Digital Strider

18 years ago
" Arch, guard chip hurry!! " Arbalest demands a guard chip, a spikey's fireball is coming towards him....he cannot dodge it as he's still on the air after blasing a mettaur using cannon....

" errm, i'm very sorry but I can't....i've used it to trade with may sound silly but for now, we need to have strong powerful battlechip....we can find guard chips later, and got the right to be mad at me, but please don't do it now.... " Arch explains and begging....

Arbalest becomes very pissed off with Arch's doing things, he did this without even talk to him....he got a LOT of things to say but when he remembers what happened last night, he decided to keep quiet and concentrate on his fight....he don't have other choice but to self-defend the fireball and it blasts his head....he let himself fall to the ground after the heatshot burns his face, he didn't move even a slight inch....Arbalest crashes to the ground, and he's unconcious....Arch becomes terrified and dozens of questions running through his mind, is Arbalest alive?, is he dead?, what should he do if he's dead?....

" Arbalest....are you alright!!! " he tries to get Arbalest on the line, but Arbalest didn't respond....Arch reminds himself don't cry, get tough....Arbalest will laugh when saw you crying over him....then he say a few last words with eyes closed....

" dear Arbalest.exe, i still remember you in my heart even though you're gone, i shall remember today's date and time....although i've gotten myself a new navi, but you're still number show you that how meaningful you're to me, no one could ever use the battlechips that you've used.... "

" so, you do care about me after all.... "

" what.... " Arch opens his eye as he heard a voice from his navi....he looked at the screen, Arbalest is still alive! he's very happy and thankful to see that his navi is still alive.... " I thought that you're dead.... "

" I just became unconcious for a few seconds, and yeah....I still feel the pain after I hit the ground quite hard and my head, ouch! vision is not clear, I can hardly move my arms and legs....can you give me a second....Slade, i'm okay right here.... " said Arbalest, he do a little exercise....trying to move his arms and legs....jumping several times, do some punching and kicking.... " now that's better.... "

" great! now let's finish this fight, i'm positive that you want to pay back right??? cannon! double-slot in! download! " Arch pick two cannonchips from the holder and slot-in both chips....Arbalest receives the battlechip data, he dashes to the spikey....attempt to chase that thing and blast the beast-like virus with cannon from short ranged....he will make sure that the cannon shot will injures the spikey's head badly, Arbalest is full with rage....the hatred towards the spikey keep increased each time he's closer to the spikey....

[ Turn 1 - dodge/dash ]
[ Turn 2 - cannon(40+10) >>> spikeyC ]
[ Turn 3 - cannon(40+10) >>> spikeyC ]
18 years ago
Slade stunned, seeing as his partner was hit by a fireball. He rushed towards the fallen Navi, but stopped as Arbalest insisted that he's okay. Still being a bit uneasy, Slade moved quickly, yet steadily, from one side of the battle field to another, dodging unnecessary attacks. He made his way towards his partner, hoping that he would provide assistance to Arbalest somehow.

"Arbalest made his should you. Battle Chip, EnergyBomb! Slot In!" Kai stated, inserting a battlechip for Slade. Two blast came out from Arbalest one after another, and at the same time, the multi exploding bomb was fully materialized on Slade's palm. Slade took the opportunity to toss the bomb into the cannon's path, hoping that the cannon blast would drove the bomb towards the spikey.

"....would that even worked?" Kai wondered. Meanwhile Slade arrived at his partner location and guarded him as he made himself a meat shield for Arbalest.

1. Ran, sprinted, dashed.......Dodge!
2. Throw Energybomb into cannon blast's path, towards SpikeyC[40x3 Dmg]
3. Cover Arbalest with body
18 years ago
Predictably, the Spikey is deleted.


Arbalest: 110
Slade: 140

The Winnah....It's j00!

Rewards: Both Get - 400z
18 years ago
"Heh...guess I didn't need to worry about you after all..." Slade smiled as he looked at Arbalest. Letting out a sigh of relief, Slade walked towrds the data left behind by the virii group and analyzed it. "It's Zenny" The blue Navi spoke, after a few seconds of scanning. Tossing half of the amount to Arbalest, Slade transferred the other half to Kai's Zenny Storage.

"Well, it seems like nothing here anymore..."

Kai agreed with his NetNavi's statement, the PET didn't show any sign of virii. "It seems so....but we need to delete those virus soon, or I'll never get inside the house before midnight." Kai seeked through his collection of chips and picked up another energybomb. "Sending energybomb...complete! Destroy the portal with it."

"Okay, but how about Arbalest, they can't get back to ACDC Net, this way.." Considering that maybe Arch and Arbalest came from ACDC Net, Slade hesitated whether they should destroy the portal or not.

