It's On Call Duty For The Doctor!

The White Terror, skipp along merryly throughout the battlefield, picking up the battle spoils from that virus attack. "Oh, I'm a Barbie girl . . .my face makes your hurrl . . ." "Hey Barbie, when did you say we would do that charity thing?" the navi asked his friend and Operator. "Um . . . in 48 hours I believe . . " he responded. "Ah good . . . cause the Spanish inquisition will get us if we dont jack out soon!" He screams like a banshee. The med student just gives a smirk and sweats a little . . . "Hmm . . .say DoNotResusitate, I want to get you a-a-a-a present, what you s-s-say?" The shy Netop requests as he jacks out the computer . . .
"Break time is over, Time to Zoob a floob my way to become powerful!" The white haired insane navi bellowed as he acted as a boxer as he shadow puppets his way throughout the network. "Yo Adrian, whats out goal now?" he said as he did an uppercut. "Um . . . . lets s-s-s-see . . . . 5000 zenny works, eheheh" Polonius lightly as he watches his navi search for some boxing opponents. . .

((Fast and Hard, weave and duck! Virus needed))
DNR finds a small group of viruses!

CannondumbA 50HP
ShrubbyA 50HP
CannondumbB 50HP
ShrubbyB 50HP
Metool 40HP


"Yo . . . this is like that fight against Muhammed Ali in africa. I flew like a bee and stung like a butterfly." DNR exclaims in a slow, tone of voice as he shadow boxes a little bit more before he suddenly stops and turns to the left. Two green Canondumbs, two Shrubbies and a small, pathetic mettool is what graces his sight. "Yo! Adrian! I need a Shotgun and some claws! " . . . .

" Right there, DNR" Polonius says as he slotted in the Shotgun and Rageclaw chips that came from his left pocket of his very blinidngly white medical coat. "Shotgun, Rageclaw, check in!"

The Shotgun battlechip data swirled around in its typical metal-colored particles. It reaches the purple body-suited navi and quickly configures his left hand into a double-barrled Shotgun. He aims towards the Left Canondumb and the Shrubby and fires its dark blue-colored bullets of concentrated light energy. "Dats the way real boxers would have defeated these bad guys!" (Sic) he says as the Rageclaw data starts coming down.

The red data particle cloud came crashing down like a ton of red bricks. It settles down in his right hand and configures a claw right out with a "Shing" sound included in the package. "Yo Adrian! Watch me make you proud with Dis knockout punch to that pathetic smallfry!" (Sic) he says triumphantly as he rushes foward to the little virus, his little boxing foot work he did as he ran throughout the net gave him a good advantage to dodge and incoming firework afterwards . . .

1. Shotgun to CanondumbA and ShrubbyA (50)
2. Rageclaw Strike to Metool (40)
3. Dodge
Three viruses fall as the remaining two attack, both missing as the remaining take shots at him.

CannondumbA DELETED
CannondumbB 50HP
ShrubbyB 50HP

"Well . . . this is no brainer. Heh, Can we say Shotgun to the face?" the white haired navi said as he runs towards the front of the Canondumb and points at it and inch away from the cannon's barrel. "Well . . .will I shoot 9432 bullets, or just two? I really dont know but maybe you can answer that in the next life!" he says with an evil laugh attached to it. His legs seem to be pretty bend down as if he was ready to dodge any incoming fire from the virii . . .

1. Shot gun to CanondumbA and ShrubbyA (50 each)
2. Dodge
3. Dodge
The shrubby moves to the side before the Shotgun hits. It pukes a log, but it rools right by DNR.

CannondumbA DELETED
CannondumbB DELETED!
ShrubbyB 50HP

'Uh oh . . . ." the brown headed med student said to his white haired navi. "We have to run towards Electown and fast! The packages for the charity event were lost there!" he said afterwards with a depressed tone of voice. "Dont worry Sally! If there's anybody that can find those Medical Supplies is us!" He said as he runs towards the Shrubby, planning give him a good twack from his own little "bat" and if that didnt work, he'll give him a good slash from his Rageclaw and dodge any incoming logs. . .

1. Ringlog1 to Shrubby (50)
2. Rageclaw to Shrubby (40)
3. Dodge
The final virus is deleted!

CannondumbA DELETED
CannondumbB DELETED!



Rewards: 200z, Guard
"Ah finally!" The white haired navi screamed as he runs around the area, pick up the battlespoils. "We gotta go find the packages and elec town and fast! But . . . how? How!" The navi screams towards the celing of the network. The intelligent netop says " Um . . . you can just run there from here . . .". "Oh . . . right!" The White Terror says as he runs along the network to the connection to Electown Net.