broken!)
Shinokami's hand returned to its normal size as he was pushed back by the Met's blow. Kamoku pushed the other two chips into the PeT to aid Shinokami as much as she could. But, being young, her experience was limited.

Shinokami grabbed a hold of the hiding met, throwing it up into the air, then throwing his open palm towards its exposed underside, before repeating the same motion at the other Metool.

"Perhaps you didn't hear me. Attacking someone of my stature is a Sin. The abyss is your punishment!"

((1 - Overturn MetB))
((2 - Cannon (40) @ MetB))
((3 - Shotgun (50) @ MetC))
The Abyss? Maybe not. But those mets sure flew a ways... you sure they're deleted? Meh. Shouldn't be a problem.

MetoolB: FLUNG!
MetoolC: FLUNG!
Shrubby: DELETED
CanodumbA: DELETED
CanodumbB: DELETED

Shinokami: 80 HP

Prize: Guard1, 150z
"Umm ... Shinokami ..."

"I am fine, Kamoku Tereya. However, there are still other features you must learn about while eradicating Virii."

"I-it's just Kamoku..."

Shinokami nodded, heading onwards towards nothing in particular.

"Very well. Kamoku it shall be."
It's a wall of enemies, with backup!

ShrubbyA: 50 HP
CanodumbA: 50 HP
ShrubbyB: 50 HP
CanodumbB: 50 HP
ShrubbyC: 50 HP
CanodumbC: 50 HP
ShrubbyD: 50 HP
CanodumbD: 50 HP

Shinokami: 80 HP

The Shrubbies are behind the Canodumbs!

"Kamoku. The Heatshot and Shotgun Battle Chips will work well in this situation. It would be wise to think strategically during battles, than to charge in blindly."

Kamoku nodded, pushing the respective chips into the PeT as Shinokami moved into position. He thrust out both his hands, throwing a fireball in one direction and an invisible force in the other, before readying himself. If an enemy attacked, he could try to fly out of harm's way...

((1 - Shotgun (50) @ CannondumbA))
((2 - Heatshot (40) @ CannondumbB))
((3 - Dodge))
Shinokami takes two of the pairs down, and swiftly dodges an attack thrown at him.

CanodumbA: DELETED
CanodumbB: DELETED
ShrubbyC: 50 HP
CanodumbC: 50 HP
ShrubbyD: 50 HP
CanodumbD: 50 HP

Shinokami: 80 HP

The Shrubbies are behind the Canodumbs!
Kamoku pushed in the RageClaw chip. Despite her inexperience, even she knew their options were becoming more and more limited. However, the RageClaw seemed to open up quite a few possibilities.

Shinokami ran forward, attempting to hit, then throw one of the Cannondumbs into the other Cannondumb, following it up with another slash. That was the plan, at least. It could go anywhere.

"Your allies have been defeated. Are you not afraid? Or are you not programmed to feel fear? Ah, 'tis a shame that that is the case, or your cries would be a perfect lullaby."

((1 - RageClaw (40) @ CannondumbC))
((2 - RageClaw Throw (20) @ CannondumbC and D))
((3 - RageClaw (40) : CannondumbD [Swordplay Dodge]))
Shinokami takes down both canodumbs, and the remaining Shrubbies attempt to get behind one another to stay away from the attacks! The result? A rather comical spinning circle of shrubbery.

CanodumbA: DELETED
CanodumbB: DELETED
ShrubbyC: 50 HP
CanodumbC: DELETED
ShrubbyD: 50 HP
CanodumbD: DELETED

Shinokami: 80 HP

The Shrubbies are spinning!
"Kamoku, it is time for you to learn about the SIN Locks."


A small icon appeared on Kamoku's PeT, which she tapped, and seven options appeared on the screen, every one of them covered in chains, yet each could be read. Kamoku took them in, then read each one to herself.

"Luxuria ... Gula ... Avaritia ... Acedia ... Ira ... Invidia ... Superbia"

"Please select Ira, Kamoku."

Kamoku was taken aback by Shinokami's request, but tapped the bar regardless. The moment she did, a single tone rang out. A in C major.

Shinokami doubled over almost instantly, his body growing larger and more feral as he let out a gutteral cry, somewhere between a growl and a howl. Kafziel had disintegrated into white feathers, then into nothing. Shinokami's eyes began to glow a violent red, and black flames encircled his body.

"Kisama ... koroshite YARU!"

Not even Kamoku was ready for what happened next. Shinokami ran forward, attempting to impale the Shrubby on his hand, grinning like a madman and staring hungrily at everything around him. He glanced over at the other Shrubby, his crimson eyes, hair and black aura making only adding to the intimidation.


With his left hand, Shinokami attempted to grab the Shrubby, pummeling it twice with his right, before tossing it aside like a ragdoll. All the while, Kamoku stared in horror at the events as they unfolded. She didn't know what had happened, but the Shinokami she first met had vanished, replaced with a psychopathic murderer.

((1 - Musou Tenshou Yoku no Jin (70) @ ShrubbyC))
((2 - Attack (8) @ ShrubbyD))
((3 - Attack (8) @ ShrubbyD. Yes, no Swordplay dodge. He's too crazed right now to dodge))
Too crazed to dodge? Maybe, but it doesn't matter! After its ally gets taken out, all the Shrubby can do is sit there, shivering in terror!

CanodumbA: DELETED
CanodumbB: DELETED
CanodumbC: DELETED
ShrubbyD: 34 HP
CanodumbD: DELETED

Shinokami: 80 HP
"Nikume..." growled Shinokami, slowly stepping forward towards the Shrubby. "Nikume, nikume, nikume!"

Shinokami grabbed the virus again, this time attempting to punch the virus as hard as he could with one movement, as if charging up.

Kamoku still watched, whispering "yamete..." under her breath, trembling slightly.

((Charge attack (32) @ Shrubby))
The Shrubby is punched! But, the action causes it to throw up a Ringlog, which just misses Shinokami.

CanodumbA: DELETED
CanodumbB: DELETED
CanodumbC: DELETED
ShrubbyD: 2 HP
CanodumbD: DELETED

Shinokami: 80 HP