"Yes, but they still can jack-out." Kai explained, but to be polite, he asked the opinion of the duo. "Umm Arch, Arbalest, destroying the portal might stop the virii from entering, but you won't be able to return to ACDC Net, is that okay?"
18 years ago
" hmm, cannot go back to I still can jack-out Arbalest without any problem, is it??? " Arch asks Slade and Kai while Arbalest take the half-part data from Slade....Arbalest's movement is not good as before....he barely can move....but he still want to say something....

" I also got a question....if you blow up the portal, it means that my job here is done right??? I wish that I could stay here for a couple of hours....but my injuries is quite serious, and I may need a rest....I must not move around too much.... "
18 years ago
Before any bombs can be thrown, another set of virii appear! This group seems to be quite angry with the pair of Navi.


SpikeyA: 90
SpikeyB: 90
SpikeyC: 90
BunnyA: 50
BunnyB: 50
BunnyC: 50

Arbalest: 110
Slade: 140

Battle 2....Fight!
18 years ago
"Darn it!" The blue NetNavi exclaimed upon seeing a new wave of virii. "Arbalest, I hope you can move a bit...we have some serious threat here..."

"These virii will likely to be annoying, mostly the Bunnies...we should delete them as soon as we can! Battle Chip, Rageclaw! Slot In!" Alerted by the situation, Kai immediately uploaded a Rageclaw. In the meantime, Slade had made his move by tossing the energybomb he was holding, towards the elec virii. At first, he wanted to blast the bomb towards the army of the fire hounds but changed his mind upon hearing Kai's words.

"Ora!" Slade felt the presence of rageclaw, phased towards him and quickly uploaded the data to his left hand. A white glow of light emitted, materializing five claws, each at the tip of Slade's finger. Slade then made his swift move towards the bunnies group, shifting his way to the right side of the virii.

"Death is not so bad..." Smirking, Slade swung his claw around in his attempt of deleting the bunny. He withdrew from the current battle as seeing Arbalest condition is not so good after all. I can't let him alone, I must protect him!

The Navi then arrived at Arbalest's current position and made his decision to shield Arbalest against attacks until he recovers.

1. Energybomb to BunnyA [40x3 = 120 Dmg]
2. Rageclaw to BunnyB [50 Dmg]
3. Shielding Arbalest
18 years ago
((meh, I got a fever...can't RP really well))

" Arbalest, can you move?? " Arch asks, he a bit worried....

" yeah, but i'll feel the pain each time I move.... " answered Arbalest, he tries to move his right hand....

" shotgun! double slot-in! " Arch inserts two shotgun battlechips....

can or not, Arbalest need to fight....he cannot let his partner Slade fighting alone, he made a promise to help Slade....he must do it....using his left hand, he hold the crossbow-buster....slowly he aim a bunny viruses, with the strength that he left, he try to aim properly....then he use the shotgun against the bunny virus....the spikeys make a loud roar, manage to get Arbalest's attention....Arbalest looks really frail when he aim but he's determined to kill the spikey, with the shotgun loaded into his buster, he fires it to a spikey....then he tries to move his left hand so he can grab the arrows at his back, it hurts him really well but he tell himself to ignore the pain....once he feel that his finger touches the arrow, quickly he grab the arrow and equips his crossbow-buster with the arrow that he have....he aim and shoots the arrow towards the spikey....he do it very quick as he don't want to waste his time....this fight must be settle in a few more minutes....

[ Turn 1 - shotgun(50+10) >>> bunnyC ]
[ Turn 2 - shotgun(50+10) >>> spikeyC ]
[ Turn 3 - DA(30) >>> spikeyC, spikeyB ]
18 years ago
The Bunny jumps away from the bomb, but the claw rips through its neighbor. Both Shotguns hit, but the arrows only strike one spikey, killing it. The dog who dodged engulfs both navis in flames.

SpikeyA: 90
SpikeyB: 90
BunnyA: 50

Arbalest: 80
Slade: 110
18 years ago
"Slade!" Kai exclaimed. He never thought his Navi would sacrifice himself to protect someone. Although the effort remain in vain as the flame covered both Slade and Arbalest, Kai felt that his Navi's action was the best decision at that time.

"Gaahhh!" A sudden scream was let out by Slade, enduring the burn on his chest as he felt on his two knees. The thought of him failing to protect his partner hurted him even badly. But he won't give up. He'll still protect Arbalest at any cost even if he would be deleted. Blue sphere emerged from the Navi's right arm. The sphere fainted as a blazing shotgun was formed. "...heh..."

"Alright Slade, here's the plan" After noticing the heatshot had fully materialized, Kai began his strategy discussion with Slade. "...line the virii up and blast them with the heatshot."

".....that's a plan?.....tch..just upload more chips for me. I'll do the battling." Struggling to maintain his battle stance, Slade got up, saving his energy for a moment and darted to a spikey. His left hand which had fused with the rageclaw started glowing as Slade clenched his claw and delivered a mighty punch, attempting to throw the spikey towards the lone bunny.

It didn't take Slade a mere second before he aimed his heatshot and dropped on his knee to prevent the heatshot's recoil. He aimed directly towards the same spikey, timing his shot carefully and unleashed the destructive power of a heatshot. "How do you like fire now...heheh?"

1. Rageclaw to SpikeyA [20 Dmg, throw to BunnyA for 20 Dmg]
2. Wait for the thrown Spikey to hit aligned with the bunny
3. Heatshot to SpikeyA [30 Dmg, Splash to BunnyA]
18 years ago
As Arbalest watches Slade begin his attack, he's suffering from the blazing fireball....eventhough Slade tries to defend him, the attack burns them it's more difficult for Arbalest to move....things are just starting to get wrost for Arbalest when he misses to hit a spikey using his arrow skill....he's stunned, cannot believe that could happened....slowly he begin to lost his confidence, he has no faith on himself that he can win the war against the spikeys and bunnies....after seeing Slade's pushing to the limit, attacking and defending at the same time....he thinks that he's nothing but a troublemaker....he's supposed to kill the incoming viruses from the 'hole' and protect looks like Arbalest has lost his strength, but then....

" hey, snap it's not like you to act like this....aren't you the someone that do things without no boundaries....when the task is full of hazards, you're willing to take the come you want to achive that when you cannot even handle a small matter like this....why do you bother so much about your injuries, look at Slade....he's actually suffering a lot more than you do but did he just laying around and pray for a miracle....he's trying his very best to accomplish his job no matter what will're dissapointing me to the end Arbalest, I guess that i've waste so much time on you....I should've stayed with the tribe.... " Arch tries to encourage his navi....

Arbalest heard what Arch said to him, then he wake up and realizes....

" hey, you're right Arch....this is not myself, I supposed to help Slade because that's what I need to do but look at me right now....became a weakling and let Slade fight by himself, he's also hurt but he keep on fighting....surprisingly, he sacrificed himself to defend me....and I want to fight like him as well, this injuries is actually nothing but to distract me.... " respond Arbalest to the encouraging words from Arch....

and with that, Arbalest finally come to his senses back....

" so, it did work....ok then, i'm going to give you this special battlechip....i got this very recently, it's called markcannon....I don't know if it's worth it or not, so give it a try....and take this vulcan chip also.... " Arch glad that Arbalest have the will to fight, he slot-in the markcannon and vulcan chips....

Arbalest receives the data, he aim his buster towards a spikey....then he noticed that there's a cursor marking the spikey that he's about to attack it.... "is this the battlechip special ability???" Arbalest test it out, Arbalest closes his eye....too bad that he don't have a blindfolder....without no hesitation he fires the markcannon that he don't know where he aimed it to....then he loaded his buster with vulcan gun....he dash towards another spikey seeing the spikey attempt to run away from him.... "just a little bit more...." slowly said by Arbalest as he's still chasing the spikey....he fires the vulcan gun as soon as he managed to catch up with the spikey....he saved one shot for another spikey, "this one will never miss"....

" hmm, i'm not sure if you really.... " Arch slot-in a rageclaw chip, he want to test Arbalest....

Arbalest felt his left-hand is morphing....he looks at his hand, he realized that his finger is growing....and it's growing fast, transforming into a claw....he want to scream but he not, he knows there's nothing that he need to be afraid's just a claw....sadly, he don't know how to use the rageclaw properly so he throw it towards the spikey that he blow it using vulcan gun....

" don't know why but i'm more to kill the spikey, I knew that there's a bunny here somewhere.... " Arbalest talks to himself....

[ Turn 1 - markcannon(70+10) >>> spikeyB ]
[ Turn 2 - vulcan1(10+10) >>> spikeyB, vulcan1(10+10x2) >>> spikeyA ]
[ Turn 3 - throw ragelaw(20) >>> spikeyA ]
18 years ago
The Spikey is thrown before being blasted along with the bunny it landed on. Arbalest then locks onto the Spikey and shoots it down before moving on to the one Slade left over. He kills it.


Arbalest: 80
Slade: 110

Rewards: Slade: Zapring, 100z
Arbalest: 250z
18 years ago
"Alright! Way to go!" Kai sudden exclaim shocked the NetNavi, not knowing the reasion behind Kai's excitement. "You know Slade, Arch..after the last battle the door lock seemed to be unlocked for some reason. But the threats haven't decreased yet. The PET scanned that there's some more unknown data inside the home system, so I might still need your help Arch, Arbalest."

Panting, Slade laid down on his back after seeing the last virii defeats. A sparkling shard dropped on his hand as the viruses data slowly float around, fading gradually. The data revealed to be a weapon from a bunny, the zapring, with some zenny. "Kai, here..." As Slade transferred the weapon and money, Kai had already readied to write the zaprings code into a blank chip. While the process took place, Slade looked towards his partner who had badly injured, too.

"Say, Arbalest....I think you should heal yourself back at the PET took quite some damage back there...." Slade started, watching the bruises all over Arbalest's body. "Kai had already succeed in opening the door, so time is not an issue right now. Right now, what matters is our vitality to survive until we can defeat the main threat to the home's system."

"Slade's I said before, we don't know what are we going against, so it might be better to prepare." Kai agreed with his NetNavi's opinion to be safe than sorry. "Don't worry, we'll need your help some more, so we'll wait until you've recovered inside your PET."
18 years ago
" ermm, let me have a chat with Arch.... " said Arbalest to Slade, then he asks Arch what should they do....

" I think you might need a rest, I know that you're back to your normal self but....those injuries are not going too recover, so back to the PET.... " answered Arch...

" okay, we will see you in a few more minutes.... " Arbalest agreed with his operator....

" I might went to the chip you guys need anything??? because you guys looked kinda busy....if you wanted to, phone call me okay.... " Arch offers some help to Kai and Slade....with the amount of zenny they have, Arch seems want to purchase another battlechip....then he jack out Arbalest.exe....

Arbalest.exe >>> Arch's PET
18 years ago
" the way, you're also being hurt a lot, jack out?" The brown-haired NetOp watched his Navi from the PET screen, while sipping on a glass of orange juice. Seeing that his Navi had took quite a great deal of damage, he suggested that they should log out, too. But his NetNavi disagreed.

"If we're to jack out....we would have to start over from beyond the firewall. So, I guess I'll stay."

Waiting for De-1337-ed, he's waiting for Soryu at the chip store, so please don't make virus attack XP
18 years ago
after minutes searching for the portal, Arbalest finally managed to locate it....he went inside and he found himself at the same place like the last time he came....

" okay, i'm here....where are you Slade??? " said Arbalest with a loud voice....

" patient, you will meet him.... "

as he awaits for Slade, Arbalest take a sit on the floor....
18 years ago
"...I thought I heard someone...."

Kai had already fallen asleep, after the shopping and walking around town, he probably deserved a good rest. Slade who had laid down got up quickly, hearing that a voice had been echoed in the house's system. ...Maybe Arbalest... Slade walked to the source of the sound, eagerly dashed through the Net.

The Net Area seems a lot calmer, though he knew that the threat had not yet been deleted, looking at the viruses which were still roaming. A lot of thought echoed in the Navi's mind as he made his way to the source of voice. He had been thinking about whom would do such a thing to the house's system, and what really happened when he and Arbalet defeated the last group of virii. But the thought disappeared at looking the familiar Navi near the Portal.

18 years ago
Arbalest heard some voice at the back, he turned around and saw a blue's Slade!!

" i'm here!! " said Arbalest while waving his hands, he get up and walk towards Slade.... " let me say it first, i'm wound is almost recovered...I felt really relieved... "
18 years ago
"That's good. Now we can move on..." Slade clenched his fist, after a little smile to Arbalest. The Navi was starting to walked away as he suddenly recalled about the portal. Slade then walked to the rear of Arbalest, the portal, which Arbalest had just came from. "...So, I'll destroy this portal. Kai, energybomb."

The Navi stood there, waiting for Kai's response but the NetOp had yet to be awake. Slade sighed as he turned on the PET volume, and screamed, "Kai!", which echoed in the house. The NetOp eyes popped open as he nervously grabbed his PEt, dropped it several times before picking it back. "What?! What?!" was the first words came from his mouth.

"Gimme energybombs!" Slade demanded, not bothering to talk. He'd knew that Kai would madly shouting at him later.

"...dammit, and I'm just having a good dream....battlechips, energybomb. Double Slot In." He transferred a two chips from his chip cases, titled Energybomb, sending their data throught the PET into the NetWorld. As two grey bombs appeared in front of him, Slade quickly tossed both of them towards the portal, breaking it apart.

"I hope you won't mind....this way we'll only need to deal with the virus left." Slade turned away from the explosion, walking towards Arbalest before he pointed to a random path, suggesting that they should start busting there.

Battle....1, isn't it?
18 years ago

Or something.

MetoolA: 40 HP
MetoolB: 40 HP
MetoolC: 40 HP
SeedbatA: 50 HP
SeedbatB: 50 HP
SpikeyA: 90 HP
SpikeyB: 90 HP
SpookyA: 50 HP
SpookyB: 50 HP

Arbalest.EXE: 140 HP
Slade.EXE: 150 HP